Development of an Eye Response-Based Mental Workload Evaluation Method: A Study of User interface in a Nuclear Power Plant | IGI Global Scientific Publishing
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Development of an Eye Response-Based Mental Workload Evaluation Method: A Study of User interface in a Nuclear Power Plant

Development of an Eye Response-Based Mental Workload Evaluation Method: A Study of User interface in a Nuclear Power Plant

Cong Chi Tran (Vietnam National University of Forestry, Vietnam) and Shengyuan Yan (Harbin Engineering University, China)
Copyright: © 2022 |Volume: 18 |Issue: 1 |Pages: 22
ISSN: 1548-3908|EISSN: 1548-3916|EISBN13: 9781799893646|DOI: 10.4018/IJTHI.299071
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Tran, Cong Chi, and Shengyuan Yan. "Development of an Eye Response-Based Mental Workload Evaluation Method: A Study of User interface in a Nuclear Power Plant." IJTHI vol.18, no.1 2022: pp.1-22.


Tran, C. C. & Yan, S. (2022). Development of an Eye Response-Based Mental Workload Evaluation Method: A Study of User interface in a Nuclear Power Plant. International Journal of Technology and Human Interaction (IJTHI), 18(1), 1-22.


Tran, Cong Chi, and Shengyuan Yan. "Development of an Eye Response-Based Mental Workload Evaluation Method: A Study of User interface in a Nuclear Power Plant," International Journal of Technology and Human Interaction (IJTHI) 18, no.1: 1-22.

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This study proposed an eye responses-based mental workload (E-MWL) evaluation method in nuclear power plants (NPPs) when performing the task via a user interface control. The fuzzy theory was used to combine four eye response indices using the entropy weight method. Then, the E-MWL method was validated through experiments by comparison with the NASA-TLX rating and performance measures indices in two different tasks of the State Oriented Procedure (SOP) in NPP. The correlation analysis results between the NASA-TLX and eye response indices showed that four eye response indices used in this study were correlated significantly with the NASA-TLX, indicating that these indices may develop the E-MWL method. The E-MWL score results indicated that it is highly correlated with NASA-TLX and performance measures indices in two different tasks of SOP in NPP. This has proved that E-MWL is an objective method suitable for evaluating and predicting human mental workload (MWL) for interface control task in NPPs.