IT・コンピュータや生命科学など、幅広い分野の専門用語を英語で調べることができます。 提供 日中韓辭典研究所 URL http://www.cjk.org/cjk/indexj.htm |
日英・英日専門用語辞書 のさくいん |
- 絞込み
- S
- SA
- SB
- SC
- SD
- SE
- SF
- SG
- SH
- SI
- SJ
- SK
- SL
- SM
- SN
- SO
- SP
- SQ
- SR
- SS
- ST
- SU
- SV
- SW
- SX
- SY
- SZ
- S(50音)
- S(タイ文字)
- S(数字)
- S(記号)
- schedule of quantities
- schedule optimization
- schedule speed
- schedule system
- scheduled change
- scheduled cost
- scheduled date
- scheduled DNA synthesis
- scheduled fire
- scheduled flight
- scheduled maintenance
- scheduled operation
- scheduled outage
- scheduled output
- scheduled retrieving
- scheduled speed
- scheduled storing
- scheduled target
- scheduled territory
- scheduled wait
- scheduler
- scheduler task
- scheduler work area
- scheduler work area data set
- scheduling
- scheduling algorithm
- scheduling and resource allocation computer system
- scheduling and resource allocation system
- scheduling control
- scheduling control program
- scheduling decision behavior
- scheduling heuristics
- scheduling management
- scheduling method
- scheduling model
- scheduling of main memory
- scheduling policy
- scheduling problem
- scheduling program
- scheduling strategy
- scheduling theory
- Scheele's green
- scheelite
- Scheffe
- Scheibler's reagent
- Scheie syndrome
- Scheie's syndrome
- Schellong test
- schema
- schema chart
- schema entry
- schema group
- schema language
- schema theory
- schema-name
- schemata
- schematic
- schematic circuit diagram
- schematic design
- schematic diagram
- schematic drawing
- schematic eye
- schematic profile
- schematic symbol
- schematics
- Scheme
- scheme design
- scheme drawing
- scheme of execution
- scheme of haul
- scheme of maneuver
- scheme of square
- schemer
- Scherbius advancer
- Scherbius system
- Schering
- Schering bridge
- Scheuermann disease
- Scheuermann's disease
- Schick test
- Schick test toxin
- Schick's test
- Schiff
- Schiff base
- Schiff base complex
- Schiff base ligand
- Schiff reagent
- Schiff test
- Schiff's reagent
- Schild plot
- Schilder disease
- Schilder's disease
- Schiller test
- Schiller's test
- schillerization
- Schilling test
- Schilling's blood count
- Schimmelbusch's bacillus
- Schindler disease
- schindylesis
- Schirmer test
- Schirmer's test
- schirmerite
- schist
- schistocystis
- schistocyte
- schistocytosis
- schistoglossia
- schistorrhachis
- schistose
- schistosity
- Schistosoma
- Schistosoma haematobium
- Schistosoma japonicum
- Schistosoma mansoni
- schistosomal
- schistosome
- schistosome dermatitis
- schistosomiasis