![]() ![]() 独禁法(独占禁止法)に関連する法令・訴訟や手続きなどに関する専門用語の英語訳を調べることができます。 提供 競争法研究協会 URL http://www.jcl.gr.jp/ |
- naked price restraint
- National Cooperative Research Act
- National Industrial Recovery Act
- nationality principle
- nationalized industry
- natural monopoly
- natural rebate
- negative clearance
- negative comity
- negligence
- negotiable instrument
- negotiated plea agreement
- net price system
- new entry
- New Industrial Organization
- nient comprise
- nine no-no's
- no contest clause
- no contest plea
- Noerr doctrine
- nolo contendere
- non compliance penalties
- non suit
- non-exclusive license
- non-tariff barrier
- nonaducative proceeding
- nondisclosure
- nonprice competition
- nonprice vertical restraint
- nonsigner clause
- Norris-La Gardia Act
- not guilty
- not substantial amount of commerce
- notification procedure
- null and void