「Camps」の共起表現(1語右で並び替え) - Weblio英語共起表現検索






該当件数 : 1501

nsists of the remains of three Roman temporary camps, a linear earthwork and an area of rig.
imprisoned, but would not be sent to the death camps, a belief the Vittel episode destroyed.
n order to provide deliveries of goods for the camps a small siding was built at the southern end o
in charge of the Confederate Bureau of Prison Camps, a post which he held until his death on Febru
ansporting the remaining Jews to extermination camps a full uprising broke out, even though the ins
detainees held in the Guantanamo Bay detention camps, a boycott against the judicial hearings was d
There were seasonal fish camps above and below Miles Canyon and the Whitehors
oductions, swimming, athletics, cross-country, camps, academic competitions, eisteddfods, dance, pu
merican citizens following their internment in camps across the United States during World War II.
s on his experience and knowledge in bluegrass camps across U.S.
siting reserves to speak and run hockey skills camps across Canada.
They were also used in many camps across America as places to buy snacks, items
a supply base for Civilian Conservation Corps camps across the United States.
2009, the judge dismissed the case ruling that Camps' actions did not constitute a crime.
A-B Action and were not sent to concentration camps actively started to give lectures to small gro
ns, worked as nurses, ran kitchens in the Army camps, administered hospital ships, soldiers' homes,
a nearby women's camp 500 persons, the "forest camps" (Waldlager) about 2,250 male and female inmat
vil War, and then sent to German concentration camps after the fall of France in 1940.
e of Gettysburg and for Gettysburg Battlefield camps after the American Civil War, including the WW
s were damaged because of their use as refugee camps after the tsunami.
counterattacked, regaining their artillery and camps after a desperate fight.
ly 49 of these 230 women would return from the camps after the war.
iences as a prisoner of war in Japanese prison camps after the American surrender in the Philippine
aken away and relocated, some to concentration camps, after 1933.
wight D. Eisenhower and Gettysburg Battlefield camps after the American Civil War
Emirate of Afghanistan at four Afghan training camps, Al Farouq training camp, Muawai camp run by t
peacemakers and planners must be supported by camps all over the globe, where youth, recruited fro
rchealogical diggings were ever found of Dutch camps along the "Old Mine" road, that would have bui
Four camps along with day-use and picnic facilities were
the forefront of day-to-day operations of the camps along with several other former NHL players.
x children born from 1799 to 1803 were born in camps along the east of Lake Michigan.
ero in many parts of Great Britain) used these camps, along with a policy of scorched earth to dest
p of Indigenous Australians lived in temporary camps along the coast during summer, and for the res
exploration concept of setting up a series of camps along the path to the summit, Hillary and his
ements on their houses, estates, and hide-away camps along the rivers near Baton Rouge.
ummerfield to haul in the logs from the lumber camps along the way.
In addition to group adventuring, the Wayfarer camps also offered raid content, in which multiple g
The work camps also provided a source of labour for the const
invasion of Poland were also confined in these camps, although many of them were also sent as force
Florida where he trained with two of MMA's top camps American Top Team and Xtreme Couture.
1945 prisoner of several German concentration camps, among others of Auschwitz.
When, in 1950, I found myself in Soviet labour camps, amongst German prisoners of war, Polish under
he Former Auschwitz and Birkenau Concentration Camps: An Introduction in John C. Zimmerman, Holocau
he ESMA case, one of the largest concentration camps and torture centers used by the military.
Spies were sent to infiltrate Tipu's camps, and he began to receive more reliable reports
Crosby regularly performed at holiday camps and social clubs in England until April 2005 w
ing attitude to education in the new immigrant camps and the religious education system.
the rest of the war in various prisoner of war camps, and in 1945 returned to the Netherlands.
ndo produced 5,000 units for military training camps and war plants.
as "tree felling," a symbol of Siberian labor camps and also of the forced labor within the camps)
reet in Melbourne, and at a number of artists' camps and visits around the colony.
and filled the post of treasurer to the king's camps and buildings.
to Seabrook from Japanese American internment camps, and the total number of Japanese Americans re
Being placed into concentration camps and routine interrogation led many of the guer
University, and he has held workshops at music camps and stores across the United States.
approval among households both in the refugee camps and in Addis Ababa.
Several resort camps and marinas are located on the creek, and angl
recovered enough to do home service at various camps and was promoted to Lieutenant.
oughout the year including triathlons, sailing camps, and other local functions.
After couple of training camps and preolympic friendly matches the national t
nder the squadron then dropped supplies to POW camps and repatriated released prisoners.
ntervals along the trail, Coronado established camps and garrisoned soldiers to keep the supply rou
d "Mauthausen II", the camp consisted of three camps and toward the end of the war, was annexed to
ew Governor, Robert Hunter, Palatines lived in camps and worked for British authorities to produce
bring a nostalgic feeling of childhood summer camps and "evoke a comfortable place to visit."
The Pioneers ran a variety of summer camps and other activities, also having a number of
Medical Center in Washington, DC provides the camps and interest has been expressed in expanding t
Many perished in those camps and many more during the flight towards the So
imal rights demonstrations, festivals, protest camps and reclaim the streets events .
enior British Officer in a number of different camps and a noted escapee.
some 6,800 French experts from prisoner-of-war camps, and ease on the restrictions between "occupie
ed behind German lines to find prisoner of war camps and released the prisoners.
the area was supported by several oil company camps and a few businesses.
der the cover of storms he would go into their camps and slay the enemy with his bare hands.
It was gradually followed by more permanent camps and residential centres.
mmunities of pea-pickers are called pea picker camps and farms that employed them were pea-picker f
Eichmann) was asked to name the extermination camps, and he identified Auschwitz and Majdanek as s
lencian vice presidents - Juan Cotino, Gerardo Camps and Vicente Rambla.
Wander survived the camps and after World War II he lived in East German
asses, Lectures, Seminars, Conferences, Gurmat camps and the celebration of Holy Sikh Events.
00,000 Jews who perished in Nazi concentration camps, and denied that any were killed in gas chambe
o Jews were gassed in any German concentration camps and probably not at Auschwitz either.
y was a female guard in two Nazi concentration camps, and at one time was the seventh most wanted w
nistan, where he received training at Al Qaeda camps, and met others involved in planning the Septe
center organizes special tours, environmental camps and fossil digs.
y imprisoned in some of the worst Soviet labor camps and deported to Kazakhstan.
o groups have negotiated about respecting MILF camps and presence to avoid conflicts in these areas
th the transportation of Jews to concentration camps and most notoriously signed a written agreemen
inflicted damage in seven Palestinian refugee camps and villages in southern Lebanon killing at le
performers and entertained the Tibetan refugee camps and staged numerous performances of the folk L
8 in working men's clubs, night clubs, holiday camps, and in cabaret, backing soul artists.
He initiated a review of women's camps, and in October 1937 made a decision to close
is confronted with those who were not sent to camps and had just recently begun to hear of the ter
inter Union soldiers who died in the Civil War camps and hospitals near Indianapolis, which were or
figures from Indiana's history, living history camps, and hands-on historical education.
Guide to Israeli prisons, Jails, concentration camps and torture chambers"; they eventually dropped
F) had completely surrounded the Sabra-Shatila camps, and controlled all entrances and exits by the
the mountains, peaks, hills, gulches, claims, camps, and towns in the gold region," the local news
luded by Bruce Arena in United States training camps and friendly matches prior to the 2006 FIFA Wo
are able to play with young animals and summer camps and field trips are available as well and an a
Cadets can also go on many camps and courses provided by the Royal Navy for lit
mer now runs the N Your Court (NYC) basketball camps and AAU programs, and coaches at Castilleja Sc
ond World War due to its proximity to military camps and airfields, patronage began to decline afte
uthorities, alleviate conditions in the prison camps and arrange the evacuation of the prisoners an
Modern naturist resorts, camps and parks often cater to vacationers and/or da
lin's mass killings in the gulag concentration camps), and that,
nd Yellen's sanitized rendition of life in the camps and above all Yellen's casting of Vanessa Redg
t; Maria Mandel, head of the Auschwitz women's camps; and SS-doctor Johann Kremer.
ates Holocaust Memorial Museum Encyclopedia of Camps and Ghettos, 1933-1945 (Center for Advanced Ho
mping: There are seven campgrounds, four horse camps, and two rental cabins in the recreation area.
n to open a section on the genocide, the death camps and recognition (which countries recognized th
teur and youth levels including running summer camps and clinics for F.C. Seattle.
y and together with Lord Alton visited refugee camps and homes in Albania in September 1999.
The camps and the series was based on Meeker's premise t
d Cambodians who had survived the prison death camps, and had afterwards moved abroad and others wh
The organization also conducts basketball camps and summer camps .
He survived captivity in the camps and returned to Norway where he resumed his ar
rtain number of work-capable ethnic Germans to camps, and then to deport them to the Soviet Union.
n Depression, the writing about life in relief camps and corrupt officials was considered potential
Previously named Great Camps and Camps Green, the village is named after Ca
profiles of Mussolini, reports on Hitler Youth camps, and travel tips, but eugenic and racial propa
me and are often found near human settlements, camps and pilgrimage routes.
n November 1957 and as a result many terrorist camps and food dumps were located and destroyed.
ng them from Nazi deportation to concentration camps and death.
1,294 people who were sent to concentration camps and killed there
en in two small steamers to surprise the Union camps and capture Fort Pickens.
He served 8 years of labor camps and after the release was ordered to stay in S
spring track, as well as many soccer training camps and sports oriented festivals.
rracial" sexual relationships to concentration camps, and general participation in the persecution
ied in the extreme conditions of Soviet labour camps and most were never able to return to Volyn ag
McNally now participates in a number summer camps and football clinics and serves as a volunteer
Dances were originally performed at camps and meetings with a distinctly new age and alt
ervation and Hawk Mountain Camp (two Boy Scout camps) and the Civil Air Patrol's Colonel Phillip Ne
hat remained of their boomtowns and old mining camps and workings is now beneath the waters of the
undley originated the idea of baseball fantasy camps, and since the early 1980s, has operated them
She was devoted to her job in the camps and was known as a very ruthless overseer.
nesses that operate lakeside restaurants, fish camps, and airboat tours in the vicinity of the lake
They offer a variety of imaginative classes, camps, and parties for children primarily under 6 ye
survivors, about 60% from the displaced person camps and others from the Balkans and other East Eur
in 1937, participated in "cultural education" camps, and became an honorary member of the League o
e arrested were deported to Nazi concentration camps and death camps.
anizing after-school programs, school vacation camps, and youth corps such as the Starfish Corps, Y
has conducted seminars, master classes, music camps and clinics in Italy, Spain, Portugal, Japan,
rations to find and destroy enemy forces, base camps, and fortifications.
the Nazis and sent to different concentration camps, and was liberated from Bergen-Belsen.
n his spare time he started working in holiday camps and clubs as a semi-professional entertainer,
Examples are used such as Nazi concentration camps and slavery.
r, he restored morale in those terrible prison camps and jungle hospitals.
roups) and takes part in the Summer and Winter camps and seminars organised by IDAFLIEG.
to Premier Soccer Associates which runs soccer camps and clinics.
r recreational use, and hosts "Learn to Skate" camps and lessons throughout the year.
the forest or on the plains, more than 60 UCC Camps and Retreat Centers serve local congregations,
Munnings was invited by the Corps to tour work camps, and he produced drawings, watercolors and pai
land, July 3, and served guard duty at various camps and hospitals around that city until July 31.
The church operates two youth camps, and six departments - Education, Global Missi
Kabaw Valley in Sagaing Division, for training camps and staging areas for incurrsions into India.
en years of imprisonment, eight years of labor camps and five years of exile..
Camps and adits were started on the slopes as was to
ed coaching in the Bay Area, including running camps and directing training sessions for numerous y
mpetition in conjunction with its cheerleading camps and competition in Memphis, Tennessee.
was used to transport people to concentration camps, and about 2000 video recorded testimonies of
This can include running camps, and missions (e.g.
rs he spent his time touring the concentration camps and being trained for a career in them.
e United States with an essay on concentration camps and their dynamics.
ham are the extensive remains of Early British camps and a bronze sword, now in the British Museum,
es and overpasses, marshalling yards, military camps, and communications centers to support the All
most of its service guarding prinsoner of war camps and supply trains.
e rape and violence for refugees living in the camps and major inefficiencies of the camp managemen
onal hockey business entitled, Ultimate Hockey Camps and resides in Winfield, Illinois.
bounced around the Texans, Seahawks and Saints camps and practice squads.
I he organised series of concerts in military camps and hospitals, a role he combined after the wa
The Sanctuary also offers summer camps and various nature programs for children and a
he Basmachi drew support from many ideological camps and major sectors of the population.
as a Russian woman who spent 12 years in Gulag camps and wrote her memoirs in 12 notebooks, 2,200,0
nal activities as well as for weekend training camps and Physical Education activities.
e Jasenovac cluster of concentration and death camps and of the wider Nazi-controlled genocidal eff
During that period, the Depot supplied camps and National Guard units throughout the Midwes
nd the surrounding area contains numerous fish camps and lodges on the north and east shore of Lake
ley, saved hundreds of Jews from concentration camps, and was the author of the book The Unforgotte
ation, incarceration, execution, concentration camps and forced prostitution.
"labour kommandos," during transports to other camps, and in the ghetto itself.
0 prisoners from Dora-Mittelbau, its satellite camps, and a Neuengamme subcamp arrived in the Garde
7 of the agreement dealt with the Jews in the camps and ghettos of Bessarabia and Bukovina and the
land, where he coaches, holds youth basketball camps and works as a preacher.
btained helped to locate prisoner of war (POW) camps and in assessing damage done to the Japanese c
They must therefore be concentrated in labor camps and used for various work until, once the oper
s, initially from the Dachau and Sachsenhausen camps, and later from Buchenwald.
Holmberg called them 'concentration camps', and highlighted the fact that the government
will of prisoners, the use of language in the camps and the nature of violence are all studied.
e architecture and objects, books with cabins, camps and Native American artifacts were consulted.
The boys and old men I sent back to their camps, and the others, to the number of thirty-five,
om several industrial settlements and workers' camps and was named after the farm of Benefeld in th
ummer resort with several large hotels, summer camps and cottage colonies.
ifically, Littell was honored for building the camps and cantonments of the Army raised in the summ
al immigrants should be placed in forced labor camps and be used as labor in the construction of a
ns of the Nazi concentration and extermination camps, and places of deportation, throughout Europe.
stem of six ACA-accredited Quaker-based summer camps and associated educational programs situated i
He survived the camps and returned to Leiden on June 25, 1945.
as a transportation network to remote logging camps and towns.
er Club used it during its Chaos Communication Camps and is still using it in some editions of the

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