Luigi Celona
Gianluigi Ciocca
Raimondo Schettini
Department of Informatics, Systems and Communication, University of Milano-Bicocca, viale Sarca 336, 20126 Milano, Italy
Image Complexity, Feature Extraction, Self-Supervised, Supervised, Transfer Learning, Vision Transformers.
Perceiving image complexity is a crucial aspect of human visual understanding, yet explicitly assessing image complexity poses challenges. Historically, this aspect has been understudied due to its inherent subjectivity, stemming from its reliance on human perception, and the semantic dependency of image complexity in the face of diverse real-world images. Different computational models for image complexity estimation have been proposed in the literature. These models leverage a variety of techniques ranging from low-level, hand-crafted features, to advanced machine learning algorithms. This paper explores the use of recent deep-learning approaches based on Visual Transformer to extract robust information for image complexity estimation in a transfer learning paradigm. Specifically, we propose to leverage three visual backbones, CLIP, DINO-v2, and ImageNetViT, as feature extractors, coupled with a Support Vector Regressor with Radial Basis Function kernel as an image complexity estim
ator. We test our approach on two widely used benchmark datasets (i.e. IC9600 and SAVOIAS) in an intra-dataset and inter-dataset workflow. Our experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the CLIP-based features for accurate image complexity estimation with results comparable to end-to-end solutions.