An Empirical Study on the Intention to Use Open Banking in India | IGI Global Scientific Publishing
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An Empirical Study on the Intention to Use Open Banking in India

An Empirical Study on the Intention to Use Open Banking in India

Brijesh Sivathanu (Symbiosis Centre for Information Technology (SCIT), Symbiosis International University (SIU), Pune, India)
Copyright: © 2019 |Volume: 32 |Issue: 3 |Pages: 21
ISSN: 1040-1628|EISSN: 1533-7979|EISBN13: 9781522563846|DOI: 10.4018/IRMJ.2019070102
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Sivathanu, Brijesh. "An Empirical Study on the Intention to Use Open Banking in India." IRMJ vol.32, no.3 2019: pp.27-47.


Sivathanu, B. (2019). An Empirical Study on the Intention to Use Open Banking in India. Information Resources Management Journal (IRMJ), 32(3), 27-47.


Sivathanu, Brijesh. "An Empirical Study on the Intention to Use Open Banking in India," Information Resources Management Journal (IRMJ) 32, no.3: 27-47.

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This article examines the use intention of open banking technology in the context of an emerging economy like India using the theoretical framework of Technology Readiness and Acceptance Model (TRAM). To study the use intention for open banking in India, a primary survey was conducted among 945 customers using a structured questionnaire. The PLS-SEM technique was used to analyze the data. Findings – The results show that Optimism (OPM) contributes positively to the Perceived Ease of Use (PES) and Perceived Usefulness (PUF) of the open banking technology. Innovativeness (INO) of the customers is a significant predictor of PES and PUF. It was found that Discomfort (DCF) negatively contributes to PES and PUF; however, it significantly influences PES and has no significant influence on PUF. Insecurity (INT) is negatively significant to PUF and it has no significant influence on PES. It is observed that PES positively contributes to PUF. The results show that PES and PUF are significant predictors of Perceived Customer Value (PCV). PCVs contribution to the Use Intention (UNT) is significantly positive for open banking technology. The stickiness to traditional banking moderates the relationship between PCV and UNT for open banking.

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