The Impact of Trust on E-Government Services Acceptance: A Study of Users’ Perceptions by Applying UTAUT Model | IGI Global Scientific Publishing
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The Impact of Trust on E-Government Services Acceptance: A Study of Users’ Perceptions by Applying UTAUT Model

The Impact of Trust on E-Government Services Acceptance: A Study of Users’ Perceptions by Applying UTAUT Model

Mohammed Alshehri, Steve Drew, Thamer Alhussain, Rayed Alghamdi
Copyright: © 2012 |Volume: 3 |Issue: 2 |Pages: 12
ISSN: 1947-9301|EISSN: 1947-931X|EISBN13: 9781466614543|DOI: 10.4018/jtd.2012040105
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Alshehri, Mohammed, et al. "The Impact of Trust on E-Government Services Acceptance: A Study of Users’ Perceptions by Applying UTAUT Model." IJTD vol.3, no.2 2012: pp.50-61.


Alshehri, M., Drew, S., Alhussain, T., & Alghamdi, R. (2012). The Impact of Trust on E-Government Services Acceptance: A Study of Users’ Perceptions by Applying UTAUT Model. International Journal of Technology Diffusion (IJTD), 3(2), 50-61.


Alshehri, Mohammed, et al. "The Impact of Trust on E-Government Services Acceptance: A Study of Users’ Perceptions by Applying UTAUT Model," International Journal of Technology Diffusion (IJTD) 3, no.2: 50-61.

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Many governments around the world aim seriously to make their services available online and deliver it to their citizens in professional and secure manner. E-government services aims to improve and facilitate the communication between government and citizens by increasing the usage of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) in government operations. It will provide all government services in electronic form to all citizens in a timely, easy, high quality and effective manner with great productivity and time savings. However, user acceptance is one of the essential keys for adoption and success of e-government application and services. Many studies emphasize that trust is one of the important factors in the adoption studies of e-government. This paper examines the effect of trust as independent variable of the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) model on user’s acceptance and use of e-government services in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). Based on the amended (UTAUT) model we study the impact of trust on the adoption of e-government services form citizens’ perception.

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