Assistive Technology to help the interaction between visually impaired and computer systems: A Systematic Literature Mapping
Human-Computer Interaction, Assistive Technology, Accessibility, Visual ImpairmentAbstract
Assistive Technology (AT) refers to a set of resources and services designed to help people with disabilities, providing or expanding their skills, enabling they to carry out activities with comfort and autonomy. For visually impaired, the Assistive Technology (AT) can guarantee access to ICTs, as resources such as screen and mouse may not be useful. Thus, this work describes a Systematic Literature Mapping, seeking to identify works related to AT developed to help visually impaired in the use of digital systems. As a result, 108 AT-related articles developed for the visually impaired during an interaction with ICTs were obtained. Reading these works, select 12 articles related to learning computer programming and the use of software development tools by visually impaired. It was found that most of the TA resources developed focus only on the extension of the visual interface.
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