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Student Life

ECE Activities & Organizations

The Electronics Club at The Ohio State University

Welcome to the Electronics Club at The Ohio State University. The organization is committed to fostering interest in the field of electronics. The club has its own workspace equipped with oscilloscopes, signal generators, rudimentary tools, and components which are accessible to members. It also allots storage space to members for their personal projects and offers open lab hours for students to work on their projects, ask questions or just hangout. The club meets every other week to candidly discuss numerous technologies and standards. In prior meetings members have discussed topics such as Serial Protocols, PWM, and Arduinos. The club urges new ECE students to stop by, as its meetings provide excellent hands-on learning opportunities for all experience levels.

Eta Kappa Nu (HKN)

An honorary society for students majoring in electrical engineering. Membership is by invitation only and members are selected from the top portion of the electrical engineering class. Activities include tutoring, hosting speakers from industry as well as student/faculty mixers.

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Ohio State Student Undergrad Chapter

IEEE is a professional organization that seeks to advance global prosperity by fostering technological innovation, enabling members' careers and promoting community world-wide. The Ohio State student chapter aims to help students create a network with faculty, other students and engineers from industry.

IEEE Graduate Student Body at Ohio State

Ohio State is home to the first IEEE graduate student chapter worldwide. This group aims to increase collaboration and networking among graduate students within the various disciplines of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Computer Science Engineering, and the greater academic and professional community.

Optical Society of America Ohio State Student Chapter

Membership in the student chapter is open to undergraduate and graduate students from departments throughout the university. OSA is an international scientific society dedicated to promoting the generation, application and achieving of knowledge in optics and photonics, and disseminating this knowledge worldwide.

RISE^OSU (Recruitment and Retention Initiative for Successful Engineers)

Rise ECE is a group of students at The Ohio State University, dedicated to the retention and continued success of minority electrical and computer engineering students, by providing a community of like minded individuals driven towards success. We exist to recruit and retain underrepresented groups to electrical and computer engineering through service and provide outreach to the community. We will engage future engineers, promote their awareness of engineering as a potential career, and spark their interests in science and mathematics. In the process we will establish a sense of community amongst existing students and serve as a point of contact for alumni.

CARE Connected Student Organizations

The Community, Access, Retention and Empowerment Office works in partnership with some of the country’s largest student organizations. CARE Connected Student Organizations are a vibrant, collaborative network within the College of Engineering that brings together student organizations committed to fostering academic excellence, professional development, and broadening participation in STEM through community service. These organizations are committed to inclusivity, leadership, service, and enhancing the Ohio State student experience. By engaging with them, industry partners can tap into tomorrow's diverse workforce and directly impact student success.

Search all College of Engineering student organizations and project teams

Many ECE students are involved in activities and organizations comprised of students in other engineering disciplines. Student project teams provide leadership opportunities, hands-on engineering experience, and a chance to meet other engineering students. There are more than 20 student engineering project teams to choose from including Solar Decathlon, EcoCar, First Robotics, and more.

Professional Organizations

Association of Computing Machinery (ACM)

ACM is widely recognized as the premier membership organization for computing professionals, delivering resources that advance computing as a science and a profession; enable professional development; and promote policies and research that benefit society.

American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE)

The American Society for Engineering Education is a nonprofit organization of individuals and institutions committed to furthering education in engineering and engineering technology.

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

IEEE is the world’s largest professional association dedicated to advancing technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity. IEEE and its members inspire a global community through IEEE's highly cited publications, conferences,