Transferring Real-Time Systems Research into Industrial Practice: Four Impact Case Studies

Transferring Real-Time Systems Research into Industrial Practice: Four Impact Case Studies

Authors Robert I. Davis, Iain Bate, Guillem Bernat, Ian Broster, Alan Burns, Antoine Colin, Stuart Hutchesson, Nigel Tracey

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Author Details

Robert I. Davis
  • University of York, York, UK
Iain Bate
  • University of York, York, UK
Guillem Bernat
  • Rapita Systems Ltd., York, UK
Ian Broster
  • Rapita Systems Ltd., York, UK
Alan Burns
  • University of York, York, UK
Antoine Colin
  • Rapita Systems Ltd., York, UK
Stuart Hutchesson
  • Rolls-Royce PLC., Derby, UK
Nigel Tracey
  • ETAS Ltd. York, UK

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Robert I. Davis, Iain Bate, Guillem Bernat, Ian Broster, Alan Burns, Antoine Colin, Stuart Hutchesson, and Nigel Tracey. Transferring Real-Time Systems Research into Industrial Practice: Four Impact Case Studies. In 30th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems (ECRTS 2018). Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), Volume 106, pp. 7:1-7:24, Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik (2018)


This paper describes four impact case studies where real-time systems research has been successfully transferred into industrial practice. In three cases, the technology created was translated into a viable commercial product via a start-up company. This technology transfer led to the creation and sustaining of a large number of high technology jobs over a 20 year period. The final case study involved the direct transfer of research results into an engineering company. Taken together, all four case studies have led to significant advances in automotive electronics and avionics, providing substantial returns on investment for the companies using the technology.

Subject Classification

ACM Subject Classification
  • Computer systems organization → Real-time systems
  • real-time systems
  • industrial impact
  • automotive
  • avionics


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