A New Image Clustering Method Based on the Fuzzy Harmony Search Algorithm and Fourier Transform

A New Image Clustering Method Based on the Fuzzy Harmony Search Algorithm and Fourier Transform

Ibtissem Bekkouche, Hadria Fizazi, Journal of Information Processing Systems Vol. 12, No. 4, pp. 555-576, Dec. 2016  

Keywords: Fourier transform, Fuzzy Clustering, Harmony Search, Processing Image, Remote Sensing


In the conventional clustering algorithms, an object could be assigned to only one group. However, this is sometimes not the case in reality, there are cases where the data do not belong to one group. As against, the fuzzy clustering takes into consideration the degree of fuzzy membership of each pixel relative to different classes. In order to overcome some shortcoming with traditional clustering methods, such as slow convergence and their sensitivity to initialization values, we have used the Harmony Search algorithm. It is based on the population metaheuristic algorithm, imitating the musical improvisation process. The major thrust of this algorithm lies in its ability to integrate the key components of population-based methods and local search-based methods in a simple optimization model. We propose in this paper a new unsupervised clustering method called the Fuzzy Harmony Search-Fourier Transform (FHS-FT). It is based on hybridization fuzzy clustering and the harmony search algorithm to increase its exploitation process and to further improve the generated solution, while the Fourier transform to increase the size of the image's data. The results show that the proposed method is able to provide viable solutions as compared to previous work

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[APA Style]
Bekkouche, I. & Fizazi, H. (2016). A New Image Clustering Method Based on the Fuzzy Harmony Search Algorithm and Fourier Transform . Journal of Information Processing Systems, 12(4), 555-576. DOI: 10.3745/JIPS.02.0047.

[IEEE Style]
I. Bekkouche and H. Fizazi, "A New Image Clustering Method Based on the Fuzzy Harmony Search Algorithm and Fourier Transform ," Journal of Information Processing Systems, vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 555-576, 2016. DOI: 10.3745/JIPS.02.0047.

[ACM Style]
Ibtissem Bekkouche and Hadria Fizazi. 2016. A New Image Clustering Method Based on the Fuzzy Harmony Search Algorithm and Fourier Transform . Journal of Information Processing Systems, 12, 4, (2016), 555-576. DOI: 10.3745/JIPS.02.0047.