An Image Examination System for Retinal Optic Disc Mining and Analysis With Social Group Optimization Algorithm | IGI Global Scientific Publishing
An Image Examination System for Retinal Optic Disc Mining and Analysis With Social Group Optimization Algorithm

An Image Examination System for Retinal Optic Disc Mining and Analysis With Social Group Optimization Algorithm

Pradipta Kumar Mishra, Suresh Chandra Satapathy
Copyright: © 2022 |Volume: 13 |Issue: 1 |Pages: 17
ISSN: 1947-9263|EISSN: 1947-9271|EISBN13: 9781683181514|DOI: 10.4018/IJSIR.300370
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Mishra, Pradipta Kumar, and Suresh Chandra Satapathy. "An Image Examination System for Retinal Optic Disc Mining and Analysis With Social Group Optimization Algorithm." IJSIR vol.13, no.1 2022: pp.1-17.


Mishra, P. K. & Satapathy, S. C. (2022). An Image Examination System for Retinal Optic Disc Mining and Analysis With Social Group Optimization Algorithm. International Journal of Swarm Intelligence Research (IJSIR), 13(1), 1-17.


Mishra, Pradipta Kumar, and Suresh Chandra Satapathy. "An Image Examination System for Retinal Optic Disc Mining and Analysis With Social Group Optimization Algorithm," International Journal of Swarm Intelligence Research (IJSIR) 13, no.1: 1-17.

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This work aims to develop a hybrid image examination system to extract and evaluate the Optic Disc (OD) from the Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD) and Non-AMD class Digital Fundus Retinal Image (DFRI). This work implements an image pre-processing through Shannon’s Entropy and Social Group Optimization (SE+SGO) based thresholding and image post-processing with Level Set Segmentation (LSS). A relative study among the extracted OD and the ground-truth is then executed to compute the vital Picture Similarity Parameters (PSP). This study also presents a detailed pixel level data analysis practice on the extracted OD. Finally, the performance of the LSS is then validated against the existing segmentation techniques, such as Chan-Vese, Active-Contour and k-means clustering. The proposed work is executed on the iChallenge-AMD-2018 DFRI (400 images) and the results confirm that, proposed hybrid tool helps to achieve better values of Jaccard (86.82%), Dice (91.78%), Accuracy (98.94%), Precision (92.86%), Sensitivity (94.06%), and Specificity (99.46%).

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