Journal of Communications (JCM) is a top venue for high quality research that advances state-of-the-art contributions in the area of the new technologies. The focus is on Dependable Computing for Ubiquitous Services (DCUS). The latest developments in theories, systems, methods, algorithms and applications in communications have enabled new dimensions in dependable computing for ubiquitous services, such as dependable hardware and dependable software. As applications of dependable computing have permeated in every aspects of daily life, the dependability of computing has become increasingly critical. The aim of the special issue is to provide fast publication outlet for refereed, high quality original research papers in the various aspects of advances in Reliability and its applications. The special issue would focus on the research challenges and issues in the design and implementation (theories, technologies, architecture and applications) on DCUS. Cite: Athanasios V. Vasilakos, Neal N. Xiong, Laurence T. Yang, Chuan Lin, and Lei Shu, "Special Issue on Dependable Computing for Ubiquitous Services," Journal of Communications, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 1-4, 2011. Doi: 10.4304/jcm.5.1.1-4