「Binds」の共起表現(1語右で並び替え) - Weblio英語共起表現検索






該当件数 : 657

considered to be superior to glass, because it binds a great deal more protein, and protects the te
binding sites for resolvase, so that each site binds a resolvase dimer but with varying affinity an
oduce a species-specific autoinducer (AI) that binds a cognate receptor (LuxR) that regulates chang
Finally, NT-3 also binds a second-receptor type besides Trk receptors,
elium discoideum (Slime mold) and IV in yeast, binds a zinc atom.
A protein that specifically binds a region within the DNA template will protect
protein of about 800 amino-acid residues that binds a variety of oxysterols (oxygenated derivative
ne can start with the gene for a protein which binds a certain sequence of DNA, and, by inserting a
reveals a young woman's future husband or that binds a future husband to her.
ferase (PAT/HAT) domain and a bromodomain that binds acetylated lysines and a PHD finger motif with
Once this receptor binds acetylcholine, it undergoes an extensive chang
Ambenonium reversibly binds acetylcholinesterase, inactivates it and there
This particular family member binds acidic and basic fibroblast growth hormone and
This particular family member preferentially binds acidic fibroblast growth factor and, although
It binds actin monomers with very high (sub-nanomolar)
In plants, actibind binds actin, a major component of the cytoskeleton,
ects of cholera toxin, heat-labile enterotoxin binds additional substrates: lipopolysaccharide on t
Aminoacyl transferase binds Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) to amino acid.
ach other and inhibit Mcm, a DNA helicase that binds after Cdc6 and Cdt1 binding to the ORC.
ot represent a definition of "terrorism" which binds all states in international law.
g the union of the realms of Empire with "Love binds all our hearts in one".
ty of Life at Sea (SOLAS), regulation 19-1 and binds all governments which have contracted to the I
RPE65 from animals, which in its soluble form binds all-trans retinol, and in its membrane-bound f
It binds allosterically to the GABAA receptor.
igh receptor affinity of naltrexone, but which binds almost exclusively to the delta opioid recepto
its affinity for CB1 is 383nM, meaning that it binds almost 28x more strongly to CB2 than CB1.
phorbol esters/diacylglycerol binding domain) binds an important secondary messenger diacylglycero
g by the window, and, mistaking her for Wendy, binds and gags her and flies back to Neverland with
This chemokine specifically binds and induces chemotaxis in T cells and elicits
in complex promote branch migration until RuvC binds and resolves the Holliday junction by cleaving
This receptor binds and responds to a variety of chemokines, inclu
Binds and precipitates DNA
poste and parat riposte, attacks with multiple binds and disengagements.
In C. elegans, Ced4 binds and activates Ced3, an apoptotic initiator cas
cAMP then binds and opens Cyclic nucleotide-gated ion channel.
ates the effects of BDNF, NT-4, and NT-3, TrkA binds and is activated by NGF, and TrkC binds and is
Some researchers have shown the LNGFR binds and serves as a "sink" for neurotrophins.
ng loop" moves inward toward it when substrate binds and away with no substrate bound, thus shieldi
The apoptosome binds and cleaves caspase 9 preproprotein, releasing
he radical-SAM enzymes, an iron-sulfur cluster binds and reduces S-adenosylmethionine to generate a
rted-repeat symmetry, to which the recombinase binds, and which flank a central crossover sequence
AdoHcyase isan ubiquitous enzyme which binds and requires NAD+ as a cofactor.
da's only book publishing companies that still binds and prints its own books, and was published in
da's only book publishing companies that still binds and prints its own books, with the result that
receptor and the FC domain of human IgG1 that binds and neutralizes IL-1.
n the salivary gland of males where it tightly binds androstenone and androstenol, both pheromones
This protein binds as a homodimer to the cAMP-responsive element,
The peptide is a natural opiate that binds as an agonist with high potency and selectivit
l is a competitive inhibitor of ubiquinol, and binds at the quinol oxidation (Qo) site of the bc1 c
, it is irrelevant whether the ligand actually binds at a metal site, as is the case in hemoglobin.
Clopamide selectively binds at the chloride binding site of the sodium chl
Talbutal binds at a distinct binding site associated with a C
Aminoacyl transferase binds ATP-amino acid to tRNA.
Noor is the link which binds being to knowledge in Sufism.
an bind to all three members of the family but binds best (with the highest affinity) to P-selectin
Rhizoxin binds beta tubulin in eukaryotic cells disrupting mi
Galectin is a type of lectin which binds beta-galactoside.
While copper(II) is normally planar and binds better to hard bases such as oxygen and nitrog
receptor is a G-protein coupled receptor which binds bile acids.
This is in contrast to cortisol, which binds both receptors, though it binds Type II with g
This protein, like CD209, efficiently binds both intercellular adhesion molecule 3 (ICAM3)
binding domains of the MAPs and yeast coronin binds both actin and microtubule and serve as bridge
Although its official name implies it only binds C3a, it also binds C4a.
ich calcium modulated protein calmodulin (CaM) binds Ca2+, undergoes a change in conformation, and
Another protein, calsequestrin, binds calcium within the SR and helps to reduce the
The protein binds calcium and is expressed in the central nervou
γ-carboxyglutamate binds calcium, which is essential for its activity.
ts or algae or any other primary producer that binds carbon dioxide into biomass - as with forests
Other than thrombospondin, CD47 also binds CD172a.
non-immunosuppressive monoclonal antibody that binds CD4, the primary receptor for HIV, and inhibit
secondary signal is CD40L on the T cell which binds CD40 on the macrophage cell surface.
In the immune system, CD100 binds CD72 to activate B cells and dendritic cells,
connective tissue and basement membranes, that binds cell surfaces and various compounds including
Cell adhesion: Binds cells together so that tissues do not fall apa
L6A 53 kDa and 43 kDa (two different isoforms) binds chromatin, localizes to the nucleus, is involv
This species binds CO and, under appropriate conditions, N2.
ater importance as a copper carrier because it binds copper less tightly than ceruloplasmin.
Because PMSF binds covalently to the enzyme, the complex can be v
Microcystin binds covalently to protein phosphatases thus disrup
related treatment, the drug ciclosporin, which binds cyclophilin.
riptions of framework interfaces, and Nu which binds direct Objective-C access from Lisp.
PKA binds directly to an AKAP by its regulatory subunits
It serves as a riboswitchthat binds directly to thiamine pyrophosphate (TPP) to re
The protein loosely binds DNA and scans for its recognition sequence.
RPA2 Binds DNA during replication to keep it straightened
omain fold is a protein structural domain that binds DNA or RNA and is thus commonly found in trans
It binds DNA and RNA and is the acting component of dim
A polymerase III holoenzyme, the clamp protein binds DNA polymerase and prevents this enzyme from d
The protein encoded by this gene binds DNA and is a component of heterochromatin.
After DnaC dissociates, DnaB binds dnaG.
Elaine then binds Dresden and leaves him to drown.
le is added to the column and the nucleic acid binds due to the lower pH (relative to the silanol g
it prevents chromosomes from unwinding and it binds E2F, a factor needed for DNA synthesis.
The treaty binds each state to assist the other whenever either
showed that even though matuzumab efficiently binds EGFR and blocks its phosphorylation, it is not
enzymes with ABC domains, in which each domain binds either side of a broken piece of DNA, with hyd
The Drownout's follow-up EP, Paper Trails and Binds, exhibits a gradual metamorphosis toward danci
According to X-ray crystallography, it binds Fe3+as a 1:1 complex by three nitrogen electro
Preferentially binds fibril-forming collagens; specific sites in co
It binds fibril-forming collagens and (GPO)10.
CR3 binds fixed iC3b fragments of C3 and β-glucans; its
metabolite-dependent riboswitch that directly binds FMN in the absence of proteins.
In the process, it binds four protons from the inner aqueous phase to m
the complex including cyclin E or A. Cyclin E binds G1 phase Cdk2, which is required for the trans
RHAU binds G4-nucleic acid with sub-nanomolar affinity an
The upper RNA stem loop, to which VPg binds, has a significant impact on both retention, a
Early reviews of Paper Trails and Binds have been overly positive with critics hailing
Once free from multiple transfer binds, he trialed at various teams and then moved to
Hemopexin binds heme with the highest affinity of any known pr
ners her mother's attention and Sarah's mother binds her powers and calls a trial for Sarah's viola
1-Testosterone binds highly selective to the androgen receptor (AR)
supplies for lunch, Jorgen knocks him out and binds him, then tries to seize control of the rocket
An anti-IgE antibody binds IgE and prevents it from initiating an allergi
AMMs bind to fibrinogen except protein A, that binds IgG, but also other targets for MSCRAMMs are k
This binds IL-13 with very high affinity (and can therefo
This protein binds IL13 with high affinity, but lacks any signifi
to the nitrogen on a glutamine residue, which binds in turn with a lysine on the other chain.
-subunit DNA binding complex (6 subunits) that binds in all eukaryotes in an ATP-dependent manner t
ing DNA replication, the lagging strand of DNA binds in the central channel of dnaB, and the second
Rad51 protein is recruited and binds in a protein complex to search for a complemen
ron-gamma receptor (IFNGR) is a receptor which binds interferon-γ, the sole member of interferon ty
IL-1R is the same receptor that binds interleukin 1 (IL-1).
receptor (IL-1R) is a cytokine receptor which binds interleukin 1.
The protein binds, internalizes and degrades oxidized low-densit
This receptor binds intimin upon translocation to enterocytes of t
of a catechol group, which upon deprotonation binds iron centers very strongly, and the carboxylic
Transferrin is found in the mucosa and binds iron, thus creating an environment low in free
It binds irreversibly and competitively to the acetylch
Echothiophate binds irreversibly to cholinesterase.
all and a tail spike protein that subsequently binds irreversibly to other receptors on the cell wa
zyme, and is processed to an intermediate that binds irreversibly to the active site of the enzyme
olised by UGT to a reactive glucuronide, which binds irreversibly to plasma albumin.
eclaration defines a style named textfield and binds it to all text fields.
ontext, name ), moves a value from context and binds it to name.
When the A subunit binds it alters the enzymatic activity of the cataly
inhibits Lck because the protein folds up and binds its own SH2 domain.
is bound to a target protein, it spontaneously binds its binding partner through an isopeptide bond
SRII in the plasma membrane binds its transducer via a number of bonds.
The French Government binds itself to prevent removal of German war and ci
arger binding constant means that the compound binds less strongly than does a lower value.
ents, two disulfide bonds and which covalently binds lipids (at least six palmitate groups in mamma
It binds lipids through its FYVE domain and forms a hom
he lumen of the trans-Golgi network, the IGF2R binds M6P-tagged cargo.
The α- subunit binds magnesium ion and pyrophosphate fragment while
In rats, AFP binds maternal estrogen, preventing its passage thro
"Loyalty binds me"
Molybdopterin is a substituted pteridine that binds molybdenum to give redox enzymes involved in b
In alkalosis, hemoglobin binds more securely to the oxygen ('alkalotic O2 cla
ur donor atoms, is used as this type of ligand binds more strongly to copper ions than to calcium a
As the poly(A) tails is synthesised, it binds multiple copies of poly(A) binding protein, wh
MAP feature binds multiple addresses and ports as a single servi
CsrC RNA binds multiple copies of CsrA Pfam:PF02599, a protei
Acetylglucosamine receptor is a receptor which binds N-Acetylglucosamine.
ass of drugs that selectively encapsulates and binds neuromuscular blocking agents (NMBAs).
Sialoadhesin predominately binds neutrophils, but can also bind monocytes, natu
lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), that binds newly-synthesized proteins as they are translo
women who wish to release themselves from the binds of history, specifically one filled with sexua
ratio alpha-cyclodextrin is the only one that binds on a 1:9 (fiber:fat) ratio.
leading to the phosphorylation of DAB1, which binds on its cytosolic tail.
He binds one arm while fighting, to keep from accidenta
hibition, takes place when an enzyme inhibitor binds only to the complex formed between the enzyme
replaces the MAO-A enzyme molecules, harmaline binds only transiently, so tyramine can be metaboliz
generating a reactive 16-electron complex that binds or oxidatively adds a variety of substrates su
Neuroglobin is a monomer that reversibly binds oxygen with an affinity higher than that of he
irreversible agonist is a type of agonist that binds permanently to a receptor in such a manner tha
The duramycin family of lantibiotics binds phosphoethanolamine in the membranes of its ta
EEA1 is Early Endosome Antigen 1 protein that binds phospholipid vesicles containing phosphatidyli
This receptor binds pituitary adenylate cyclase activating peptide
y expressed in retinal pigment epithelium, and binds plasma retinal binding protein.
The N-terminal region of PKC, known as C1, binds PMA and DAG in a phospholipid and zinc-depende
er wrote the words to “Blessed Be the Tie that Binds”, possibly his most famous hymn.
This protein binds preferentially to retinoblastoma protein pRB i
prefers a different coordination geometry, and binds preferentially to different ligands due to the
This RNA element known as a riboswitch binds preQ1 (pre-queuosine1), an intemediate in the
the central nervous system (CNS) of rodent, it binds primarily to the ependymal walls, choroid plex
se pagoclone is a subtype-selective drug which binds primarily to the α2/α3 subtypes of the GABAA r
tracellular steroid receptor that specifically binds progesterone.
cy of 2C-T-21, it is likely that this compound binds quite strongly to the 5HT2A receptor target.
The tie that binds: race, gender, and US violence.
It binds receptor regulated SMADs such as SMAD1 or SMAD
The protein encoded by this gene binds receptors such as the epidermal growth factor
CPE specifically binds regulated secretory pathway proteins, includin
ould give off the impression that the compound binds relatively strongly to its respective receptor
The renin receptor binds renin and prorenin.
It binds retinoic acid, the biologically active form of
he observation that ribosome modulation factor binds ribosomal RNA, and many cis-regulatory RNAs ca
Sarcin-ricin loop substrate binds RTA active site with target adenine stacking a
...which binds s to a new object.
und predominantly in alpha-proteobacteria that binds S-adenosyl methionine (SAM).
hes are a kind of riboswitch that specifically binds S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) , a cofactor used i
PK-11195 is an isoquinoline carboxamide which binds selectively to the peripheral benzodiazepine r
In circulation, this antibody binds selectively to the small, dense, oxidized chol
rminal V-like immunoglobulin (IgV) domain that binds sialic acid and a variable number of C2-type I
ding transmembrane protein, which specifically binds sialic acid with an immunoglobulin (Ig) domain
Since sialoadhesin binds sialic acids with its N-terminal IgV-domain, i
FOXH1 protein binds SMAD2 and activates an activin response elemen
RIO domain is a protein structural domain that binds small lipophilic molecules.
eing a steward of intergenerational music that binds society and elevates cultural integrity.

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