Computer Aided Recognition of Vocal Folds Disorders by Means of RASTA-PLP | Saudi | Computer and Information Science | CCSE

Computer Aided Recognition of Vocal Folds Disorders by Means of RASTA-PLP

  •  Ali Saudi    
  •  Aliaa A. A. Youssif    
  •  Atef Z. Ghalwash    


In the context of the recognition of vocal folds disorders, the systems based on acoustic analysis are being introduced as computer aided medical diagnosis tools due to its objectivity and noninvasive nature. Acoustic analysis is a complementary tool to those methods based on direct observation of the vocal folds by laryngoscopy; also, it can be used for the evaluation of surgical operation. This paper presents a novel approach in voice pathology assessment using RASTA-PLP feature extraction method in the framework of a HMM. The proposed method then compared to other feature extraction methods such as MFCC and PLP. The experimental results show that RASTA-PLP attained 92.86% correct classification rates and AUC of 0.94 compared to 0.81 and 0.79 for MFCC and PLP respectively.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
  • ISSN(Print): 1913-8989
  • ISSN(Online): 1913-8997
  • Started: 2008
  • Frequency: semiannual

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