Evaluation of Corporate Websites and Their Influence on the Performance of Olive Oil Companies
:1. Introduction
2. Contextual Framework and Working Hypothesis
3. Materials and Methods
3.1. Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA)
3.2. Extended Model of Internet Commerce Adoption (eMICA)
3.3. Fuzzy-Set Quality Comparative Analysis (fsQCA)
4. Results and Discussion
4.1. Analysis of Economic Efficiency
4.2. Analysis of Corporate Website Quality
4.3. Analysis of the Relationship between Economic Efficiency and Corporate Website Quality
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Stages | Code | Item Description | |
STAGE 1. Promotion | Layer 1. Basic information (minimum 2) | F1.N1.1 | Company contact details |
F1.N1.2 | Physical address | ||
F1.N1.3 | Information on company activities | ||
Layer 2. Rich information (minimum 4) | F1.N2.1 | Email address or contact form | |
F1.N2.2 | Information on olive oil varieties and quality | ||
F1.N2.3 | Information on events or shows | ||
F1.N2.4 | Availability of website content in several languages | ||
F1.N2.5 | Information on quality standards | ||
F1.N2.6 | News | ||
F1.N2.7 | Information on online purchase promotions | ||
STAGE 2. Provision or interactivity | Layer 1. Low interactivity (minimum 3) | F2.N1.1 | Price and basic product information |
F2.N1.2 | Links to further information | ||
F2.N1.3 | Recipes and cooking tips | ||
F2.N1.4 | Information on visits | ||
F2.N1.5 | Promotions | ||
F2.N1.6 | Sitemap | ||
F2.N1.7 | Website sharing | ||
Layer 2. Medium interactivity (minimum 2) | F2.N2.1 | Link to download brochure or photos | |
F2.N2.2 | Privacy policy | ||
F2.N2.3 | FAQs | ||
F2.N2.4 | Keyword search | ||
F2.N2.5 | Online shop (storefront) | ||
Layer 3. High interactivity (minimum 4) | F2.N3.1 | Exclusive area for customers or members | |
F2.N3.2 | Multimedia applications | ||
F2.N3.3 | Blogs, forums, or chatrooms | ||
F2.N3.4 | Newsletter | ||
F2.N3.5 | Access to company’s social network profiles | ||
F2.N3.6 | Ability to receive customer feedback | ||
F2.N3.7 | Ability for customers to leave reviews | ||
F2.N3.8 | Satisfaction with products | ||
F2.N3.9 | Virtual tour of the company | ||
F2.N3.10 | Mobile version | ||
STAGE 3. Processing (minimum 2) | F3.1 | Full purchase process | |
F3.2 | Secure online transactions | ||
F3.3 | Interaction with corporate server |
Variable | Type | |
Active use of online social networks | Usa_rsv | Dichotomous variable |
Internal management of ICTs | Gestión_TIC | Dichotomous variable |
Total number of company employees | Empleados | Fuzzy variable |
Sum of items from the eMICA | Emica | Fuzzy variable |
Website information (sum of items from stage 1) | Inf.eMICA | Fuzzy variable |
Website interactivity (sum of items from stage 2) | Int.eMICA | Fuzzy variable |
Website processing (sum of items from stage 3) | Pro.eMICA | Fuzzy variable |
CCR_O | BCC_O | |
Number of efficient decision-making units | 10 | 15 |
Percentage of efficient decision-making units | 9.17% | 13.76% |
Average DEA score | 50.86% | 58.61% |
Standard deviation of the scores | 0.2394 | 0.2417 |
Stage | Companies | Percentage | Layer | Companies | Percentage |
Stage 1 | 62 | 56.88 | Layer 1. Stage 1 | 26 | 23.85 |
Layer 2. Stage 1 | 36 | 33.03 | |||
Stage | 39 | 35.78 | Layer 1. Stage 2 | 3 | 2.75 |
Layer 2. Stage 2 | 34 | 31.19 | |||
Layer 3. Stage 2 | 2 | 1.83 | |||
Stage 3 | 8 | 7.34 | Layer 1. Stage 3 | 8 | 7.34 |
TOTAL | 109 | 100.00 | TOTAL | 109 | 100.00 |
Causal Configuration | Raw Coverage | Unique Coverage | Consistency |
usa_rsv*empleados | 0.379476 | 0.079833 | 0.854450 |
pro.emica*~gestion_tic*int.emica | 0.295458 | 0.051930 | 0.801177 |
~usa_rsv*gestion_tic*~int.emica | 0.277786 | 0.123237 | 0.758358 |
~pro.emica*empleados | 0.201829 | 0.030383 | 0.859974 |
pro.emica*~usa_rsv*~empleados*int.emica | 0.110526 | 0.035033 | 0.900253 |
pro.emica*usa_rsv*gestión_tic*~int.emica | 0.078902 | 0.020152 | 0.796557 |
Solution coverage: | 0.814292 | ||
Solution consistency: | 0.778107 |
© 2018 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
Share and Cite
Bernal Jurado, E.; Mozas Moral, A.; Medina Viruel, M.J.; Fernández Uclés, D. Evaluation of Corporate Websites and Their Influence on the Performance of Olive Oil Companies. Sustainability 2018, 10, 1274. https://doi.org/10.3390/su10041274
Bernal Jurado E, Mozas Moral A, Medina Viruel MJ, Fernández Uclés D. Evaluation of Corporate Websites and Their Influence on the Performance of Olive Oil Companies. Sustainability. 2018; 10(4):1274. https://doi.org/10.3390/su10041274
Chicago/Turabian StyleBernal Jurado, Enrique, Adoración Mozas Moral, Miguel Jesús Medina Viruel, and Domingo Fernández Uclés. 2018. "Evaluation of Corporate Websites and Their Influence on the Performance of Olive Oil Companies" Sustainability 10, no. 4: 1274. https://doi.org/10.3390/su10041274
APA StyleBernal Jurado, E., Mozas Moral, A., Medina Viruel, M. J., & Fernández Uclés, D. (2018). Evaluation of Corporate Websites and Their Influence on the Performance of Olive Oil Companies. Sustainability, 10(4), 1274. https://doi.org/10.3390/su10041274