Intelligent Industrial Data Acquisition and Energy Monitoring using Wireless Sensor Networks | IGI Global Scientific Publishing
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Intelligent Industrial Data Acquisition and Energy Monitoring using Wireless Sensor Networks

Intelligent Industrial Data Acquisition and Energy Monitoring using Wireless Sensor Networks

Sumeet Gupta, Shekhar Verma, G.S. Tomar, Raj Kumar Abrol
Copyright: © 2010 |Volume: 2 |Issue: 3 |Pages: 16
ISSN: 1938-0259|EISSN: 1938-0267|EISBN13: 9781609609368|DOI: 10.4018/jghpc.2010070104
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Gupta, Sumeet, et al. "Intelligent Industrial Data Acquisition and Energy Monitoring using Wireless Sensor Networks." IJGHPC vol.2, no.3 2010: pp.44-59.


Gupta, S., Verma, S., Tomar, G., & Abrol, R. K. (2010). Intelligent Industrial Data Acquisition and Energy Monitoring using Wireless Sensor Networks. International Journal of Grid and High Performance Computing (IJGHPC), 2(3), 44-59.


Gupta, Sumeet, et al. "Intelligent Industrial Data Acquisition and Energy Monitoring using Wireless Sensor Networks," International Journal of Grid and High Performance Computing (IJGHPC) 2, no.3: 44-59.

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Most of the application-oriented research in the field of Wireless Sensor Networks has been in remote monitoring, including environmental, building automation, and security. However, this paper presents the methodology followed for implementation of a Wireless Sensor Network based solution in a process plant for energy management and leak detection. The sensor network acquires data pertaining to detection of leakage in a plant. The network further serves effectively as a maintenance and diagnostic system that is used to manage the plant and conserve energy in a process plant. The critical design issues, testing methodologies and implementation problems pertaining to the system are also presented. Additionally, special focus has been placed on the calculations pertaining to the network life time.

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