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al sex negativity of the American society and defined a new concept called internalized heterophobi
collected and described many new species and defined a number of new genera, much of his work was
ational Lampoon poster, Are You a Nerd? which defined a whole generation of adolescent social outca
dialects, the language standard of BASCODE 2 defined a library of subroutines that emulated the sa
Programming Officer, David Mott stated "We've defined a few iconic Australian companies.
The Treaty of York defined a border between Scotland and England which i
s ranked at #15 in "The Top 30 Characters who Defined a Decade" list, who called him the best chara
Link, Link's employ at Byoir's firm "clearly defined a point of view and developed working methods
Once the variables have been identified and defined, a procedure should then be implemented and g
quite strong in Sweden during the war and had defined a major part of the 1960s/70s generation, and
They defined a process of created a very durable photograp
as changed immensely over the decades, it has defined a new mission along with a four-year strategi
e (became part of the IVI Foundation in 2002) defined a common structure for so called 'VXIplay&pla
lier by Augustine of Hippo and was eventually defined a dogma by the Council of Trent.
published Location and land use, in which he defined a modelled approach on the formation of land
Adams has investigated and defined a variety of geometric invariants of hyperbol
, indicating that he was following Aristotle, defined a perfect thing as one that "possesses that o
Defined a bright prospect by AC Milan coach Carlo Anc
In 1994 Bennett defined a clade Pteranodontidae, also including speci
They defined a new clade for the group containing both Fut
Others have defined a 'psychic vampire' in the more traditional s
Level 2 - Definition At this level testing is defined a process, so there might be test strategies,
W.V. Quine defined a prime implicant of F to be an implicant tha
Exploration in the 1970s defined a number of roll-front uranium deposits in th
or, finding consistent numerical threads that defined a money system that fairly paid workers, less
In the model, Carroll defined a hypothetical framework used to predict achi
Kerwin defined a breach of the peace as violence or somethin
of the Federal Alcohol Administration in 1935 defined a modest role for the federal government with
The court first defined a general approach to the equality guarantee.
Birdlife International has defined a number of Endemic Bird Areas and Secondary
In 2003 David Unwin defined a clade Dimorphodontidae, as the node clade c
amphlet, An Entirely Different College, Hibbs defined a professional institute as a college or univ
In 2004, Cairo and Bishop defined a classification system for tumor lysis syndr
to Text Transformation Language: the OMG has defined a standard for expressing M2T transformations
Jacobs defined a war wimp as "someone who is all too willing
orgian and South Ossetian forces, but it also defined a zone of conflict around the South Ossetian
run under a set of national regulations which defined a level of modification, was dominated by the
The treaty also defined a mutual defence agreement, allowing Japanese
The Book of Common Prayer defined a middle ground for Christian faith within En
Mannheim defined a generation (note that some have suggested t
The OMG has defined a specific standard for model transformation
the VXIplug&play standard, the IVI Foundation defined a new generation of instrument drivers, these
he fluvial cycle of erosion published in 1909 defined a young, mature, and old sequence in the deve
s of each group will advance to the Finals to defined a champion.
The Second One Thousand Years: Ten People Who Defined a Millennium (editor, 2001)
He defined a lightness index W* by simplifying expressio
The treaty defined Abkhazia's status as a “contractual republic”
Defined abortion as the destruction of unborn life af
in a safety factor a finishing temperature is defined above the recrystallization temperature; this
o apex narrowing to points at extremities and defined above and below by white streaks.
In order to fulfill its role as defined above, the IHR maintains different academic i
ht-handed helices are equivalent to the helix defined above.
The map shows the district as defined above.
guage) is a future with blocking semantics as defined above.
orthern Ireland to also secure essentials, as defined above.
name interchangeably with the Gustav Line as defined above.
derlying Grothendieck program of research, he defined absolute Hodge cycles, as a surrogate for the
poses that a mathematical object (i.e. a well defined abstract entity capable of possessing propert
Official definitions of cities are defined according to the concept of city proper.
amorpha is a proposed lineage of artiodactyls defined, according to Spaulding et al., as "Cetancodo
. Roosevelt, the proposal was for Germany (as defined according to its border immediately prior to
We defined achievable targets and timetables," he said.
ension Action Plan in which there are clearly defined actions and responsibilities and a section of
al text of the The Local Government Act 1988 ( Defined Activities) (Exemption) (Harlow District Coun
al text of the The Local Government Act 1988 ( Defined Activities) (Housing Management and Security
ich all goods could be classified, subject to defined ad valorem rates.
This paper defined additional calls for random unformatted files
Since then, it has had no officially defined administrative function.
than menstrual mood disorder (which, strictly defined, affects about 5% of women).
on Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area was defined after the 1980 United States Census, and incl
ndard Metropolitan Statistical Area was first defined after the 1970 United States Census, and at t
science led him to name the constellations he defined after scientific instruments.
The tag is defined after the equal sign, e.g.
in the entire continent where nationalism is defined against some country other than the United St
Sheppard and Young (2006) defined agility as "a rapid whole body movement with
ued to be signed as SR 42, not only along its defined alignment from SR 1 to I-605, but past I-605
Draco, when establishing his laws in 621 BCE, defined all the fines in terms of how many cattle mus
e call to defsystem, a lisp form in which are defined all of the components and dependencies of the
The Government of Canada has defined all waters in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago
In addition, he has defined almost alternating and toroidally alternating
ently, over 60,000 protein families have been defined, although ambiguity in the definition of prot
The boundaries of the suburb are not clearly defined, although the hub of Midanbury is the row of
The Landscape That Defined America: The Hudson River School: An exhibit
ments: a reactive group capable of labeling a defined amino acid side chain (e.g., iodoacetamide to
LeRoy later defined an expression for the radius that approximate
It is named after George Boole, who first defined an algebraic system of logic in the mid 19th
U.S. forces had defined an operational boundary, but that had not bee
Finally, it defined an "Esperantist" as someone who knows and use
The Fibonorial of n (n!F) is defined analogously to the factorial of n (i.e. to n!
Convexity over V is defined analogously.
treatise on conic sections in which they were defined analytically.
The term is, today, imprecisely defined and typically has negative connotations.
Only recently defined and acknowledged, it was approved by the IMA
Eight levels are defined and are played initially under the watch of a
The south-facing entrance is still well defined and a track would have led southwards towards
The term was first defined and used by Frank Fitch Grout during the earl
Boyd and Richerson (1985) defined and analytically modeled a number of possible
es into which organisms are inserted, but are defined and created by organisms.
ow-level circulation, gradually became better defined and was classified as a tropical depression t
At this point the channel becomes better defined and also deep enough for kayaking in the wint
he sport, playing positions were less rigidly defined and it wasn't unknown, but was still unusual,
"fuzzy": the boundary lines are not very well defined, and they might change over time.
which conditions and difficulties come to be defined and treated as medical conditions and problem
depression status, Tomas maintained a poorly defined and elongated circulation, with little convec
a definite magnitude of a physical quantity, defined and adopted by convention and/or by law, that
or Newlands valley area it presents a clearly defined and pyramidal shape which catches the eye.
The Courthouse Square was defined and about 77 lots, each 50 by 112 feet (34 m)
northwest, and the edge is still fairly well defined and it has a terraced structure on the interi
Transformer reproduction had not been clearly defined, and no mention was made to who Quickswitch's
sary as it ensures that data gathered is both defined and accurate and that subsequent decisions ba
that the terms FC and PWP were never clearly defined, and lack physical basis, and that soil water
al characteristic have a linear approximation defined, and we expect that for each chosen plaintext
It defined and restricted the extent of retribution in t
dot product between two 7-vectors is readily defined, and can be used to calculate the metric.
He defined and elaborated the psychological assumptions
Fetal Toluene Syndrome has been defined and resembles Fetal Alcohol Syndrome with res
alves of the wings, the markings more clearly defined and broader; on the hind wing the white lines
an Iron Age fort with mounds and ditches well defined and maintained by English Heritage.
, Fort William, and Kenora-Rainy River herein defined, and including the city of Port Arthur, toget
articulated very precisely, edges are sharply defined, and colours are differentiated with great su
The empirical method is not sharply defined and is often contrasted with the precision of
edictable military lines where all roles were defined and career progression could be mapped out.
and May's relationship being quite obviously defined, and with new daughter June.
The concept of star height was first defined and studied by Eggan (1963).
r in shape and character but far more clearly defined and prominent, the slender white edgings to t
deployed to assist with projects identified, defined and prioritized by the community.
mass" was already in use (as it is currently defined) and that the term "relative atomic mass" was
its production is regulated; (iv) It has well defined and specific functions at physiologically rel
ust, but rather how it has been acknowledged, defined, and spread as an event which requires public
and Hove, England and is one of its most well defined and self contained.
Karsen defined and integrated an academic structure in an el
Preset areas are already well defined and include Tokyo, Pismo Beach, Whistler, and
that for Web harvesting, crawl depth will be defined and the crawls need not recursively follow UR
tages with a change in the way that family is defined and the rules by which it is governed.
ctions based upon puns between the word being defined and the word defining it, which is often foll
Oregon's "Persistently Dangerous Schools" (as defined and mandated by the No Child Left Behind Act)
terms of the Act, legal trust practices were defined and illegal practices were outlawed.
Gimbutas defined and introduced the term "Kurgan culture" in 1
are amongst the most representative and well defined and the contribution to museology is well und
Regular maps are typically defined and studied in three ways: topologically, gro
ecies' four ventral eyespots are less clearly defined, and it always sports at least three (often f
he Buckingham is a unit of quadrupole moment, defined and first used by A. David Buckingham.
Latin word for sodium - has been very vaguely defined, and it has been applied to a variety of othe
les -from baroque to pop- with harmonics of a defined and colorful oriental taste.
(ii) Immigration policy should be clearly defined, and its administration reviewed "with the ob
nsformation-oriented virtual machine has been defined and implemented to provide execution support
if the basic components of the mind could be defined and categorized that the structure of mental
ame originates from the researchers who first defined and noticed the syndrome and its clinical sig
gislates how wine regions of South Africa are defined and can appear on wine labels.
at our true and lasting interests here can be defined and our policies redirected.
Similarly, Moseley has a well defined and established community spirit and ethos, e
On January 19, 2007 the mission was formally defined and approved by the African Union at the 69th
The site is defined and protected by a wooden fence.
The visual programming framework was defined, and development of widgets (graphical compon
l or standard cellular automata are typically defined and studied over regular graphs or grids, and
varying customs in precisely how hobbits were defined and measured.
he spots vary in shape and size, but are well defined, and are consistent throughout the colony.
The content of software measurement is defined and governed by ISO Standard ISO 15939 (softw
ibution with three main varieties having been defined and named for the geographical area they were
-level circulation centre became increasingly defined and convective banding features were apparent
imensions analogous to the usual three can be defined, and in fact a cross product can only be defi
the terminal margins broadly brown, inwardly defined and crossed subterminally by highly sinuous d
Each subset is precisely defined and self-contained, and can be learned or imp
Relative poverty views poverty as socially defined and dependent on social context, hence relati
be shown that a common pressure field can be defined, and that each phase is subject to the gradie
But the boundaries of the lands were not well defined and there was soon a dispute as to the territ
t what he envisioned or how it was originally defined and that it was ridiculous that $150,000 was
An appellation is a legally defined and protected geographical indication used to
Gillman & Henriksen defined and characterized the classes of P-spaces and
Many of the genera are poorly defined and difficult to identify.They are small slen
This shape is defined and named by analogy to the Reuleaux triangle
Early urban centers were bioregionally defined, and had relatively light "footprints," recyc
The Honor System is defined and administered solely by students, and ther
This point was first defined and investigated by Schiffler et al. (1985).
ther words, a refinement of a program is more defined and more deterministic than the original prog
gh it is sometimes advantageous to use a more defined and consistent crosslinker such as DTBP.
Within a second, the plume became well defined and intense.
he became both the actual and the beyond, the defined and the undefined, both the founded and the u
Andrew Casson and Gordon defined and proved basic theorems regarding strongly
ies of all members of the staff were strictly defined and, in particular, sensible rules were laid
lossmeters usage procedures, as well as their defined angles of measurement, are internationally st
he spots that compose the latter more clearly defined, annular and generally centred with carmine;
SDA - Software Defined Antenna, following and exploiting the concept
shwater leeches, flattened, and with a poorly defined anterior sucker.
ue postdiscal slaty-black lunular line better defined anteriorly than in C. marmax.
ith of Canadian Security Intelligence Service defined anti-abortion violence as "single issue terro
molecular basis of 22 of the 24 serologically defined antigens has been resolved.
tion of the city: "urban layout should not be defined anymore by streets, but actually by built-up
f hardware, the Linux operating system, and a defined API layer.
nd specific metallurgical properties for user defined applications (such as microstructure, interna
al buildings are those most likely to feature defined architectural styles, rather than vernacular
The types defined are transaction, list, and all.
d on rRNA show the Hartmannellidae as usually defined are paraphyletic to the Amoebidae, which may
rict (sector 006), and part of the informally defined area often referred to as The Malverns.
Identifies a more narrowly defined area for which one or more agencies have set
quite feasible to determine the sequence of a defined area of a particular chromosome.
s continuous service in the Middle East (in a defined area of operations, including Cyprus) between
lefield Palette obverse contains the circular defined area for the mixing of a 'cosmetic'; the arch
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