IT・コンピュータや生命科学など、幅広い分野の専門用語を英語で調べることができます。 提供 日中韓辭典研究所 URL http://www.cjk.org/cjk/indexj.htm |
日英・英日専門用語辞書 のさくいん |
- 絞込み
- S
- SA
- SB
- SC
- SD
- SE
- SF
- SG
- SH
- SI
- SJ
- SK
- SL
- SM
- SN
- SO
- SP
- SQ
- SR
- SS
- ST
- SU
- SV
- SW
- SX
- SY
- SZ
- S(50音)
- S(タイ文字)
- S(数字)
- S(記号)
- specification testing
- specification tree
- specification verification
- specification with two requirements
- specifications
- specificity
- specificity determining site
- specificity of enzyme
- specificity site
- Specified
- specified achromatic lights
- specified area
- specified capacity
- specified chemical substance
- specified concrete strength
- specified deposits with overseas agents
- specified design strength
- specified dictionary
- specified donation
- specified element
- specified facilities
- specified flow rate
- specified lengths
- specified lifting height
- specified limit
- specified load
- specified low power radio station
- specified medical corporation
- specified mix
- specified mix proportion
- specified point
- specified pressure
- specified pump head
- specified sensitivity
- specified speed
- specified stock
- specified stocks
- specified substance
- specified temperature
- specified time
- specifier
- specify
- specify feature
- specify task asynchronous exit
- specillum
- specimen
- specimen bottle
- specimen container
- specimen copy
- specimen current
- specimen for microscopy
- specimen page
- specimen room
- specimen rotation oscillation attachment
- specimen signature
- specimen support
- specimen thickness
- speck
- speckle
- speckle interferometry
- speckle noise
- speckle pattern
- specks
- specs
- spectacle
- spectacle bossing
- spectacle case
- spectacle eyes
- spectacle flange
- spectacle frame
- spectacle glasses
- spectacle lens
- spectacle plane
- spectacle stern frame
- spectacle type shaft bracket
- spectacle-blank flange
- spectacles
- spectacular
- spectator
- spectinomycin
- spectinomycin hydrochloride
- Spector
- spectra
- spectral
- spectral absorption factor
- spectral analysis
- spectral analysis system
- spectral atlas
- spectral band
- spectral band width
- spectral characteristic
- spectral characteristics
- spectral class
- spectral classification
- spectral color
- spectral comparative pattern recognizer
- spectral composition
- spectral concentration
- spectral curve
- spectral decomposition
- spectral density
- spectral distribution
- spectral distribution curve
- spectral emissivity
- spectral energy distribution
- spectral envelope
- spectral estimation
- spectral factorization method
- spectral function
- spectral gap
- spectral hardening
- spectral intensity
- spectral line
- spectral line broadening
- spectral line width
- spectral luminous efficacy
- spectral luminous efficiency
- spectral map