Documentation – UCI Disability Services Center

Reviewing documentation is a collaborative process and is handled on a case-to-case basis. Submitting documentation is not required to complete the DSC Intake Form or to have an intake meeting with a DSC Counselor. However, documentation will be required in order to provide reasonable accommodations. Any documentation students can submit during or prior to their intake meeting is helpful and can save the need for follow up meetings with the DSC. The DSC recognizes that barriers exist and create hardship for students with regard to having documentation. Please do not delay meeting with us out of concern for not having appropriate documentation.

Below are DSC forms that can be completed by your healthcare provider. These forms are helpful because they ask for details needed by your DSC Counselor. Additional documentation can also be provided. Information on common types of additional documentation are also listed below.   

All medical documentation should:

  • Reflect the student’s current functional limitations
  • Be from an appropriate medical provider: has expertise/certification related to the disability or diagnosis 
  • Be current: usually no more than three years old or 6-12 months old for psychological documentation

DSC Forms

Requesting Academic Accommodations

  • Disability Verification PDF Form 
  • Needs to be filled out in part by a qualified healthcare professional, such as a physician or certified/licensed professional.

Requesting Housing Accommodations

  • Housing Accommodation Verification PDF Form
  • Needs to be filled out in part by a qualified healthcare professional, such as a physician or certified/licensed professional.
  • If you are only requesting an Emotional Support Animal, do not fill out the Housing Accommodation Verification Form. Instead, see the Emotional Support Animal forms below.

Requesting an Emotional Support Animal (ESA)

There are two forms required when applying for an ESA:

  1. Health Care or Social Services Provider PDF Form 
  2. Veterinary Health PDF Form 

Each form must be signed and dated by the health care provider/treating veterinarian within the past 12 months.

The same information, on letterhead and with the signature of the treating health care provider/veterinarian, may be considered in lieu of these forms.

Additional Documentation

You may be asked to submit additional disability related documents. For example, students with a learning disability may be asked to submit a Psychoeducational Assessment from their health care provider. Other examples may include: 

  • IEP/504 plan
  • Medical records or patient portal diagnostic summary
  • Letter from a healthcare professional that confirms a diagnosis (on letterhead, which includes a digital or handwritten signature)
  • Accommodation letter from previous post secondary institution
  • Full evaluation or diagnostic report
  • Veterans Affairs

If you have any of the above, or similar, please submit it before your first intake meeting.

Submit Documentation to the DSC

You can submit documentation in the following ways:

If you have questions about documentation, contact

Temporary or Provisional Accommodations

Students with temporary injuries, such as a broken leg or arm, concussion or surgery recovery can register with and receive services through the Disability Services Center on a temporary basis. Temporary students follow the same registration process. 

In unique situations, provisional accommodations may be approved for students who provide evidence of actively engaging in the diagnostic process. These provisional accommodations are typically approved for 1 quarter or semester, and may later be approved on a permanent basis upon receipt of documentation.

UC Guidelines

The University of California has guidelines for documentation and accommodations. Below are guidelines for different disabilities: