病名や症状、身体、薬、治療法など、医学に関連する専門用語の英語訳を調べることができます。 出典 北里大学医療衛生学部 医療情報学研究室編集 医学用語集 URL http://bme.ahs.kitasato-u.ac.jp:808 0/docs/take/html/yg/index.htm |
英和医学用語集 のさくいん |
- 絞込み
- E
- EA
- EB
- EC
- ED
- EE
- EF
- EG
- EH
- EI
- EJ
- EK
- EL
- EM
- EN
- EO
- EP
- EQ
- ER
- ES
- ET
- EU
- EV
- EW
- EX
- EY
- EZ
- E(50音)
- E(タイ文字)
- E(数字)
- E(記号)
- electron-volt
- electronic computer
- electronic diffraction
- electronic potential
- electronic scanning echocardiography
- electronic spread
- electronystagmogram
- electronystagmograph
- electronystagmography
- electrophoresis
- electrophysiologic study
- electrophysiology
- electroreception
- electroreceptor
- electroresection
- electroretinogram
- electroretinography
- electroshock
- electrosurgery
- electrotaxis
- electrothalamogram
- electrothemometer
- electrotherapy
- electrotomy
- electrotonic
- electrotonic potential
- electrotonic spread
- electrotonus
- electuary
- element
- elementary
- elementary analysis
- elementary body
- elementary color
- elementary particle
- elephant trunk
- elephantiasis
- elevation
- elevation of blood pressure
- elevation of body temperature
- elevation of diaphragm
- elevation of venous pressure
- elimination
- elimination diet
- elimination half-life
- elimination rate constant
- elliptocyte
- elliptocytic
- elliptocytic anemia
- elliptocytosis
- elliptocytotic
- elliptocytotic anemia
- Ellis-van Creveld syndrome
- elongated stomach
- elongation
- eluate
- elute
- elution
- emaciation
- emanation
- Emax
- Embden-Meyerhof pathway
- embedding
- embolectomy
- embolemia
- emboli
- embolic
- embolic abscess
- embolic aneurysm
- embolic cerebrovascular disease
- embolic infarct
- embolic pneumonia
- embolical
- embolism
- embolus
- embolus cancer
- embrace reflex
- embrocation
- embryo
- embryoblast
- embryocardia
- embryogenesis
- embryoid
- embryology
- embryoma
- embryonal disk
- embryonic determination
- embryopathology
- embryopathy
- emergency
- emergency dose
- emergency hormone
- emergency operation
- emergency outpatient unit
- emergency reaction
- emergency room
- emergency tracheotomy
- emergency treatment
- emergency ward