A New Approach to Estimate from Monitored Demand Data the Limit of the Coverage of Electricity Demand through Photovoltaics in Large Electricity Grids
:1. Introduction
1.1. Maximum Coverage of the Demand by Photovoltaics. Definition
1.2. Methods to Estimate the Upper Limit of the CDPV in a Large Electricity Grid. State of the Art
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Estimation of the Upper Limit of the CDPV in a Large Electricity Grid: Proposed Method
- (1)
- The maximum annual output peak power of the PV generation matches, in magnitude and in time, with the maximum annual power of the demand.
- (2)
- For every day of the year, the instantaneous demand power will always be equal to or greater than the instantaneous power of the PV generation.
- The range of the abscissa axis when considering power values is about half the one-year hours for PV systems without storage (4380 h in a non-leap year). This is because, without considering any kind of energy storage, a PV plant can generate electricity, on average, about 12 h every day of the year.
- ODCPV is delimited by the following parameters: Pmax-a (maximum annual hourly AC power generated) and tg-a (annual PV generation time). This last one represents the total number of hours per year that the PV plant has been supplying power to the grid and it is around half the annual maximum time.
- Two additional parameters can be defined on ODCPV: the average power of photovoltaic generation for the time tg-a, Pavg-a(tg-a), and the average power, for the maximum annual time (tmax-a = 8760 h for a non-leap year), is given by Pavg-a.
- ⚬
- If the two axes are in real values (W-h) the area under the ODCPV represents the output energy of the PV system given in Wh/year.
- ⚬
- If the power axis is normalized with respect to the maximum annual power (pu) and the time axis is maintained in real values (h), the area under the ODCPV corresponds to the annual final yield given in hours/year, that is tvm. The latter can be defined as the number of equivalent annual hours operating at maximum annual AC power measured at the output of the system to generate the annual energy produced. This parameter, tvm, can be also defined as the ratio between the annual photovoltaic energy injected into the network (EPV) and Pmax-a, as the maximum effective aggregate power of the set of plants that constitute the PV system. It must be highlighted that tvm do not correspond to the system final yield as the latter is calculated by dividing the net energy output of the entire system in AC (this value does match EPV) per rated kW (DC) of installed power [24].
- ⚬
- If both axes are normalized (pu), the area under ODCPV has no dimensions and it will provide the dimensionless ratio of electrical PV energy output over a given period of time to the maximum possible electrical energy output over that period, i.e., the capacity factor (CF) of the PV system.
2.2. Data
- Incoherent data and lack of data: both the absence of data and incoherent data. Estimation techniques have been used such as the quantitative method of time series called “Trend projection” [39] in order to correct these anomalies.
- The time change: throughout the European Community [40] the official time will be advanced one hour on the last Sunday of March and will be delayed one hour on the last Sunday of October. In North America it is similar, one hour is advanced on the second Sunday of March and is delayed on the first Sunday of November.
3. Results and Discussion
4. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
Symbology | ||
Symbol | Description | Units |
CMag | Coefficient that provides the matching in magnitude between the PV and demand. | - |
CT | Coefficient that provides the matching between the annual PV generation time and the demand annual time | - |
EmatchDPV | Amount of photovoltaic energy that can be injected into the power grids and be absorbed by the demand (matched energy between Demand and PV generation) | Wh/year |
EDem | Demand Energy from power grid | Wh/year |
EPV | Photovoltaic energy injected to power grid | Wh/year |
Pmax-a | Maximun annual hourly power | W |
PDemmax-a | Maximun annual hourly power demanded | W |
PPV(AC)max-a | Maximun annual hourly AC power generated for PV | W |
Pavg-a | Average hourly annual power | W |
Pavg(tg-a) | Average annual generated Power | W |
PDemni | Average demand power for sample i | W |
PPVni | Average generated powwer for sample i | W |
Ppu | Per-unit power | pu |
tg-a | Annual photovoltiac generation time | hours |
tmax-a | Maximun annual time | hours |
tp-a | Equivalent annual time at maximun annual demand power | hours |
tvm | Equivalent annual time at maximum annual generated power | hours |
Wh | Watts-hour | 3.6 × 103 J |
W | Watts | |
Δt | Recording interval | hour |
Acronyms | ||
MAtchDPV | Matching between demand and photvoltaic generation | |
CDPV | Coverage of Demand by photovoltaics | |
CF | Capacity Factor | |
LDC | Load Duration Curve | |
LDCarea | Area under Load Duration Curve | |
LF | Load factor | |
ODC | Output Duration Curve | |
ODCPV | Output Duration Curve by Photovoltaic | |
ODCPV-area | Area under ODCPV | |
PV | Photovoltaic | |
TSO | Transmission System Operator | |
VER | Variable Energy Resources |
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Electricity Grid | Country | Area (km2) | Population Attended (106 Inhabitants) |
Amprion | Germany | 73,100 | 27 |
Transnet | Germany | 34,600 | 11 |
Tennet | Germany | 138,780 | 20 |
50-Hertz | Germany | 109,360 | 18 |
Elia | Belgium | 30,528 | 10 |
REE-Tenerife | Spain | 2034 | 0.9 |
Electricity Grid | Year | tvm (hours) | tp-a (hours) | CDPV (%) |
Amprion | 2012 | 1240 | 5630 | 22 |
2013 | 1217 | 5972 | 20.4 | |
Average | 1228 | 5801 | 21.2 | |
Tennet | 2012 | 1257 | 5774 | 21.8 |
2013 | 1243 | 5481 | 22.7 | |
Average | 1250 | 5623 | 22.2 | |
Transnet | 2012 | 1202 | 5332 | 22.5 |
2013 | 1245 | 6101 | 20.4 | |
Average | 1223 | 5717 | 21.4 | |
50 Hertz | 2012 | 1289 | 6106 | 20.8 |
2013 | 1178 | 6043 | 19.5 | |
Average | 1223 | 6075 | 20.1 | |
Elia | 2013 | 1185 | 6134 | 19.3 |
REE-Tenerife | 2013 | 1877 | 6282 | 29.9 |
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Share and Cite
Baena, F.; Muñoz-Rodriguez, F.J.; Gómez Vidal, P.; Almonacid, G. A New Approach to Estimate from Monitored Demand Data the Limit of the Coverage of Electricity Demand through Photovoltaics in Large Electricity Grids. Sensors 2020, 20, 4390. https://doi.org/10.3390/s20164390
Baena F, Muñoz-Rodriguez FJ, Gómez Vidal P, Almonacid G. A New Approach to Estimate from Monitored Demand Data the Limit of the Coverage of Electricity Demand through Photovoltaics in Large Electricity Grids. Sensors. 2020; 20(16):4390. https://doi.org/10.3390/s20164390
Chicago/Turabian StyleBaena, Francisco, Francisco José Muñoz-Rodriguez, Pedro Gómez Vidal, and Gabino Almonacid. 2020. "A New Approach to Estimate from Monitored Demand Data the Limit of the Coverage of Electricity Demand through Photovoltaics in Large Electricity Grids" Sensors 20, no. 16: 4390. https://doi.org/10.3390/s20164390
APA StyleBaena, F., Muñoz-Rodriguez, F. J., Gómez Vidal, P., & Almonacid, G. (2020). A New Approach to Estimate from Monitored Demand Data the Limit of the Coverage of Electricity Demand through Photovoltaics in Large Electricity Grids. Sensors, 20(16), 4390. https://doi.org/10.3390/s20164390