Secure Cognitive Radio-Enabled Vehicular Communications under Spectrum-Sharing Constraints
:1. Introduction
1.1. Related Works
1.2. Motivation
- In [44], the authors considered the following assumptions while analyzing the secrecy performance of CRVNs; (i) single-power constraint of the interference on the primary receiver, and (ii) Nakagami-m fading. In addition, the system’s performance was evaluated in terms of secrecy outage probability (SOP).
- In [45], the authors considered the following assumptions while investigating the PHY-security performance of CRVNs; (i) single-power constraint of the interference on the primary receiver, (ii) cascaded Rayleigh fading for the main channel (between secondary source and secondary receiver), and Rayleigh fading for both the wiretap channel (between secondary source and secondary eavesdropper) and interference channel (between secondary source and primary receiver). However, for evaluating the system’s performance, the cascaded Rayleigh fading was transformed into a Nakagami-m fading approximation, and assumed statistical independence among the channel gains. In addition, the performance was evaluated in terms of SOP, intercept probability, and probability of non-zero secrecy capacity.
- Different from [44,45], in this paper, we adopt the following: (i) two power control strategies at the secondary transmitter, i.e., Strategy I: single-power constraint of the interference on the primary receiver, and Strategy II: combined power constraint of the interference on the primary receiver and the maximum transmission power at the secondary transmitter, (ii) double-Rayleigh fading for all the links, and (iii) statistical dependency among the channel gains. In addition, we evaluate the secrecy performance in terms of exact SOP, asymptotic SOP, and ergodic secrecy capacity (ESC), under Strategies I and II.
- In this work, we consider the channel between the moving vehicles to be quasistationary for a short duration (i.e., one fading block time), where the distance between the nodes is much greater than the scattering radii. Consequently, assuming the radio propagation between two moving vehicles undergoes independent double scattering events, the channel can be modeled as double-Rayleigh fading. By contrast, the works presented in [46,47] considered the scenario where the symbol period of the detected signal is larger than the coherence time of the channel, and hence, the system fading links can be characterized as time-selective. Particularly, the works [46,47] considered Rayleigh fading channels and Nakagami-m fading channels, respectively.
- In [46], the authors considered a single-power constraint of the interference on the primary receiver, whereas in [47], the authors adopted a combined power constraint of the interference on the primary receiver and the maximum transmission power at the secondary transmitter. Different from [46,47], this paper adopts both single-power- and combined-power-based control strategies for managing interference at the primary receiver.
- In [46], the authors evaluated the SOP and intercept probability expressions over Rayleigh fading channels, while in [47], the authors derived the expressions for the SOP and ESC over Nakagami-m fading channels. In this paper, we derived the SOP and ESC expressions over double-Rayleigh fading channels.
1.3. Contributions
- We deduce the exact SOP expressions over double-Rayleigh fading channels in order to investigate the secrecy performance under two considered power control strategies. These SOP expressions enable us to effectively determine the impact of key system/channel parameters on the system’s secrecy performance.
- We further present the asymptotic SOP expressions for Strategy I and Strategy II over double-Rayleigh fading channels. These asymptotic expressions provide us some important insights related to the system’s achievable secrecy diversity order. Based on these asymptotic results, it is observed that the system can achieve a secrecy diversity order of 1, when the average channel gain of the main link goes to infinity and the average channel gain of the wiretap link is fixed. However, the convergence of achieving the asymptotical secrecy diversity order of 1 is very slow, due the involvement of double-Rayleigh fading channels. In addition, the secrecy diversity order reduces to zero when the average channel gains of the main and wiretap links go to infinity.
- Using the derived exact SOP expression under Strategy II, we demonstrate the impact of maximum tolerable interference level and maximum secondary transmitter power on the secrecy performance. Specifically, we analyze two cases, viz., (1) when maximum tolerable interference level is proportional to maximum secondary transmitter power, and (2) when maximum tolerable interference level is not related to maximum secondary transmitter power. It is revealed from these two cases that the SOP performance saturates when maximum secondary transmitter power is large enough, which results into a zero system’ secrecy diversity gain.
- Further, we deduce novel ESC expressions for Strategy I and Strategy II under double-Rayleigh fading, in order to analyze the impact of interference threshold, maximum transmit power, and average channel gains on the secrecy performance. We also present two key observations irrespective of two power control strategies, when the average channel gains of main and wiretap links are very large, i.e., (1) there exists a ceiling of ESC, and (2) the ESC follows a scaling law of , where and are the average channel gains of main and wiretap links, respectively.
- We finally verify our analytical and theoretical findings via simulation studies. Our results show the impact of involved network parameters on the system’s SOP and ESC performances under Strategy I and Strategy II.
1.4. Organization
2. System and Channel Models
2.1. Statistical Background: The Double-Rayleigh Distribution
2.2. Cognitive Radio Vehicular System
2.3. Instantaneous End-to-End Signal-to-Noise Ratio
2.4. Practical Applicability
- The proposed analysis under Strategy I can be more appropriate under the practical scenario when the service provided by the primary user has an instantaneous QoS requirement.
- The proposed analysis under Strategy II is suitable under the practical scenario when there is a stringent requirement of protecting QoS of primary user and maximizing secondary user throughput simultaneously.
- The proposed analysis under double-Rayleigh fading assumption is practically applicable for vehicular communication scenarios in rush-hour urban traffic.
- The proposed analysis is also applicable for the scenario when one mobile terminal is located indoors in low-ascent building, and the another mobile terminal is placed outdoors, as the cascaded fading envelope distribution is found suitable under such scenario.
- The proposed analysis can be applied to the scenario when the mobile nodes are located in a relatively dense scattering (e.g., vegetation) environment, as the channel between them will be a good fit for cascaded fading distribution.
3. Exact and Asymptotic SOP Analyses under Strategies I and II
3.1. Strategy I: Single-Power Constraint of the Interference on the PR
3.1.1. Exact Analysis for SOP
3.1.2. Asymptotic Analysis for SOP
3.2. Strategy II: Combined Power Constraint of the Interference at the PR and Maximum Transmit Power at the ST
3.2.1. Exact Analysis for SOP
3.2.2. Asymptotic Analysis for SOP
3.2.3. Impact of Maximum Tolerable Interference Level and Maximum Secondary Transmitter Power Q
4. ESC Analysis under Strategies I and II
4.1. Strategy I: Single-Power Constraint of the Interference on the PR
4.2. Strategy II: Combined Power Constraint of the Interference at the PR and Maximum Transmit Power at the ST
5. Numerical Results and Discussion
5.1. SOP Performance under Strategies I and II
5.2. ESC Performance under Strategies I and II
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A
Proof of Theorem 1
Appendix B
Proof of Theorem 3
Appendix C
Proof of Theorem 4
Appendix D
Proof of Theorem 5
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Yadav, S.; Pandey, A.; Do, D.-T.; Lee, B.M.; Silva, A. Secure Cognitive Radio-Enabled Vehicular Communications under Spectrum-Sharing Constraints. Sensors 2021, 21, 7160.
Yadav S, Pandey A, Do D-T, Lee BM, Silva A. Secure Cognitive Radio-Enabled Vehicular Communications under Spectrum-Sharing Constraints. Sensors. 2021; 21(21):7160.
Chicago/Turabian StyleYadav, Suneel, Anshul Pandey, Dinh-Thuan Do, Byung Moo Lee, and Adão Silva. 2021. "Secure Cognitive Radio-Enabled Vehicular Communications under Spectrum-Sharing Constraints" Sensors 21, no. 21: 7160.
APA StyleYadav, S., Pandey, A., Do, D.-T., Lee, B. M., & Silva, A. (2021). Secure Cognitive Radio-Enabled Vehicular Communications under Spectrum-Sharing Constraints. Sensors, 21(21), 7160.