IT・コンピュータや生命科学など、幅広い分野の専門用語を英語で調べることができます。 提供 日中韓辭典研究所 URL http://www.cjk.org/cjk/indexj.htm |
日英・英日専門用語辞書 のさくいん |
- 絞込み
- F
- FA
- FB
- FC
- FD
- FE
- FF
- FG
- FH
- FI
- FJ
- FK
- FL
- FM
- FN
- FO
- FP
- FQ
- FR
- FS
- FT
- FU
- FV
- FW
- FX
- FY
- FZ
- F(50音)
- F(タイ文字)
- F(数字)
- F(記号)
- fundamental natural mode of vibration
- fundamental niche
- fundamental observation
- fundamental operation
- fundamental parameter
- fundamental parameter technique
- fundamental particle
- fundamental period
- fundamental plane
- fundamental procedure
- fundamental property
- fundamental quantity
- fundamental registry
- fundamental rights
- fundamental sensation
- fundamental sequence
- fundamental series
- fundamental solution
- fundamental star
- fundamental system
- fundamental system concept
- fundamental system of functions
- fundamental technology
- fundamental theorem
- fundamental theorem of algebra
- fundamental theorem of arithmetic
- fundamental tissue
- fundamental tissue system
- fundamental tolerance
- fundamental tone
- fundamental triangle
- fundamental triangle height
- fundamental unit
- fundamental vector
- fundamental vibration
- fundamental wave
- fundamental wavelength
- fundamentally
- fundamentally analyzable simplified English
- fundamentals
- fundatrices
- fundatrix
- funded liabilities
- funded pension plan
- fundic
- fundic gland
- fundiform
- fundiform ligament of penis
- funding
- funding instrument
- fundoplication
- fundoscopy
- Fundulus
- fundus
- fundus albipunctatus
- fundus camera
- fundus diabeticus
- fundus examination
- fundus flavimaculatus
- fundus gland
- fundus meatus acustici interni
- fundus oculi
- fundus of bladder
- fundus of gall bladder
- fundus of internal acousticmeatus
- fundus of internal auditory meatus
- fundus of stomach
- fundus of urinary bladder
- fundus of uterus
- fundus polycythemicus
- fundus reflex
- fundus seminalis
- fundus uteri
- fundus ventriculi
- fundus vesicae felleae
- funduscope
- funduscopy
- fundusectomy
- funeral column
- funeral director
- funeral expenses
- funeral hall
- funeral procession
- funeral rites
- fung
- fungal
- fungal chromosome
- fungal colony in field
- fungal disease
- fungal growth
- fungal infection
- fungal meningitis
- fungal spore
- fungal tissue
- fungal toxin
- fungate
- fungemia
- fungi
- Fungi Imperfecti
- fungibility