Malware Analysis and Classification: A Survey
Malware Analysis and Classification: A Survey


One of the major and serious threats on the Internet today is malicious software, often referred to as a malware. The malwares being designed by attackers are polymorphic and metamorphic which have the ability to change their code as they propagate. Moreover, the diversity and volume of their variants severely undermine the effectiveness of traditional defenses which typically use signature based techniques and are unable to detect the previously unknown malicious executables. The variants of malware families share typical behavioral patterns reflecting their origin and purpose. The behavioral patterns obtained either statically or dynamically can be exploited to detect and classify unknown malwares into their known families using machine learning techniques. This survey paper provides an overview of techniques for analyzing and classifying the malwares.

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Gandotra, E. , Bansal, D. and Sofat, S. (2014) Malware Analysis and Classification: A Survey. Journal of Information Security, 5, 56-64. doi: 10.4236/jis.2014.52006.

1. Introduction

Software that “deliberately fulfills the harmful intent of an attacker” is referred to as malicious software or malware [1] . These are intended to gain access to computer systems and network resources, disturb computer operations, and gather personal information without taking the consent of system’s owner, thus creating a menace to the availability of the internet, integrity of its hosts, and the privacy of its users. Malwares come in wide range of variations like Virus, Worm, Trojan-horse, Rootkit, Backdoor, Botnet, Spyware, Adware etc. These classes of malwares are not mutually exclusive meaning thereby that a particular malware may reveal the characteristics of multiple classes at the same time.

Malware is one of the most terrible and major security threats facing the Internet today. According to a survey, [2] conducted by FireEye in June 2013, 47% of the organizations experienced malware security incidents/network breaches in the past one year. The malwares are continuously growing in volume (growing threat landscape), variety (innovative malicious methods) and velocity (fluidity of threats) [3] . These are evolving, becoming more sophisticated and using new ways to target computers and mobile devices. McAfee [4] catalogs over 100,000 new malware samples every day means about 69 new threats every minute or about one threat per second. With the increase in readily available and sophisticated tools, the new generation cyber threats/attacks are becoming more targeted, persistent and unknown. Figure 1 depicts the comparison of traditional and advanced malwares. The advanced malwares are targeted, unknown, stealthy, personalized and zero day as compared to the traditional malwares which were broad, known, open and one time. Once inside, they hide, replicate and disable host protections. After getting installed, they call their command and control servers for further instructions, which could be to steal data, infect other machines, and allow reconnaissance [5] .

Attackers exploit vulnerabilities in web services, browsers and operating systems, or use social engineering techniques to make users run the malicious code in order to spread malwares. Malware authors use obfuscation techniques [6] like dead code insertion, register reassignment, subroutine reordering, instruction substitution, code transposition, and code integration to evade detection by traditional defenses like firewalls, antivirus and gateways which typically use signature based techniques and are unable to detect the previously unseen malicious executables. Commercial antivirus vendors are not able to offer immediate protection for zero day malwares as they need to analyze these to create their signatures.

To overcome the limitation of signature based methods, malware analysis techniques are being followed, which can be either static or dynamic. The malware analysis techniques help the analysts to understand the risks and intensions associated with a malicious code sample. The insight so obtained can be used to react to new trends in malware development or take preventive measures to cope with the threats coming in future. Features derived from analysis of malware can be used to group unknown malwares and classify them into their existing families. This paper presents a review of techniques/approaches for analyzing and classifying the malware executables.

2. Malware Analysis

Before creating the signatures for newly arrived malwares, these are required to be analyzed so as to understand the associated risks and intensions. The malicious program and its capabilities can be observed either by examining its code or by executing it in a safe environment.

2.1. Static Analysis

Analyzing malicious software without executing it is called static analysis. The detection patterns used in static analysis include string signature, byte-sequence n-grams, syntactic library call, control flow graph and opcode (operational code) frequency distribution etc. The executable has to be unpacked and decrypted before doing static analysis. The disassembler/debugger and memory dumper tools can be used to reverse com-

Figure 1. Traditional vs. advanced malwares.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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