Weblio英和和英辞典 のさくいん |
- 絞込み
- C
- CA
- CB
- CC
- CD
- CE
- CF
- CG
- CH
- CI
- CJ
- CK
- CL
- CM
- CN
- CO
- CP
- CQ
- CR
- CS
- CT
- CU
- CV
- CW
- CX
- CY
- CZ
- C(50音)
- C(タイ文字)
- C(数字)
- C(記号)
- centrifugal nozzle
- centrifugal oil extractor
- centrifugal oil filter
- centrifugal oil purifier
- centrifugal partition chromatography
- centrifugal pendulum
- centrifugal pot spinning machine
- centrifugal precast concrete column
- Centrifugal precipitators
- centrifugal pressure casting
- centrifugal pump
- Centrifugal pump
- centrifugal pump impeller
- Centrifugal pumps
- Centrifugal reels
- centrifugal reinforced concrete pile
- centrifugal reinforced concrete pipe
- centrifugal relay
- centrifugal sampler
- centrifugal sedimentation technic
- centrifugal selection
- centrifugal separation
- centrifugal separation method
- centrifugal separator
- Centrifugal separator
- centrifugal settler
- centrifugal settling
- centrifugal spark advancer
- centrifugal spark-advance control
- Centrifugal spark-advance control
- Centrifugal speed-meters
- centrifugal spinning machine
- centrifugal stamens
- centrifugal steel castings
- centrifugal stress
- centrifugal stretching
- centrifugal sugar
- Centrifugal sugar
- centrifugal supercharger
- centrifugal supply fan
- centrifugal switch
- centrifugal tachometer
- Centrifugal tachometers
- centrifugal test
- centrifugal thickener
- centrifugal thickening
- centrifugal timer
- centrifugal turbine
- Centrifugal turning amusement equipment
- centrifugal type
- Centrifugal type
- Centrifugal type blowers
- Centrifugal type fans
- centrifugal type supercharger
- Centrifugal type turbo compressors
- centrifugal vaneless diffuser
- centrifugal washer
- centrifugal washing
- centrifugal weight
- centrifugal weight pin
- centrifugal weight pivot pin
- centrifugal whirling
- centrifugal whirling of shaft
- centrifugal xylem
- centrifugal-engine
- centrifugal-film evaporator
- centrifugal-flow turbojet
- centrifugal-force
- centrifugal-lubricator
- centrifugal-machine
- centrifugal-stress
- centrifugalise
- centrifugalization
- centrifugalize
- centrifugally
- centrifugate
- centrifugation
- Centrifugation
- centrifugations
- centrifuge
- Centrifuge
- centrifuge drum
- centrifuge method
- centrifuge microscope
- centrifuge model
- centrifuge model test
- centrifuge model tests
- centrifuge moisture equivalent
- centrifuge process
- centrifuge separation method
- centrifuge separator
- centrifuge shaking table
- centrifuge test
- centrifuge tube
- Centrifuge type clinical chemistry automated analyzers
- centrifuge-based
- centrifuged
- centrifuged latex
- centrifuged~
- centrifuges
- Centrifuges
- Centrifuges for haematocrit
- centrifuging
- centrilobular
- Centrilobular
- centrilobular emphysema
- Centrilobular Emphysema
- centrin
- central complex
- Centrin
- centrinae
- centring
- centring collar bush
- centring machine
- centrins
- centriol
- centriolar
- centriole
- centrioles
- centripetal
- centripetal acceleration
- centripetal fiber
- centripetal force
- Centripetal force
- centripetal inflorescence
- centripetal nerve
- centripetal pump
- centripetal selection
- centripetal thickening
- centripetal turbine
- centripetal xylem
- centripetally
- centripetus
- centriscidae
- centrism
- centrist
- centrist party
- Centrites
- centrivenal
- centrmere distance
- centro
- Centro
- CentrO
- centro-
- centro-some
- centro-symmetry
- centroacinar cell
- Centroacinar cell
- centroacinous cell
- centrobaric
- centroblast
- Centroblast
- centrocecal
- centrocecal scotoma
- centrocercus
- centrocercus urophasianus
- Centrocestus
- centrocyte
- Centrocyte
- centrocytes
- centrocytic
- centrode
- Centrode
- centrodesmose
- centrodiapophyseal
- centrodordal plate
- centrodorsal plate
- centrofrontal
- centroid
- Centroid
- centroid method
- centroid of the stars
- centroid position
- centroidal
- centroidal line
- centroided
- centroiding
- centroids
- centrokinesia
- centrol blindness
- centrolecithal
- Centrolecithal
- centrolecithal egg
- centrolecithal ovum
- Centrolenidae
- centrolobium
- Centrolobium
- centrolobium robustum
- centromedian
- centromedian nuclei
- centromedian nucleus
- centromedian nucleus of thalamus
- Centromedian nucleus of thalamus
- centromere
- Centromere
- centromere constriction
- centromere distance
- centromere fiber
- centromere index
- centromere interference
- centromere misdivision
- centromere orientation
- centromere protein A
- Centractin
- centromere protein B
- Centromere protein A
- centromere protein E
- centromere protein F
- Centromere protein B
- centromere region
- centromere repulsion
- centromere shift
- centromeres
- centromeric
- centromeric index
- Centronics
- Centronics connector
- centronics interface
- Centronics interface
- centronuclear
- centronuclear myopathy
- centrophenoxine
- Centrophenoxine
- centrophilin
- centropistes striata
- centroplasm
- centropomid
- centropomidae
- centropomus
- centropristis
- Centropristis
- centropristis philadelphica
- centropus
- centropus phasianinus
- centropus sinensis
- centropy
- centroscopy
- centrosema
- Centrosema
- centrosema virginianum
- centrosomal
- centrosomal plaque
- centrosome
- Centrosome
- centrosomes
- centrosomic
- centrosomin
- centrospermae
- Centrospermae
- centrosphere
- Centrosphere
- centrosymmetric
- centrosymmetry
- centrosynapophyseal
- centrotemporal
- centrotype
- centrum
- centrum anospital
- centrum of a vertebra
- centrum tendineum diaphragmae
- centrum(椎体
- Centruroides
- centry
- cents
- cents on the dollar
- centum
- Centumalus
- centumgravius
- centumviralis
- centumvirate
- centumviratus
- centunculus
- centuple
- centuplet
- centuplicate
- centuplico
- centuria
- Centuria
- centurial
- centuriate
- centuriation
- centuriatus
- centuried
- centuries
- centurion
- Centurion
- centurion's staff
- centurionatus
- centurions
- Centuripa
- century
- Century
- century egg
- century plant
- Century plant
- Century Plant
- Century Tower
- century-old
- centuryful
- Centwine
- centzontle
- cenula
- cenulentus
- cenuriasis
- Cenuriasis
- cenuris
- cenurosis
- ceo
- CEO-designate
- ceoce
- ceorfan
- ceorian
- ceorl
- ceorlboren
- ceorlfolc
- ceorlian
- ceorliscnes
- ceorlleas
- ceorran
- CEO登場!!
- cep
- Cep
- CEP 701
- CEP engine
- CEP エンジン
- CEP-2563 dihydrochloride
- cep-2563二塩酸塩
- CEP-2563二塩酸塩
- CEP-701
- cepacia
- CEPA監督委員会
- cephacetrile
- cephaeline
- Cephaeline
- Cephaelis
- cephal-
- cephalad
- cephalaea
- cephalalgia
- cephalalgia nervosa
- cephalalgia toxica
- cephalalgia traumatica
- cephalalgias
- cephalanthera
- Cephalanthera
- Cephalanthera falcata
- cephalanthera rubra
- Cephalanthera rubra
- cephalaspid
- cephalaspida
- Cephalaspida
- Cephalaspidomorphi
- cephalea
- cephalexin
- cephalgia
- cephalgias
- cephalhematocele
- cephalhematoma
- cephalic
- cephalic appendage
- cephalic bladder
- cephalic bulb
- cephalic cartilage
- cephalic crown
- cephalic delivery
- cephalic expansion
- cephalic eye
- cephalic flexure
- Cephalic flexure