Requirements Elicitation by Defect Elimination: An Indian Logic Perspective | IGI Global Scientific Publishing
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Requirements Elicitation by Defect Elimination: An Indian Logic Perspective

Requirements Elicitation by Defect Elimination: An Indian Logic Perspective

G.S. Mahalakshmi (Anna University - Chennai, India) and T.V. Geetha (Anna University - Chennai, India)
Copyright: © 2009 |Volume: 1 |Issue: 2 |Pages: 18
ISSN: 1942-9045|EISSN: 1942-9037|ISSN: 1942-9045|EISBN13: 9781615204212|EISSN: 1942-9037|DOI: 10.4018/jssci.2009040105
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Mahalakshmi, G.S., and T.V. Geetha. "Requirements Elicitation by Defect Elimination: An Indian Logic Perspective." IJSSCI vol.1, no.2 2009: pp.73-90.


Mahalakshmi, G. & Geetha, T. (2009). Requirements Elicitation by Defect Elimination: An Indian Logic Perspective. International Journal of Software Science and Computational Intelligence (IJSSCI), 1(2), 73-90.


Mahalakshmi, G.S., and T.V. Geetha. "Requirements Elicitation by Defect Elimination: An Indian Logic Perspective," International Journal of Software Science and Computational Intelligence (IJSSCI) 1, no.2: 73-90.

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This paper aims to develop an Indian-logic based approach for automatic generation of software requirements from a domain-specific ontology. The structure of domain ontology is adapted from Indian logic. The interactive approach proposed in this paper parses the problem statement, and the section of domain ontology, which matches the problem statement, is identified. The software generates questions to stakeholders based on the identified concepts. The answer is analysed for presence of flaws or inconsistencies. Subsequent questions are recursively generated to repair the flaw in the previous answer. These answers are populated into requirements ontology, which contains problem specific information coupled with the interests of the stakeholder. The information gathered is stored in a database, which is later segregated into functional and non-functional requirements. These requirements are classified, validated and prioritized based on combined approach of AHP and stakeholders’defined priority. Conflict between requirements is resolved by the application of cosine correlation measure.

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