「ſenſe」の共起表現(1語右で並び替え) - Weblio英語共起表現検索






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2) The representatives sense a mark of honor and gratitude feel at least th
ding (especially in classical sources), common sense, a deep and broad humanity, a robust sense of
ts is a commoner, a husband or in a derogatory sense, a churl or male of low birth.
ure of Byzantine churches, the Danteum is in a sense a translation of a translation.
eference to the color of burning coal; in this sense, a carbuncle is usually taken to mean a gem, p
Kennicott's great work was in one sense a failure.
In metabolic acidosis, chemoreceptors sense a deranged acid-base system, and there is incr
The wind instruments have in this sense a subordinated role to play.
rofluoric acid, so that cameo glass is in some sense a sub-set of acid-etched glass.
It is stated that the record is, in a sense, a concept album, as its songs are all themed
and humble as is the effort to make the viewer sense a woman's baffled love for a shifty and mixed-
an umbrella term encompassing, in its broadest sense, a range of both traditional rural garments (m
However, in a more general sense, a file containing instructions (such as bytec
ian missionary to Taiwan, speak, he claimed to sense a call from God to go to China.
deals with air combat training (being, in that sense, a simulation of a simulation), rather than ae
The Vientiane Treaty was in some sense a corollary to the Paris Peace Accords, signed
rd meaning 'corner', and in the administrative sense, a subdistrict.
This is, in a sense, a return to the situation prior to 1550.
attractive) force, and thus, in some technical sense, a type of anti-gravity.
Would-be challengers sometimes sense a whiff of opportunity, but the reality of tak
and, while granting that the USSR was, in some sense, a workers state, they had no use for the Comi
If so then that would be in a sense a consequence of using Loftway, rather than an
use of the poetry, the Vercelli Book "is in no sense a homiliary."
ild was founded in 1908 as a guild in the true sense, a co-operative for local craftsmen to organis
In a broader sense, a manager of any resource.
He was, in the paradigmatic sense, a philosopher of science.
In this sense, a relation is asymmetric if and only if it is
rs to treat the epigram in its full, classical sense: a short, direct poem dealing with subjects fr
ad been their original Saxon home, was in some sense a Royal Chapel, the canons had always been a R
In the most basic sense, a pressure ridge is a long crack in the ice t
e and shape of the ear in sheep" and are "in a sense, a trademark".
tative of labour, and was known for his common sense, ability and courtesy.
Nuffield Foundation (since 1997), a trustee of Sense About Science (since 2002), a trustee of the D
him: "It's good to hear your refreshing common sense about the dreaded Turner prize.
She is president and co-founder of Common Sense about Kids and Guns, an advocacy group begun i
Common Sense about Poetry
He also wrote Common sense about religion, as part of the Common Sense se
They are a signatory to Sense About Science's Keep Libel Laws out of Science
ording to Simon, in explanation of the literal sense; according to Andres, in his comprehension of
It doesn't make sense according to that article.
Industry analyst firm Common Sense Advisory estimates that the demand for Over th
osopher, called variably a skeptic or a common sense advocate.
system that treats all 'plants' (in the wider sense, algae to flowering plants) in such depth.
So in a sense all this stuff that [Conservative MP] James Mo
In the broadest sense, all Great Society programs were designed to c
In this sense, Alltagsgeschichte can be considered part of t
ads, appearing in the concert film Stop Making Sense along with P-Funk colleague Bernie Worrell.
In a wider sense also nipple rings and some butt-plugs may be c
Sense also brings a modified browser and home screen
but it is no longer an orphanage in the strict sense, although orphans continue to be looked after.
dation of Socialist consciousness in its right sense among the Indians today", for which "it is imp
Friedman's book is thus in one sense an answer to these critics, and perhaps especi
says, "the first single, "Arctica" is in this sense an index along the lines of self-plagiarism.
The ability to sense an external event is such a common feature of
In the strictest sense, an event loop is one of the methods for imple
nts during his own time, and his book is in no sense an impartial account of the period.
I have said that astrology is, in a real sense, an art, and that it has its principles and ev
In this sense an asymmetric relation is a binary relation wh
specified vocal range in the article makes no sense and doesn't offer anything useful, so I'm remo
rity, its method, and especially its practical sense, and its repute was as great and lasting in th
r, but his speeches were characterised by good sense and extreme caution.
ere, osmosis let him apply a respected musical sense and developing modern harmonic approaches from
drawn from the Security Industry in its widest sense and includes leading security professionals fr
But he was a man of strong sense and sound judgement.
Sense and Nonsensibility (ISBN 0-7432-6048-1), a boo
as known to colleagues for his colourful dress sense and for his lively inquiring mind, extending w
Dead", "with its sordid intrigues, mumbo-jumbo sense and long, philosophical speeches was a bore".
His shrewd business sense and marketing genius brought him to the highes
e, Esq., who was a proper handsome man of good sense and behaviour : he dy'd a Batcheler of an Appo
then the call P (evil) will not make much sense, and may be flagged as an error.
His poetic sense and his career ramained very close to Rome, bo
lt to broadcast such information, in the legal sense, and that it was not harmful to other adults.
e, Esq., who was a proper handsome man of good sense and behaviour : he dy'd a Batcheler of an Appo
eract with the world of the past, but they can sense and interact with other travelers from their o
ian Movement stands for freedom to its fullest sense and for the recovery of dignity, self-respect
onroe's performance was not acting in the true sense, and that she had drawn from her own experienc
y valued by his father-in-law for his business sense and discretion.
ily, is noted for her orange hair, her fashion sense, and her knack for getting into danger.
Subject to Debate: Sense and Dissents on Women, Politics, and Culture (
d North London, known for his flamboyant dress sense and unique mixing style.
sign represents capitalism in the free-market sense and the natural right to private property.
oach, encouraging students to use their common sense and develop their talents to reach the truth,
Garcia-Fons is known for his melodic sense and his viola-like col arco sound.
procal effect between movement sensors, visual sense and eye movements with V. Henn in Zurich).
Sense and Sensibility was filmed at a number of loca
a military leader, lacking the broad strategic sense and the ruthless drive to command all the Russ
But, like his father, he lacked political sense and an ability to command public support, and
uction--the molecular mechanism by which cells sense and respond to mechanical signals.
Sense and Nonsense about Angels and Demons (with Ken
Sense and Nonsense about Heaven and Hell (with Kenne
possesses a lush, florid tone, a sure musical sense and a forthright knowledge of where she wants
fore then sovereign bodies in any strict legal sense; and certainly the Constitution did not make t
s mentioned in the book Dare to Lead! Uncommon Sense and Unconventional Wisdom from 50 Top CEOs by
To highlight the abstract sense and not the objective.
nt young people have exceptionally keen comedy sense and their roles are the most productive of hil
Silence (with Sharon Lebell), Words of Common Sense and Belonging to the Universe (co-authored wit
In Sense and Sensibility, Jane Austen's character Mrs J
there would get lost completely the authentic sense and intention of this decree, on his own time,
LE Strine, ‘Toward Common Sense and Common Ground?
Jane Austen's novel Sense and Sensibility ('by a lady').
charter was "a reflection of equality, of good sense, and true representation of the electorate".
imaginary process, the analogon loses its own sense and takes on the sense of the object it repres
Beckett, 1990s Common Sense and Disaster Preparedness, Journal of Emergenc
Philately is interpreted in its widest sense and the more unusual artefacts include origina
nses appeal to the Fregean distinction between sense and reference, allowing that value concepts ar
States which have been franchised by the good sense and common honesty of the men of those States-
Sense and sensibility 1946
Mrs Jennings in the three-part BBC adaptation Sense and Sensibility, Queenie Turill in Lark Rise t
ked on films and shows such as; Little Dorrit, Sense and Sensibility, Wimbledon, Hitchhikers Guide
e he may be a fighting genius, he lacks common sense and any inhibitions whatsoever, but possessing
lewddur Fflam, and Gurgi through his kindness, sense, and upright character.
Sense and Sensibility
ed by the Oxford University Press in 1967, was Sense and Sense Development, a non-technical work on
vy, cunning, or sly individuals who use common sense and prior knowledge, as well as naturally-gift
of two amino acids appearing with a biological sense and the likelihood of the same amino acids app
Sense and nonsense.
er was a woman of great energy, admirable good sense, and high feeling.
enstern) to illustrate his distinction between sense and reference, and subsequent philosophers cha
as given to complete the article it would make sense and there would be no reason to remove it, jus
visual communication (illustration in a wider sense) and interactive communication (from web desig
e elements, but this is interpreted in a broad sense and contributions related to recent advances i
rongdoing-[he becomes] an 'Earthly Judge' in a sense and [his] thoughts start to become more and mo
Sense and Sensibility (1995)
en as his influences - artists with a "bizarre sense and distorted feel and touch".
It was to be, he said, "a religion of common sense; and the chief end of man is to improve himsel
GSPDA is owned by Group Sense and is based in Hong Kong.
a film called Danger Has Two Faces, The Sixth Sense, and Police Woman.
ether traditional concepts of incarnation made sense, and whether they tended to docetism, losing s
Ang Lee - Sense and Sensibility
New York who specializes in remote viewing to sense and locate missing persons from a distance.
a harmony, or a rhythm, or a beat, the beat of sense and truth, which could be described as mimetic
Emma Thompson - Sense and Sensibility
hepisi has used his elegant, unassuming visual sense and his instinctive feel for the idiosyncrasie
Sense and Sensibility - Emma Thompson
hism of the physiology and philosophy of body, sense, and mind: For use in schools and colleges, an
ans to the ending sequence makes a little more sense and looks better.
he brought to his work a large share of common sense and sound judgment, and a warm heart and high-
His business sense and aptitude for remembering names and faces g
Sense and Nonsense published in 1989 ISBN 0-920911-7
al display systems and techniques lacking only sense and sensibility.
and literary world or in the media, her common sense and frankness highlighted inconsistencies and
ling, and of a prolific fancy, he had also the sense and wit that come of varied contact with men.
Sense and Delusion (with Ilham Dilman)
h reputation at the time for a mixture of good sense and sensitivity in relation to contemporary li
Dr. Talanquer's research focuses on common sense and qualitative reasoning in chemistry, the pr
on the popular meaning of sound (in the audio sense) and the bay of Plymouth Sound between Penlee
though Zavadovsky had replaced him in a sexual sense, and Potemkin was also said to have had diffic
ocation for the filming of the 1995 version of Sense and Sensibility.
Emma Thompson - Carrington, Sense and Sensibility
re" by Phillip Whitehead and "guided by common sense and an antagonism (which amounts almost to con
Main article: Sense and Sensibility (film)
had an interest in current affairs, had common sense and an ability to write.
He argued that non-human animals can reason, sense, and feel just as human beings do.
ces in opposition to every principle of common sense and common safety.
e commonly characterized by a strong community sense and group solidarity and the importance of per
ere to be rediscovered, given patience, common sense, and a longing to know.
in both forward and reverse orientations, both sense and antisense riboprobes can be generated from
value; she possessed upright principles, good sense, and she turned out a first-rate woman of busi
few years later, but the economics didn't make sense, and the notion was finally put to rest for go
Critics lauded her elegant fashion sense, and Windsor became a noted trend-setter of 19
sed throughout North America in a geographical sense, and declined to issue a correction.
nstead of rewarding the poor man for his civic sense and courage, thrashesand beats him to a pulp.
; the use of annual parallaxes makes much more sense and is probably the better way with which to f
Hunt also acquired business sense and awareness of social issues from working fo
age is compacted, coiled, sprung (in Hopkins's sense) and highly allusive.
is praised in the K-League for his positional sense and steadiness under pressure.
By giving Emma credit for business sense and experience she doesn't actually possess, L
ce in the 2007 BBC adaptation of Jane Austen's Sense and Sensibility.
Anne, an older woman who promised sense and maturity in the house, and a "late night t
imentor, but he is only an empiricist, lacking sense and capability, and his interpretations of his
s double stranded RNA produced by annealing of sense and antisense related transposable elements.
tha in the 2008 British television mini-series Sense and Sensibility.
f in a letter to Canova proclaiming that "good sense and judgment shouldn't be enslaved by commonly
ir unpleasing form, being remarkable for pithy sense and elegant definition.
The part in parentheses makes no sense and I don't understand what the author was act
solo and getting into formal realms that make sense and heighten interest."
She had a keen business sense and became a great asset to her husband.
tan in 1963 imprudently all ...") doesn't make sense, and the rest of the paragraph needs work in g
tion was a volume of sermons, pervaded by good sense and good feeling, and clear, natural and direc
Later, he wrote for Forward, Common Sense and Jewish Affairs.
as "a large, strong person with strong common sense, and therefore moves solely on the solid found
scribes himself as a revivalist in the Islamic sense, and likens some of the practices he endorses
The satellite was designed to sense and monitor meteorological conditions from a g
A detachable magazine made sense and early in 1970, according to Thomas Swearen
r two clients, James B. Tafel, owner of Street Sense, and for Bentley Smith, who now has eight hors
as much external to the mind as any object of sense; and since the difference between imagination
d Husserl independently elaborated a theory of sense and reference before 1891.
ly as 1891, that Husserl distinguished between sense and reference.
o can only be used in a strictly developmental sense, and that too only in a rural area.
The glide plane operation in the strict sense and the pure reflection are two of the four ki
Sense and/or Sensibility.
a) irrelevent, b) sentence doesn't make sense Andral (talk) 17:47, 12 May 2008 (UTC)
The function of the crista ampullaris is to sense angular acceleration and deceleration.
Making Sense: Animal Perception and Communication: Knowing
In this sense, any of the chemical warfare agents may incapa
royalty program is a “rip-off and doesn't make sense any more,” and if it was changed, “could provi
Look, you're not even making sense anymore.
to someone from your hometown or, in a broader sense, anyone that you would acknowledge as your fri
I think, WS is right and it makes sense anyway.
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