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tend to emerge at dusk, when they can be seen creeping almost cat-like in search of frogs.
It has a curious nuthatch-like behavior of creeping along large tree limbs, and seems particularl
The leaves are set on a creeping and rooting rhizome that is 5 to 17 mm thick.
Crawling, creeping, and finally running, while enemy machine-gun
Eragrostis hypnoides is is a mat-forming, creeping annual, rooting at stolons and sending up sho
ter the mine explosions closely following the creeping artillery barrage, British, Australian and Ne
coming into use; and new tactics, such as the creeping attack pioneered by Capt."Johnnie"
B. repens ( Creeping Banksia)
His unit was advancing under cover of a creeping barrage but was held up by German machine gun
s on German defences, followed by smoke and a creeping barrage at 300 yd (270 m) ahead to cover the
Creeping barrage
his attack the French adopted a new tactic: a creeping barrage, in which artillery fired their shell
2: Under a creeping barrage, German shock troops (Sturmbatallione
nd caused units to lose the protection of the creeping barrage, as well as causing the artillery she
the creeping barrage, a tactic used ineffectively for seve
n's zero hour and support the infantry with a creeping barrage.
Desmodium incanum, known as creeping beggarweed or Spanish clover/tick-trefoil, is
ds of fairway consisting of Bermuda grass and Creeping Bent grass greens.
out bulrush (S. robustus), arrow-grass, marsh creeping bent-grass (Agrostis stolonifera), salt-lovin
hich ensured that neither glyphosate-tolerant creeping bentgrass nor its offspring would persist in
d trial for a genetically modified variety of creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera) revealed tha
Agrostis stolonifera ( Creeping bentgrass, Creeping bent, Fiorin, Spreading b
Creeping blueberries, although they are native to Nort
Vaccinium crassifolium, the Creeping blueberry, is a species of Vaccinium native t
It grows to 0.5 m tall, with a lax, often creeping branches.
The roots of this plant grow from a creeping, branching, underground rhizome.
Its common name is Creeping Bushweed.
Creeping Buttercup (Ranunculus repens)
ers, including green alkanet, herb Robert and creeping buttercup.
Glechoma hederacea L. - ground-ivy or creeping charlie
This is a perennial herb with a creeping corky to woody stem which roots where nodes c
ds of bodily postures like standing, sitting, creeping, crawling etc. yet every year thousands of me
tina riparia, commonly known as Mistflower or Creeping Croftonweed, is a species of flowering plant
pired Metallica's cover of the song for their Creeping Death EP, as the first alternate version was
Creeping Death
red by popular American band Metallica on the Creeping Death EP.
As with all Cacti, Creeping Devil is succulent, and is reported to contai
s the Broadbanded moray, Banded moray, Banded creeping eel, Chinese moray, Double-ended moray, Long-
Creeping elegance is also forced by customers and sale
Creeping elegance, related to creeping featurism and s
It can cause creeping eruption.
Creeping Feather-moss (Amblystegium serpens) is a spec
d with Ryegrass, Smooth-Stalked Meadow Grass, Creeping Fescues and Bents.
It has a slightly creeping, fibrous, rootstock.
The Creeping Flesh (Tigon, 1973)
The Creeping Flesh (1973, 'Girl in Tavern' uncredited)
It is a herbaceous, creeping, flowering plant and is closely related to th
-starring in the Dark Shadows audio drama The Creeping Fog.
Arachis glabrata ( Creeping forage peanut, Rhizoma peanut, Rhizoma perenn
flowering branchlets rise from the usual low creeping form.
was then awarded a drive-through penalty for creeping forward on the grid before the lights had gon
While creeping forward, he was struck 5 times by enemy bulle
This plant grows as a creeping ground cover, often in dry sandy soil, but al
English: Creeping groundsel
Fruits and reproduction: Creeping groundsel is easily dispersed by wind-blown s
It is an annual plant with decumbent ( creeping) growth to 2-10 cm tall with downy stems.
The plant has a creeping habit, with roots forming at the nodes.
of the species have elliptical leaves with a creeping habit.
p-forming reddish-green plant with a crooked, creeping, hairless stem.
known in Germany as Waldmeister), a fragrant creeping herb that grows in the forests of Northern Eu
e raised a cairn over his father's bones, and creeping in the Orcs' camp, slew their chieftain and r
n the goal line and only prevented the strike creeping in with an outstretched hand on top of the ba
and asked how abuses could be prevented from creeping in.
There was an element of the chore creeping in.
n emulating the style of funk, which had been creeping into his sound for the last several years.
p 10, one settling in the Top 20 and one just creeping into the Top 40.
action being a "schleichende Islamisierung" ( creeping Islamization) of Germany.
see "a lot of stuff (from pre-Gravity albums) creeping its way back into our music".
The cultivar 'Aurea' (golden creeping Jenny) has yellow leaves, and is somewhat les
nt woodlands, often found in association with Creeping Lady's Tresses.
Austin & Staples - Creeping Lady's Nightcap
s, such as trailing lantana, weeping lantana, creeping lantana, small lantana, purple lantana or tra
Creeping lilyturf is easily grown in average, medium,
Creeping lilyturf is a native understory plant in Chin
Creeping lilyturf is suitable for USDA zones 4 to 10.
Creeping lilyturf also tolerates heat, humidity, and d
Creeping lilyturf is easily reproduced by dividing the
roblem of Thor Bridge," "The Adventure of the Creeping Man," "The Adventure of the Sussex Vampire"),
This creeping, mat-forming succulent species - a member of
ching 35 to 45 centimeters, or prostrate in a creeping mat.
manzanita which forms flat bushes and patchy, creeping mats in sandy soil.
It forms creeping mats on decaying tree stumps, hedgebanks and
mand the Politics of Ecstasy! ... Abandon the Creeping Meatball!
(Slightstemmed Miterwort, Leafy Miterwort, or Creeping Miterwort) is an herbaceous perennial floweri
They have also released a split 12" with The Creeping Nobodies of Toronto as well as a 7" single in
less high-rise development of Ocean City from creeping north into Fenwick Island.
ensation, sensation of prickling, tingling or creeping on skin, numbness.
It is a small perennial herb creeping on a yellow stolon through other vegetation a
This lycophyte has creeping or hanging stems up to about 60 centimeters l
Common names include Abscess Root, Creeping or Spreading Jacob's Ladder, False Jacob's La
Barbosella is a genus of mostly creeping orchids.
Fishing is plentiful, whether by creeping out to rocky outcroppings and using tridents,
He also suffered from creeping paralysis and had to wear a neck brace, even
is, also known as Marsh Pennywort, is a small creeping perennial herb native to N. Africa, Europe, F
This creeping perennial is well adapted to low fertile sand
Brookfoams are glandular rhizomatous creeping perennials with highly lobed or toothed leave
ith several other plants, and shares the name Creeping pine with others.
Actinostrobus acuminatus (Dwarf Cypress, Creeping pine, Moore cypress pine) is a species of con
It is a creeping plant and has star-shaped, 5-narrow petal, vi
ning primrose family known by the common name creeping primrose willow.
People saw this as a creeping Protestantism.
eir music is stunningly powerful with a dark, creeping psychrock menace achieved via songwriting and
R. macraei usually has a creeping rather than erect or sprawling habit.
Courts were previously 70% Ryegrass and 30% Creeping Red Fescue grass.
It is a rhizomatous fern, with the creeping rhizome 8-15 mm (rarely 30 mm) in diameter, d
reproduces by seed and by sprouting up from a creeping rhizome-like root system.
s up to about half a meter tall from a tough, creeping rhizome.
an erect perennial plant that sprouts from a creeping rhizome.
in height, shorter in bog conditions, from a creeping rhizome.
The basal parts of the stems unite to form a creeping rhizome; the upper parts grow to 20 cm long a
fistulosa) is a native perennial from slender creeping rhizomes and thus commonly occurs in large cl
itself as a weed in some areas, spreading via creeping rhizomes and seeds.
P. esculentum grows from creeping rhizomes, which are covered with reddish hair
The stems emerge from creeping rhizomes.
ropagation is by seed and the division of the creeping roots.
It grows from a creeping rootstock, sending up individual fronds that
It has a creeping rootstock, a thick stem which rises to one me
Bentham in 1833, with repens referring to the creeping rootstock.
ives the American dream to its fullest with a creeping sense of the spiritual void at its heart.
re confined to the dorsal middle line and the creeping setae are hooked, of a finer structure than i
Symphoricarpos occidentalis is a creeping shrub, with pink, rounded to bell-shaped flow
Doraemon was creeping silently to take the Dorayaki without being a
Symphoricarpos mollis, Creeping snowberry
A pentaploid variant of Creeping Soft Grass is common in Britain, it is steril
(Common Spike-rush; Creeping Spike-rush; Marsh Spike-rush) is a species of
This is a mat-forming perennial herb with a creeping stem up to 30 centimeters long, rooting at no
e prostrate perennial herbaceous plants, with creeping stems which take root readily at the leaf nod
prostrate subshrub growing to 2 cm tall with creeping stems up to 10 cm long, with oval evergreen l
bladderfern) is a low-growing rock fern with creeping stems and narrow elongate deltate fronds whic
Its creeping stems may reach up to about 20 centimeters lo
It is glabrous, with creeping stems, rooting at the nodes, with an erect fl
roundcover with alternate, simple leaves, and creeping stems.
ceous plant with alternate, simple leaves, on creeping stems.
The plant has thick rhizomes and long, spongy creeping stolons which bear bunches of small yellow ro
he plant also reproduces vegetatively via its creeping stolons.
of Sphagnum moss, spreading vegetatively via creeping subterranean stems.
Carpobrotus glaucescens is a prostrate, creeping succulent that has long trailing stems to 2 m
us consisting of 14 species of pretty, dwarf, creeping, tender perennials, native to tropical South
e Doman-Delacato Method, such as crawling and creeping, that were intended to stimulate brain develo
"Every flying and creeping thing had its enthusiasts and exponents.
acted to the flowers of cow parsley, hogweed, creeping thistle and knapweed.
seed, not by root fragments as in the related Creeping Thistle C. arvense.
For control of Creeping Thistle, Cirsium arvense, a noxious, perennia
eld boundaries, scattered trees, and areas of creeping thistle.
Noticing some men creeping through the woods on their right, some of the
Kampfgruppe was reduced to 800 S.S. troopers creeping through the brush at night, trying to get bac
ommon names of Breckland Thyme, Wild Thyme or Creeping Thyme is a species of thyme native to most of
This leaves Sarah gradually creeping toward death while Don's life begins anew.
Ceropegia stapeliiformis is a prostrate, creeping, trailing or climbing succulent creeper with
suspicion in their taxonomic revision of the creeping triggerplants.
Horace Walpole said he was of a creeping, underhand nature, and aspired to the lion's
ut as the A-film in a double feature with The Creeping Unknown.
unk, then start to grow up towards the light, creeping up the tree.
t flood actually witnessed the dirty mudwater creeping up towards their home.
d Docherty then completed the follow-up album Creeping Up On Jesus in 1988 with session musicians -
ks to be dug and soon a maze of trenches were creeping up to the high stone walls as the cannons con
Creeping up to the position in the face of intense fir
Consciousness: Creeping up on the hard problem OUP.
ted beeches, weeping cedars and sequoias, and creeping varieties of juniper.
Glory or Goat's Foot, is a common pantropical creeping vine belonging to the family Convolvulaceae.
It is a creeping vine like other members of the genus, and yie
The Creeping Vole (Microtus oregoni) is a species of roden
the common names floating primrose-willow and creeping water primrose.
Creeping where no life is seen, A rare old plant is th
Leymus triticoides, with the common names Creeping wild rye and Beardless wild rye, is a species
Salix arctica (Arctic Willow) is a tiny creeping willow (family Salicaceae).
Here, they are associated with creeping willow, which grows extensively on the hill.
complexa, commonly known as maidenhair vine, creeping wire vine, lacy wire vine, angel vine, mattre

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