Paranga: An Electronic Flipbook that Reproduces Riffling Interaction | IGI Global Scientific Publishing
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Paranga: An Electronic Flipbook that Reproduces Riffling Interaction

Paranga: An Electronic Flipbook that Reproduces Riffling Interaction

Kazuyuki Fujita (Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Osaka University, Suita, Japan), Yuichi Itoh (Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Osaka University, Suita, Japan), and Hiroyuki Kidokoro (Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Osaka University, Suita, Japan)
Copyright: © 2013 |Volume: 4 |Issue: 1 |Pages: 14
ISSN: 1947-3117|EISSN: 1947-3125|EISBN13: 9781466630734|DOI: 10.4018/ijcicg.2013010102
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Fujita, Kazuyuki, et al. "Paranga: An Electronic Flipbook that Reproduces Riffling Interaction." IJCICG vol.4, no.1 2013: pp.21-34.


Fujita, K., Itoh, Y., & Kidokoro, H. (2013). Paranga: An Electronic Flipbook that Reproduces Riffling Interaction. International Journal of Creative Interfaces and Computer Graphics (IJCICG), 4(1), 21-34.


Fujita, Kazuyuki, Yuichi Itoh, and Hiroyuki Kidokoro. "Paranga: An Electronic Flipbook that Reproduces Riffling Interaction," International Journal of Creative Interfaces and Computer Graphics (IJCICG) 4, no.1: 21-34.

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The authors propose a novel book-shaped device for flipbooks called Paranga that embodies both physical features of paper and e-book interactivity. Paranga detects how quickly a user is riffling and provides the user with visual, tactile, and auditory feedbacks of turned pages by employing an LCD monitor and a rotatable roller mechanism with pieces of real paper. Using this device, the authors created several electronic flipbook installations in which the story changes depending on page-turning speed. This paper details the implementation of this device, describes the users’ reactions at a conference exhibition, and discusses Paranga's possible applications.

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