Visual Mobility Analysis using T-Warehouse | IGI Global Scientific Publishing
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Visual Mobility Analysis using T-Warehouse

Visual Mobility Analysis using T-Warehouse

A. Raffaetà, L. Leonardi, G. Marketos, G. Andrienko, N. Andrienko, E. Frentzos, N. Giatrakos, S. Orlando, N. Pelekis, A. Roncato, C. Silvestri
Copyright: © 2011 |Volume: 7 |Issue: 1 |Pages: 23
ISSN: 1548-3924|EISSN: 1548-3932|EISBN13: 9781613506332|DOI: 10.4018/jdwm.2011010101
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Raffaetà, A., et al. "Visual Mobility Analysis using T-Warehouse." IJDWM vol.7, no.1 2011: pp.1-23.


Raffaetà, A., Leonardi, L., Marketos, G., Andrienko, G., Andrienko, N., Frentzos, E., Giatrakos, N., Orlando, S., Pelekis, N., Roncato, A., & Silvestri, C. (2011). Visual Mobility Analysis using T-Warehouse. International Journal of Data Warehousing and Mining (IJDWM), 7(1), 1-23.


Raffaetà, A., et al. "Visual Mobility Analysis using T-Warehouse," International Journal of Data Warehousing and Mining (IJDWM) 7, no.1: 1-23.

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Technological advances in sensing technologies and wireless telecommunication devices enable research fields related to the management of trajectory data. The challenge after storing the data is the implementation of appropriate analytics for extracting useful knowledge. However, traditional data warehousing systems and techniques were not designed for analyzing trajectory data. In this paper, the authors demonstrate a framework that transforms the traditional data cube model into a trajectory warehouse. As a proof-of-concept, the authors implement T-Warehouse, a system that incorporates all the required steps for Visual Trajectory Data Warehousing, from trajectory reconstruction and ETL processing to Visual OLAP analysis on mobility data.

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