Representation in Teaching and Learning Mathematics | Mainali | International Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science and Technology

Representation in Teaching and Learning Mathematics

Bhesh Mainali
5625 1851


Representation is an important element for teaching and learning mathematics since utilization of multiple modes of representation would enhance teaching and learning mathematics. Representation is a sign or combination of signs, characters, diagram, objects, pictures, or graphs, which can be utilized in teaching and learning mathematics. Normally, there are four modes of representations in the domain of mathematics: (1) verbal, (2) graphic (3) algebraic, and (4) numeric. Certain type of representations can be dominant in teaching and learning mathematics; however, representation needs to be translated from one mode to another mode. Translation of modes of representation is an important skill that learners need to develop in order to be more proficient in learning mathematics. In the last couple of decades, the role of representation in mathematics education has been increased but requires more research studies to explore various aspects of representations.


Representation, External and internal representation, Modes of representation, Translation of representation

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Mainali, B. (2021). Representation in teaching and learning mathematics. International Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science, and Technology (IJEMST), 9(1), 1-21.



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