A Weighted Deep Representation Learning Model for Imbalanced Fault Diagnosis in Cyber-Physical Systems
:1. Introduction
- A novel deep learning framework is proposed to learn both internal and external features of high-level patterns in an end-to-end way.
- Data-level sampling policies and weighted loss function are integrated to the deep learning model to optimize the imbalanced fault classification.
- The model is evaluated on a real-life datasets and proves its feasibility and effectiveness.
2. Problem Statement
2.1. Deep Learning and Class-Imbalance Learning
2.1.1. CNN, LSTM and DeepConvLSTM
2.1.2. Class-Imbalance Learning
2.2. Problem Formulation
- Deep learning model is suitable to automatically extract features from raw multi-channel sensor data, with both spatial and temporal features. Subsequences of original time series signals represent high-level patterns of the observed object, while the whole time series represent its temporal evolutions, so new deep learning models proposed in this paper should focus on capturing the spatial and temporal features inside a subsequence, as well as temporal features between subsequences. In our model, the sliding window of fixed length l with a step of is proposed to segment the original signal into subsequences;
- The data-level method is necessary to balance the faulty subsequences and normal subsequences with under-sampling and over-sampling policies. Sampling is the most straightforward method, which makes the imbalanced samples relatively balanced before training by a classifier. Thus, considered faulty samples are at a high imbalance ratio, and an under-sampling preprocess can be used to decrease the imbalance ratio before training the classifier in this paper;
- The algorithm-level method is necessary to optimize the baseline classifier to better adjust distributions of imbalanced faulty classes. Sampling methods sometimes lead to a distortion of feature distribution for both majority and minority classes. Thus, a weighted cost-sensitive methods can be used in this paper. Let be used to denote the weights on misclassification cost of classifying an instance belonging to a class i into a different class j. Given an input instance x and the weight matrix , the classifier seeks to minimize the expected loss function as Equation (7) shows, where i is the class prediction made by the classifier:
3. System Model
3.1. Pipeline Overview
3.2. Weighted Long-Term Recurrent Convolutional LSTM Network
4. Experiments and Results
4.1. Data Preparation and Experiment Settings
- time series of sensor measurements and control reference signals for each of a number of control components of the plant (e.g., six components);
- time series data representing additional measurements of a fixed number of plant zones over the same period of time (e.g., three zones), where a zone may cover one or more plant components;
- plant fault events, each characterized by a start time, an end time, and a failure code.
- XGBoost (abbreviated as XGB): It uses the entire dataset ( and ) to train an ensemble classifier. The number of iterations is 5000.
- EasyEnsemble+SMOTE+XGBoost (abbreviated as Easy-SMT): Number of subsets , for each subsets , we generate using SMOTE, a set of synthetic minority class examples with = − . Then, XGBoost is used to train a classifier using and . The number of iteration is 5000.
- CNN-D: four CNN layers with random under-sampling.
- DeepConvLSTM-D: four CNN layers stacked with two LSTM layers, as well as random under-sampling policy.
- LRCL-O: two CNN layers and two inner LSTM layers stacked with two outer LSTM layers, as well as SMOTE-based over-sampling policy.
- LRCL-W (abbreviated as wLRCL): two CNN layers and two inner LSTM layers stacked with two outer LSTM layers, as well as weight-based cost-sensitive policy.
- LRCL-D: two CNN layers and two inner LSTM layers stacked with two outer LSTM layers, as well as random under-sampling policy.
- LRCL-D-W (abbreviated as wLRCL-D): two CNN layers and two inner LSTM layers stacked with two outer LSTM layers, as well as random under-sampling and weight-based cost-sensitive policies.
4.2. Results and Evaluations
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Event Type | PF1 | PF2 | PF3 | PF4 | PF5 | PF6 | PN |
Ratio | 4.83% | 3.75% | 3.39% | 0.06% | 0.65% | 19.26% | 68.06% |
Suffix | Description | Parameters |
-W | Cost-sensitive Weight Method | —– |
-O | SMOTE-based Method | All faulty classes are over-sampled to 5000 |
-D | Random Under-sampling Method | Normal class is under-sampled to 10,000 |
Method | Precision | Recall | F1 |
XGBoost | 53.57% | 59.81% | 56.02% |
LRCL | 51.92% | 64.31% | 55.36% |
wLRCL | 66.80% | 75.04% | 69.87% |
CNN-D | 80.86% | 80.88% | 80.81% |
Easy-SMT | 84.19% | 84.38% | 84.0% |
LRCL-O | 84.94% | 89.23% | 86.95% |
DeepConvLSTM-D | 88.48% | 88.37% | 88.40% |
LRCL-D | 95.51% | 97.30% | 97.29% |
wLRCL-D | 98.42% | 98.46% | 98.46% |
Window_length | 24 | 48 | 100 |
F1(wLRCL) | 56.66% | 99.51% | 54.42% |
Recall(wLRCL) | 64.23% | 99.51% | 61.38% |
F1(wLRCL-D) | 98.24% | 98.40% | 98.75% |
Recall(wLRCL-D) | 98.24% | 98.40% | 98.75% |
© 2018 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
Share and Cite
Wu, Z.; Guo, Y.; Lin, W.; Yu, S.; Ji, Y. A Weighted Deep Representation Learning Model for Imbalanced Fault Diagnosis in Cyber-Physical Systems. Sensors 2018, 18, 1096. https://doi.org/10.3390/s18041096
Wu Z, Guo Y, Lin W, Yu S, Ji Y. A Weighted Deep Representation Learning Model for Imbalanced Fault Diagnosis in Cyber-Physical Systems. Sensors. 2018; 18(4):1096. https://doi.org/10.3390/s18041096
Chicago/Turabian StyleWu, Zhenyu, Yang Guo, Wenfang Lin, Shuyang Yu, and Yang Ji. 2018. "A Weighted Deep Representation Learning Model for Imbalanced Fault Diagnosis in Cyber-Physical Systems" Sensors 18, no. 4: 1096. https://doi.org/10.3390/s18041096
APA StyleWu, Z., Guo, Y., Lin, W., Yu, S., & Ji, Y. (2018). A Weighted Deep Representation Learning Model for Imbalanced Fault Diagnosis in Cyber-Physical Systems. Sensors, 18(4), 1096. https://doi.org/10.3390/s18041096