Non-traditional book publishing


  • Jana Bradley School of Information Resources and Library Science, University of Arizona
  • Bruce Fulton University of Arizona
  • Marlene Helm University of Arizona
  • Katherine A. Pittner



Self-Publishing, Publishing Industry


Non-traditional book publishing, prospering on the Internet, now accounts for over eight times the output of traditional publishing. Non-traditional publishing includes books published by their authors and books representing the reuse of content, most of it not covered by copyright. The result is an heterogeneous, hyper-abundant contemporary book environment where the traditional mixes with the non-traditional and finding books that match a reader’s taste is more difficult than previously and may involve new methods of discovery.

Author Biographies

Jana Bradley, School of Information Resources and Library Science, University of Arizona

Professor, School of Information Resources and Library Science, Tucson, Arizona. Research interests cover non-traditional publishing, including Internet publishing and other forms of e-forms;

Bruce Fulton, University of Arizona

Digital Projects Librarian and doctoral student at the University of Arizona, School of Information Resources and Library Science. His career experience includes technology management and entrepreneurship and consulting private and government agencies. His research and teaching interests are the future of the book and social networking. He is a founding member of the research team on non-traditional books and self-publishing.

Marlene Helm, University of Arizona

Associate Librarian at the Arizona State Museum Library at the University of Arizona, specializing in cataloging and bibliographic control. She is an adjunct instructor at School of Information Resources and Library Science. Her research and teaching interests center around cataloging and bibliographic control as the book environment changes. She is a founding member of the research team on non-traditional books and self-publishing.

Katherine A. Pittner

doctoral student at the University of Arizona, School of Information Resources and Library Science (SIRLS).




How to Cite

Bradley, J., Fulton, B., Helm, M., & Pittner, K. A. (2011). Non-traditional book publishing. First Monday, 16(8).