mLearning and Creative Practices: a Public Challenge? | IGI Global Scientific Publishing
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mLearning and Creative Practices: a Public Challenge?

mLearning and Creative Practices: a Public Challenge?

Laurent Antonczak (COLAB, Auckland University of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand), Helen Keegan (University of Salford, Salford, UK), and Thomas Cochrane (Centre for Learning and Teaching, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand)
Copyright: © 2016 |Volume: 8 |Issue: 4 |Pages: 10
ISSN: 1941-8647|EISSN: 1941-8655|EISBN13: 9781466690394|DOI: 10.4018/IJMBL.2016100103
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Antonczak, Laurent, et al. "mLearning and Creative Practices: a Public Challenge?." IJMBL vol.8, no.4 2016: pp.34-43.


Antonczak, L., Keegan, H., & Cochrane, T. (2016). mLearning and Creative Practices: a Public Challenge?. International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning (IJMBL), 8(4), 34-43.


Antonczak, Laurent, Helen Keegan, and Thomas Cochrane. "mLearning and Creative Practices: a Public Challenge?," International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning (IJMBL) 8, no.4: 34-43.

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The ethos of open sharing of experiences and user generated content enabled by Mobile social media can be problematic in some cases (politics, gender, minorities), and it is not fully understood within the creative and academic sector. Creative people, students, and lecturers can misconceive the value and issues around open and public access to their work online, which include: professionalism, Intellectual Property (IP), collaboration (Gayeski, 2002; Londsdale, Baber, Sharples, & Arvanitis, 2003), peer esteem VS individualism, amateurism, and paranoia. Collectively the authors of this paper have accrued a wide portfolio of experiences in global educational collaboration and practice-based research and, in this position paper, they highlight some of the key ethical challenges that they have found need to be negotiated within global mobile social media education (Andrews, Dyson, Smyth, & Wallace, 2011) and mobile media production (i.e.: photography and video – Wishart & Green, 2010). In order to ground this reflective discussion, the authors use Heutagogy as the learning and teaching framework to guide the qualitative analysis of a specific case study which is built upon the scenario-based approach utilised by Andrews et al., (2013).

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