Challenges of IT Adoption at Educational Institutions: Lessons From Bangladesh | IGI Global Scientific Publishing
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Challenges of IT Adoption at Educational Institutions: Lessons From Bangladesh

Challenges of IT Adoption at Educational Institutions: Lessons From Bangladesh

Saad Hasan (American International University-Bangladesh, Kuratoli, Dhaka, Bangladesh), Mohammad Rashedul Hoque (American International University- Bangladesh, Kuratoli, Dhaka, Bangladesh), Shafkat Reza Chowdhury (American International University- Bangladesh, Kuratoli, Dhaka, Bangladesh), Ashfaque A. Mohib (American International University- Bangladesh, Kuratoli, Dhaka, Bangladesh), and Md. Abdul Ahad (American International University- Bangladesh, Kuratoli, Dhaka, Bangladesh)
Copyright: © 2020 |Volume: 11 |Issue: 1 |Pages: 25
ISSN: 1941-868X|EISSN: 1941-8698|EISBN13: 9781799805755|DOI: 10.4018/IJISSC.2020010105
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Hasan, Saad, et al. "Challenges of IT Adoption at Educational Institutions: Lessons From Bangladesh." IJISSC vol.11, no.1 2020: pp.66-90.


Hasan, S., Hoque, M. R., Chowdhury, S. R., Mohib, A. A., & Ahad, M. A. (2020). Challenges of IT Adoption at Educational Institutions: Lessons From Bangladesh. International Journal of Information Systems and Social Change (IJISSC), 11(1), 66-90.


Hasan, Saad, et al. "Challenges of IT Adoption at Educational Institutions: Lessons From Bangladesh," International Journal of Information Systems and Social Change (IJISSC) 11, no.1: 66-90.

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Information and communication technology have become more potent over the years and its organization wide usage is ever increasing. New technology integration has been changing the way individuals work and organisations operate. However, despite the many benefits, technology adoption can also be at times problematic and disruptive. This research utilising the case study method investigated the nature of problems and their impacts due to IT changes and automation in educational institutions in Bangladesh. The findings reveal that there are problems related to network; process; interface; and hardware that are causing operational impacts such as disruption, efficiency loss, productivity loss and quality issues of various extent. Furthermore, the paper based on the results of the case study and expert opinion provides a set of recommendations for problem mitigation.

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