Exploring 3D Human Action Recognition Using STACOG on Multi-View Depth Motion Maps Sequences
:1. Introduction
- Motivation and Contributions:
- The depth map sequences of each action video are partitioned into a set of sub-sequences of equal size. Afterward, DMMs are created from each sub-sequence corresponding to three projection views (front, side, and top) of 3D Euclidean space. Then, three DMMs sequences are derived by organizing all the DMMs along the projection views. The video is fragmented by two times generating two sets of sub-sequences using two different frame lengths and thus there are two sets of three DMMs sequences are obtained.
- Our recognition framework mines the 3D auto-correlation gradient feature vectors from three DMMs sequences by using the STACOG feature extractor instead of mining from depth map sequences as shown in [15].
- A decision fusion scheme is applied to combine residual outcomes obtained for two 3D action representation vectors.
- The proposed framework achieved the highest results as compared to all the other work done by applying the STACOG descriptor on depth video.
2. Related Work
3. Proposed Recognition Framework
Algorithm 1 Algorithm for feature vector construction |
Input: A Depth action video D of frame length L Steps: 1. Split D and construct a set , where for all j 2. For all sub-sequences , calculate , and through Equation (1) 3. Use outcomes of Step2 and generate , and 5. Concatenate outcomes of Step4 6. Further split D and construct another set , where for all k 7. Follow Step2–Step5 for Output: Two auto-correlation feature vectors and |
Algorithm 2 Algorithm for action recognition |
Input: The training feature set , test sample c, , K (number of action classes), class label (for class partitioning), Q is the number of classifiers. Steps: 1. Calculate using Equation (8) 2. for for ← two feature vectors are calculated for c using Algorithm 1 for all i do Partition , Calculate Calculate through Equation (11) end for end for end for 3. Calculate through Equation (12) 4. Decide through Equation (13) Output: |
3.1. Construction of DMMs Sequences
3.2. Action Vector Formation
3.3. Action Recognition
4. Experimental Results and Discussion
4.1. Datasets
4.1.1. MSR-Action 3D Dataset
4.1.2. DHA Dataset
4.1.3. UTD-MHAD Dataset
4.2. Parameter Setting
4.3. Classification on MSR-Action 3D Dataset
4.4. Classification on DHA Dataset
4.5. Classification on UTD-MHAD Dataset
4.6. Efficiency Evaluation
4.6.1. Execution Time
4.6.2. Space Complexity
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Approach | Accuracy (%) |
Decision-level Fusion (MV) [19] | 91.9 |
DMM-GLAC-FF [16] | 89.38 |
DMM-GLAC-DF [16] | 92.31 |
DMM-LBP-FF [21] | 91.9 |
DMM-LBP-DF [21] | 93.0 |
CNN [41] | 84.07 |
Skeleton-MSH [39] | 90.98 |
3DHoT_S [28] | 91.9 |
3DHoT_M [28] | 88.3 |
Depth-STACOG [15] | 75.82 |
DMM-GLAC [15] | 89.38 |
WDMM [32] | 90.0 |
DMM-UDTCWT [35] | 92.67 |
Proposed Approach | 93.4 |
Actions | Classification (%) | Confusion (%) |
High wave | 100 | No confusion |
Horizontal wave | 91.7 | Hammer (8.3) |
Hammer | 100 | No confusion |
Hand catch | 33.3 | High wave (16.7), Hammer (8.3), High throw (33.3), Draw x (8.3) |
Forward punch | 100 | No confusion |
High throw | 90.9 | Forward punch (9.1) |
Draw x | 61.5 | Horizontal wave (15.4), Hammer (15.4), Draw tick (7.7) |
Draw tick | 100 | No confusion |
Draw circle | 93.3 | Draw X (6.7) |
Hand clap | 100 | No confusion |
Two hand wave | 100 | No confusion |
Side boxing | 100 | No confusion |
Bend | 86.7 | Pick up and throw (13.3) |
Forward kick | 100 | No confusion |
Side kick | 90.9 | Hand catch (9.1) |
Jogging | 100 | No confusion |
Tennis swing | 100 | No confusion |
Tennis serve | 100 | No confusion |
Golf swing | 100 | No confusion |
Pick up and throw | 100 | No confusion |
Approach | Accuracy (%) |
SDM-BSM [20] | 89.50 |
GTI-BoVW [24] | 91.92 |
Depth WDMM [32] | 81.05 |
RGB-VCDN [44] | 84.32 |
VCDN [44] | 88.72 |
Binary Silhouette [43] | 91.97 |
DMM-UDTCWT [35] | 94.2 |
Stridden DMM-UDTCWT [35] | 94.6 |
VCA [51] | 89.31 |
CAM [49] | 87.24 |
Proposed Approach | 95.2 |
Actions | Classification (%) | Confusion (%) |
Bend | 100 | No confusion |
Jack | 100 | No confusion |
Jump | 100 | No confusion |
Pjump | 100 | No confusion |
Run | 80.0 | Skip (10.0), Walk (10.0) |
Side | 100 | No confusion |
Skip | 90.0 | Run (10.0) |
Walk | 100 | No confusion |
One-hand-wave | 100 | No confusion |
Two-hand-wave | 100 | No confusion |
Front-clap | 90.0 | Front-box (10.0) |
Arm-swing | 90.0 | Arm-curl (10.0) |
Leg-kick | 100 | No confusion |
Rod-swing | 80.0 | Golf-swing (10.0), Pitch (10.0) |
Side-box | 100 | No confusion |
Side-clap | 90.0 | Side-box (10.0) |
Arm-curl | 90.0 | Front-clap (10.0) |
Leg-curl | 100 | No confusion |
Golf-swing | 90.0 | Rod-swing (10.0) |
Front-box | 100 | No confusion |
Tai-chi | 100 | No confusion |
Pitch | 100 | No confusion |
Kick | 90.0 | Pitch (10.0) |
Approach | Accuracy (%) |
Kinect [38] | 66.10 |
Inertial [38] | 67.20 |
Kinect+Inertial [38] | 79.10 |
DMM-EOH [19] | 75.3 |
DMM-LBP [19] | 84.20 |
CNN-Top [40] | 74.65 |
CNN-Fusion [40] | 86.97 |
3DHOT-MBC [28] | 84.40 |
VDDMMs [27] | 85.10 |
Structured body DDI [42] | 66.05 |
Structured part DDI [42] | 78.70 |
RGB DTIs [45] | 85.39 |
Inertial [48] | 85.35 |
Proposed Approach | 87.7 |
Actions | Classification (%) | Confusion (%) |
Swipe-lift | 87.5 | Arm-cross (12.5) |
Swipe-right | 100 | No confusion |
Wave | 81.3 | Swipe-right (12.5), Draw-circle-CW (6.3) |
Clap | 43.8 | Arm-cross (31.3), Arm-curl (25.0) |
Throw | 87.5 | Draw-circle (CCW) (6.3), Tennis-serve (6.3) |
Arm-cross | 81.3 | Arm-curl (18.8) |
Basketball-shoot | 81.3 | Arm-curl (6.3), Tennis-serve (12.5) |
Draw-x | 100 | No confusion |
Draw-circle CW | 93.8 | Catch (6.3) |
Draw-circle (CCW) | 81.3 | Draw X (6.3), Arm-curl (15.5) |
Draw-triangle | 43.8 | Draw-circle (CCW) (56.3) |
Bowling | 100 | No confusion |
Boxing | 100 | No confusion |
Baseball-swing | 100 | No confusion |
Tennis-swing | 81.3 | Bowling (12.5), Baseball-swing (6.3) |
Arm-curl | 75.0 | Arm-cross (12.5), Basketball-shoot (6.3), Push (6.3) |
Tennis-serve | 100 | No confusion |
Push | 87.5 | Arm-curl (12.5) |
Knock | 81.3 | Arm-cross (6.3), Arm-curl (6.3), Catch (6.3) |
Catch | 75.0 | Draw-triangle (18.8), Knock (6.3) |
Pickup-throw | 93.8 | Tennis-serve (6.3) |
Jog | 100 | No confusion |
Walk | 100 | No confusion |
Sit2stand | 100 | No confusion |
Stand2sit | 100 | No confusion |
Lunge | 93.8 | Bowling (6.3) |
Squat | 100 | No confusion |
Main Components | MSR-Action3D Dataset | DHA Dataset | UTD-MHAD Dataset |
DMMs sequences construction for frame length 5 | 11.3 ± 0.7 | 80.7 ± 6.2 | 36.6 ± 3.0 |
DMMs sequences construction for frame length 10 | 18.8 ± 1.3 | 155.6±12.0 | 67.9 ± 5.5 |
feature vector generation | 108.5 ± 35.0 | 69.9 ± 35.0 | 197.7 ± 45.6 |
feature vector generation | 95.6 ± 36.7 | 57.2 ± 36.7 | 180.9 ± 45.9 |
PCA on | 8.5 ± 0.4 | 7.3 ± 0.3 | 10.7 ± 0.3 |
PCA on | 8.4 ± 0.3 | 7.2 ± 0.3 | 10.7 ± 0.3 |
Action label | 1.5 ± 0.4 | 1.2 ± 0.2 | 4.4 ± 0.3 |
Total execution time | 252.6 ± 74.8/action sample (40 frames) | 379.1 ± 90.7/action sample (29 frames) | 508.9 ± 100.9/action sample (68 frames) |
Approach | Components | Space Complexity |
DMM [23] | PCA, -CRC | l = size of action vector, m = number of training samples, = number of action classes |
DMM-LBP-DF [21] | PCA, Kernel-based Extreme Learning Machine (KELM) | l = size of action vector, m = number of training samples |
MHF+SHF+KELM [13] | PCA, KELM | l = size of action vector, m = number of training samples |
GMSHI+GSHI+CRC [36] | PCA, -CRC | l = size of action vector, t = number of training samples, = number of action classes |
Enhanced auto-correlation [63] | PCA, KELM ensemble | l = size of action vector, m = number of action classes |
Proposed Approach | PCA, -CRC | l = size of action vector, m = number of training samples, = number of action classes |
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Bulbul, M.F.; Tabussum, S.; Ali, H.; Zheng, W.; Lee, M.Y.; Ullah, A. Exploring 3D Human Action Recognition Using STACOG on Multi-View Depth Motion Maps Sequences. Sensors 2021, 21, 3642. https://doi.org/10.3390/s21113642
Bulbul MF, Tabussum S, Ali H, Zheng W, Lee MY, Ullah A. Exploring 3D Human Action Recognition Using STACOG on Multi-View Depth Motion Maps Sequences. Sensors. 2021; 21(11):3642. https://doi.org/10.3390/s21113642
Chicago/Turabian StyleBulbul, Mohammad Farhad, Sadiya Tabussum, Hazrat Ali, Wenli Zheng, Mi Young Lee, and Amin Ullah. 2021. "Exploring 3D Human Action Recognition Using STACOG on Multi-View Depth Motion Maps Sequences" Sensors 21, no. 11: 3642. https://doi.org/10.3390/s21113642
APA StyleBulbul, M. F., Tabussum, S., Ali, H., Zheng, W., Lee, M. Y., & Ullah, A. (2021). Exploring 3D Human Action Recognition Using STACOG on Multi-View Depth Motion Maps Sequences. Sensors, 21(11), 3642. https://doi.org/10.3390/s21113642