「Duplicated」の共起表現(1語右で並び替え) - Weblio英語共起表現検索





Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > Duplicatedの意味・解説 > Duplicatedに関連した共起表現


該当件数 : 116

engths & composers, when these songs are not duplicated above.
of models increases, and requires code to be duplicated across models.
nism) practised in the east, for example, is duplicated among the Finns, the Sami, and even the Amer
Since rectangles are duplicated, an R+ tree can be larger than an R tree bui
orts' Madden 2005, Alvis Whitted's photo was duplicated and used as the photo for LaTarence Dunbar.
Bow Locks through to Ponder's End Lock were duplicated and mechanised - the only exception being Pi
curs the genetic material of Micrasterias is duplicated and two small semi-cells grow between the or
map was re-engraved in Philadelphia in 1775, duplicated and published in London in 1776, and widely
e chromosomes within the somatic nucleus are duplicated, and the nucleus goes through binary divisio
rimary instrument must be able to be exactly duplicated anywhere, anytime with identical results.
ber 1957, the single track north of Tawa was duplicated as far as Porirua.
ks, many of its newer offerings were usually duplicated at one or both of its competitors, from the
o paragraphs, otherwise too much material is duplicated between the two articles.
d how all his parlour tricks could be easily duplicated by jobbing magicians without any help from p
This feat would later be duplicated by One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest in 1976 a
The game was also duplicated by Exidy in 1980 and released as Bandido, bu
Segregated and largely duplicated by gender, facilities include hot, lukewarm
uctive surgeries on both knees (a feat since duplicated by Kenyon Martin and Amar'e Stoudemire).
ment in his precise, powerful hand was later duplicated by Data in the second season Star Trek: The
low fuel levels, both of these features are duplicated by on-screen visual cues and are easily pred
synthesizer provides a spoken countdown not duplicated by any on-screen display, such that without
of the cards' functions and effects could be duplicated by a technically knowledgeable photographer
The station's programming is duplicated by FM translator W244CL, operating at 96.7 m
the two identical copies of DNA making up a duplicated chromosome, which are joined at their centro
Offers reports on duplicated code, coding standards, unit tests, code cov
Duplicated code: identical or very similar code exists
A highly similar duplicated copy of this gene is found in close proximit
d data can be saved as an image-file or as a duplicated copy of the data.
sc 3 comes care of the often imitated, never duplicated Dirty South bringing the most sought after E
biology in which the transposable element is duplicated during the reaction, so that the transposing
The lower the cardinality, the more duplicated elements in a column.
tained their names, as long as they were not duplicated elsewhere.
The results of the 1976 election would be duplicated, exactly, by the 1980 election, and were onl
The results of the 1976 election would be duplicated, exactly, by the 1980 election, and were onl
The results of the 1965 election would be duplicated, exactly, by the 1969 and 1972 elections.
gion has produced further 4,660 unidentified duplicated exons referred to as unannotated exons.
That feat would not be duplicated for 82 years, when on August 23, 2009, Eric
cation is a random process and tends to make duplicated genes scattered throughout the genome.
genes that arise from the genomic remains of duplicated genes or residues of inactivated genes are n
Duplicated genes are located in large duplicated blocks
environmentally induced abnormality has been duplicated genetically.
team event at the Beijing Paralympics - she duplicated her Athens Paralympics result.
al to embark her gold crew, and 30 July 1960 duplicated her earlier successes by launching two more
d material to Bradford Alhambra, it was just duplicated here.
He duplicated his points finish in 1993 as well as picking
For example, a lot of functions are duplicated in menus and buttons, resulting in a clutter
The lock was fully mechanised and duplicated in 1959, and was the first major work in a £
ontaining the SNORD115 gene cluster has been duplicated in many individuals with autistic traits.
This landmark legislation has been duplicated in many major US cities including Los Angele
e ride was extremely successful and has been duplicated in many variations at most major amusement p
These were duplicated in some other countries, the main examples b
e main lobby of the Post so that it could be duplicated in fiberglass for the set.
this hypothesis, a single X-opsin allele was duplicated in catarrhines and M and L opsins diverged l
Its square columns, duplicated in the porch of the Abraham Brower House on
all interstate routes except 210 and 220 are duplicated in the rolls of state highway numbers.
ycle (Figure 1), all of the DNA in a cell is duplicated in order to provide one copy to each of the
r Theodoric's work contains much that is not duplicated in the book of Longoburgo, or which directly
These Rosary rallies, the crusades were duplicated in different dioceses with attendees growing
to the team title., a feat she and her team duplicated in 2003 and in 2004, except after the gradua
er kind of exon shuffling is when an exon is duplicated in the same gene.
The building design was the one duplicated in several villages of middle-war Poland.
It is a policy that is being duplicated in a growing number of nations; among them I
Merge - duplicated information; John Cura is exclusively known
The tail will not be duplicated, instead becoming shared between both the ol
y the second in program history. in 2008, he duplicated it, by earning his second winning season, in
tained many other features that modern games duplicated later: guilds had a dynamic voting system fo
He published 45 books and duplicated lecture notes for different fields of theolo
ne's frequency was also reduced, as the line duplicated light rail service.
proper names from multiple Heyer novels and duplicated much of her phrasing.
ters in Langley, Virginia) has text which is duplicated on Antipodes.
laboratory animals, an effect that has been duplicated on chickens and monkeys.
e double-stranded sequence of a DNA helix is duplicated on each strand, which is vital in DNA replic
ify this apparent error (which appears to be duplicated on other sites) as I don't want to 'correct'
Intake and exhaust manifolds were duplicated on both sides of the block.
(This button is duplicated on either side of the trackball for left or
Ever since, the misspelling has been duplicated on many other maps and geographical database
All syndicated programming that is duplicated on WJHG and WMBB is still shown on WTVY on P
Prior content in this article duplicated one or more previously published sources.
One or more portions of this article duplicated other source(s).
th a matching hat, walking downstairs (being duplicated over and over again).
ern LUER portion of the PC&NELR route, which duplicated part of the route of the UERL's Brompton and
In August 1939, the regiment was duplicated, producing the 1st Derbyshire Yeomanry and 2
demic coordination among campuses and reduce duplicated programs was less successful, and provoked r
closely linked to six pseudogenes in a known duplicated region on chromosome 16p.
identical regions, some think that they are duplicated regions.
tructure of one tribunal, the elimination of duplicated registry services, and an improved capacity
Duplicated ringing generators serve each LM or pair of
At the same time, Route M-15, which duplicated service on Route M-9 and several other route
ced at a fairly low-cost, produced the early duplicated stapled-together "foolscap bundle" with a pi
iour of a non-minimal Imp in which chains of duplicated states are expected to be no longer than k-1
9, it became the first natural pigment to be duplicated synthetically.
The route duplicated that of other railways in the area and the s
The assumptions are that the subgraph is duplicated that many times, the variables in the subgra
Although Dinning never duplicated the success of "Teen Angel", he had three mi
released in the spring of 1999 and virtually duplicated the success of her previous album.
Until Terry Francona duplicated the feat in 2007, he was the only manager to
as didn't check to see if the picture chosen duplicated the one already in the article.
0-meter dash in the 1982 New Delhi Asiad and duplicated the feat in the 1986 Seoul Asiad where she w
In 1930 an eight-bay western addition which duplicated the look of the original 10-story building w
man range of motion and sensitivity has been duplicated, the robot's hand has fourteen degrees of fr
he Scherzo No. 1, Vladimir Horowitz famously duplicated the chromatic scale near the ending into int
ort Yuma was cut from the service because it duplicated the service of the Butterfield Butterfield O
I've duplicated the sourced content merged the articles.
Within several days, the Decepticons had duplicated the process with five of their own troops.
Its three stages duplicated the flight configuration, ordnance, and umbi
er UE won the title the succeeding year, FEU duplicated the record of MCU the following season.
1980, a "first" for any overseas player and duplicated this feat again in 1992.
ctions of an animal's genome which have been duplicated, though this is not normally the case.
Even doors and staircases had to be duplicated to appear as though the "children" were chil
two lane section at its eastern end will be duplicated to form a dual carriageway and interchanges
onwealth government was attempting to remove duplicated town names so the town was renamed and regaz
ailway companies of Canada", which itself is duplicated under "Transportation in Canada" and "Transp
ed and could make a quote that none of those duplicated voices match the golden voice of this gifted
And because the pieces he duplicated were generally English sterling pieces, the
nce suggests that the official site may have duplicated Wikipedia in creating an English language ve
The plant was soon duplicated with six boilers feeding four 1,500 kW sets.

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