Abd-Elmagid, Mohamed Post Doctoral Scholar, Electrical and Computer Engineering abd-elmagid.1@osu.edu Dreese Laboratories
Agarwal, Anant Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering Faculty Power & Energy Nanotechnology and Devices Solid State Electronics and Photonics agarwal.334@osu.edu Dreese Laboratories
Ahadi, Kaveh Assistant Professor, Materials Science and Engineering Assistant Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering ahadi.4@osu.edu Fontana Laboratories
Ahmad, Rizwan Associate Professor, Biomedical Engineering Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering Faculty (614) 293-6251 ahmad.46@osu.edu 318 Biomedical Research Tower
Ames, Nate Adjunct Associate Professor, Materials Science and Engineering Executive Director - CDME, Center for Design and Manufacturing Excellence Adjunct Assistant Professor, Design (614) 292-6570 ames.21@osu.edu Research Center
Anderson, Betty Lise Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering Associate Chair of Instruction, Electrical and Computer Engineering Faculty Nanotechnology and Devices Solid State Electronics and Photonics (614) 292-1323 anderson.67@osu.edu 205 Dreese Laboratories
Andrews, Mark Lecturer, Electrical and Computer Engineering (614) 292-4999 andrews.250@osu.edu Dreese Laboratories
Arafin, Shamsul Assistant Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering Faculty Nanotechnology and Devices Solid State Electronics and Photonics (614) 247-2992 arafin.1@osu.edu Dreese Laboratories
Arehart, Aaron Research Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering Faculty (614) 285-5323 arehart.5@osu.edu Dreese Laboratories
Bensch, Kyle Fiscal Officer, Electrical and Computer Engineering Staff (614) 247-7199 bensch.6@osu.edu Remote Location
Benson, Bill Lead Engineer, Center for Design and Manufacturing Excellence benson.674@osu.edu Research Center
Berger, Paul R. Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering Faculty Nanotechnology and Devices Solid State Electronics and Photonics Power & Energy (614) 247-6235 berger.143@osu.edu Dreese Laboratories
Berger-Wolf, Tanya Academic Director, Academic Affairs Administration Professor, Computer Science and Engineering Professor, Evolution Ecology and Organismal Biology Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering Faculty Computer Networks and Communication berger-wolf.1@osu.edu Pomerene Hall
Bibyk, Steven Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering Faculty Computer Networks and Communication Circuits (614) 292-1300 bibyk.1@osu.edu Dreese Laboratories
Brenner, Mark Senior Research Assoc-Engineer, Electrical and Computer Engineering Researchers (614) 688-4568 brenner.34@osu.edu Dreese Laboratories
Brillson, Leonard Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering Professor & CMR Scholar, Physics Administration Professor, Physics Faculty Nanotechnology and Devices Solid State Electronics and Photonics (614) 292-8015 brillson.1@osu.edu Dreese Laboratories
Brocanelli, Marco Assistant Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering Computer Networks and Communication Faculty brocanelli.1@osu.edu Dreese Laboratories
Brune, Ryan Senior Engineer - Medical Modeling, Materials, and Manufacturing (M4), Center for Design and Manufacturing Excellence (614) 688-2594 brune.12@osu.edu Research Center
Bucher, Beth Lecturer, The Ohio State University Masters Program Coordinator, Electrical and Computer Engineering (614) 292-3226 bucher.9@osu.edu 205 Dreese Laboratories
Buck, Vimal Director - Industrial Cybersecurity, Center for Design and Manufacturing Excellence PhD Student, Integrated Systems Engineering buck.80@osu.edu Research Center
Burkholder, Bob Faculty Emeritus, Electrical and Computer Engineering Emeritus, Electrical and Computer Engineering Faculty Emeritus, College of Engineering Researchers Faculty Emeritus (614) 292-4597 burkholder.1@osu.edu
Burnside, Walter Faculty Emeritus, Electrical and Computer Engineering (614) 292-5747 burnside.1@osu.edu