Monitoring optical properties of the southwest tropical Pacific
3 November 2010 Monitoring optical properties of the southwest tropical Pacific
Cécile Dupouy, Tatiana Savranski, Jérôme Lefevre, Marc Despinoy, Morgan Mangeas, Rosalie Fuchs, Vincent Faure, Sylvain Ouillon, Michel Petit
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We present data collected as part of ValHyBio- VALidation HYperspectral of a BIOgeochemical model in the South Western Tropical Lagoon of New Caledonia, a PNTS-sponsored program dedicated to chlorophyll satellite imaging and validation as affected by bathymetry. The specific goals of ValHyBio are to: - examine time-dependent oceanic reflectance in relation to dynamic surface processes, - construct field/satellite reflectance-based chlorophyll models, - investigate the feasibility of inverting the model to yield surface chlorophyll and turbidity, - validate the biogeochemical model with field/satellite observations. In situ bio-optical parameters include absorption coefficients by CDOM and particles, Secchi disk depth, backscattering coefficient, pigment concentration, suspended matter concentration, and K_dPAR. They are measured every month at 5 stations, of contrasted bathymetry and bottom reflectance, as well as at a reference station situated 4 miles offshore, and on a station over coral reefs. Remote sensing reflectance is calculated from the absorption and backscattering coefficients and compared with satellite data. SeaWIFS and MODIS AQUA match-ups collected over the period 1997-2010 (ValHySat-VALidation HYperspectral SATellite database) are used. Satellite retrievals are examined as a function of bathymetry. The feasibility of a longterm monitoring program of optical water retrieval with satellite remote sensing technique is examined in the frame of the GOPS (South Pacific Integrated Observatory).
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Cécile Dupouy, Tatiana Savranski, Jérôme Lefevre, Marc Despinoy, Morgan Mangeas, Rosalie Fuchs, Vincent Faure, Sylvain Ouillon, and Michel Petit "Monitoring optical properties of the southwest tropical Pacific", Proc. SPIE 7858, Remote Sensing of the Coastal Ocean, Land, and Atmosphere Environment, 78580J (3 November 2010); Logo
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