Towards Self Energy-Management and Sustainable Citizens' Engagement in Local Energy Efficiency Agenda | IGI Global Scientific Publishing
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Towards Self Energy-Management and Sustainable Citizens' Engagement in Local Energy Efficiency Agenda

Towards Self Energy-Management and Sustainable Citizens' Engagement in Local Energy Efficiency Agenda

Francesco Scorza (School of Engineering, University of Basilicata, Potenza, Italy)
Copyright: © 2016 |Volume: 7 |Issue: 1 |Pages: 10
ISSN: 1947-3192|EISSN: 1947-3206|EISBN13: 9781466691988|DOI: 10.4018/IJAEIS.2016010103
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Scorza, Francesco. "Towards Self Energy-Management and Sustainable Citizens' Engagement in Local Energy Efficiency Agenda." IJAEIS vol.7, no.1 2016: pp.44-53.


Scorza, F. (2016). Towards Self Energy-Management and Sustainable Citizens' Engagement in Local Energy Efficiency Agenda. International Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Information Systems (IJAEIS), 7(1), 44-53.


Scorza, Francesco. "Towards Self Energy-Management and Sustainable Citizens' Engagement in Local Energy Efficiency Agenda," International Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Information Systems (IJAEIS) 7, no.1: 44-53.

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EU 2020 targets and global challenges concerning energy efficiency in public and private sectors generated a great number of local and sectorial approaches mainly oriented to investment promotion in energy technologies including buildings renovations. RES diffusion also generated impacts on rural and natural areas, but a comprehensive balance of recent trends still remarks only a partial success. The research hypothesis regards short-term benefits that an inclusive approach in energy management could bring in connection with energy efficiency investments at municipal scale. In fact a lot of energy wastage is linked to ineffective usage model, even in renewed buildings too. If one includes community involvement process oriented to deliver sustainable energy behaviors, one can expect a general improvement of energy saving in public and private sector. In order to be included, citizens need information: the Real time ICT application for energy monitoring represents an advancement proposed in this research. The long term perspective fits with the attitude of informed citizen to deliver self-energy management practice in everyday life. The benefits of the proposed approach regard territorial policies in the framework of EU-2020 strategy, Covenant of Mayors and UN 2030-Agenda.

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