A New Hybrid Firefly–PSO Optimized Random Subspace Tree Intelligence for Torrential Rainfall-Induced Flash Flood Susceptible Mapping
:1. Introduction
2. The Employed Algorithms
2.1. Decision Tree Algorithm
2.2. Random Subspace Ensemble
2.3. Hybrid Firefly–Particle Swarm Algorithm (HFPS)
- (1)
- Determine the population of the swarm, the position and the velocity for each particle, and the total number of iterations used.
- (2)
- Establish a cost function to measure the fitness of each particle, called particle best (pbest), and then compare all pbests to obtain the global best (gbest).
- (3)
- For each iteration, calculate and update the position (Pos) and the velocity (Vel) for all particles in the swarm using Equations (1) and (2) and then compute pbest and gbest. If the fitness is not improved, Pos and Vel for each practice will be updated using Equations (3) and (4).
- (4)
- Compute the best gbest in all iterations, and then extract the coordinates of the particle with this gbest. The coordinate values are called the optimized parameters for the flash flood ensemble model.
3. Study Area and Spatial Data
3.1. Descriptions of the Study Site
3.2. Data Collection
3.2.1. Flash Flood Inventory Map
3.2.2. Flash Flood Indicators
4. Proposed HFPS-RSTree for Flash Flood Susceptibility Modeling
4.1. Database Establishment
4.2. Configuration of the HFPS-RSTree Model
4.3. The Objective Function and Training the HFPS-RSTree Model
4.4. Model Performance Assessment
5. Results and Analysis
5.1. Variable Importance Ranking
5.2. Model Performance and Comparison
5.3. Flash Flood Susceptibility Map
6. Discussion
7. Concluding Remarks
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- The integration of HFPS, RS, and Tree, which results in a new ensemble model, is capable of predicting flash floods accurately. HFPS is a useful tool for optimizing the RSTree model.
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- The HFPS-RSTree model yielded higher predictive performance than those of other benchmarks such as the RF, C4.5-DT, LMT, and SVM models, which was confirmed by the Wilcoxon rank-sum test. This denotes that the HFPS-RSTree model is a promising tool to be considered for flash flood studies.
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- Regarding the 11 conditioning flash flood indicators, the slope and the aspect factors are the most important features.
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- Finally, the flash flood susceptibility map may assist local authorities and policymakers with watershed management and sustainable development in the district.
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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No. | Formation | Symbol | Main Lithology |
1 | Ye Yen Sun | γ/E1ys | Biotite granite, biotite-amphibol granite, granite biotite, and granite biotite-amphibol granite pegmatite |
2 | TL-NT | K1ntl-τλK1nk | Tufogen conglomerate, tufogen sandstone, shale, and black coal shale- quartz orthophyry |
3 | Sin Quyen | PR2sq | Feldspar-biotite schist, biotite interlaced with quartz mica, mica schist-graphite, biotite, feldspar-mica schist, and tremolite marble |
4 | Bao Ha | νPR2bh | Gabrodiabas, diabase, gabbro amphybolit, and amphybolit |
5 | Po Sen Complex | γ/PZ1ps | Aplite, banded plagio-granite, diorite, granodiorite, and pegmatite veins |
6 | Cam Duong | Ɛ1cd | Sandstone, quartz-carbonate schist, actinolite schist, quartzite, conglomerate, quartz-mica schist, and black schist |
7 | Suoi Bang | T3n-rsb | Sandstone, siltstone, claystone, claystone mixed coal, and coaly lenses |
8 | Da Dinh | PR3đđ | Marble, dolomite, dolomite, and tremolite marble |
9 | Xom Giau | γPR2xg | Granit microcline, granite aplit, and granite pegmatite |
10 | Phu Sa Phin | ξεγK2pp | Syenite porphyry, granosyenite porphyry, syenite porphyry, granite porphyry, and granite felspar |
11 | Nam Thep | J1nt | Sandstone, siltstone, thin layer interbedded claystone, and black shale lens |
12 | Chang Pung | ∊2cp | Clay shale, marl, and oolitic limestone |
13 | YYS Complex | YYS | Granit microcline, granit aplit, and granit pegmatite |
14 | Tram Tau | Tuffogenic shale, siltstone, clay shale, tufogen conglomerate, tufogen sandstone, coal-bearing shale, and tuffaceous rhyolite | |
15 | Quaternary | Qa | Granule, breccia, boulder, sand, grit, clay, and silt |
Indicators | Average Impurity Decreased | Number of Nodes Used | Ranking |
Slope | 0.42 | 15,290 | 1 |
Aspect | 0.41 | 7763 | 2 |
Elevation | 0.36 | 17,282 | 3 |
Plan curvature | 0.35 | 10,012 | 4 |
Profile curvature | 0.32 | 9738 | 5 |
TWI | 0.29 | 9960 | 6 |
NDVI | 0.27 | 8955 | 7 |
River density | 0.26 | 10,551 | 8 |
Lithology | 0.25 | 2668 | 9 |
Rainfall pattern | 0.23 | 9042 | 10 |
Soil type | 0.21 | 3370 | 11 |
Metrics | HFPS-RSTree | RF | C4.5-DT | LMT | SVM |
Training Phase | |||||
True positive | 1811 | 1817 | 1766 | 1799 | 1654 |
True negative | 1626 | 1612 | 1613 | 1581 | 1753 |
False positive | 37 | 31 | 82 | 49 | 194 |
False negative | 222 | 236 | 235 | 267 | 95 |
Positive predictive values (PPV) (%) | 98.00 | 98.32 | 95.56 | 97.35 | 89.50 |
Negative predictive values (NPV) (%) | 87.99 | 87.23 | 87.28 | 85.55 | 94.86 |
Sensitivity (%) | 89.08 | 88.50 | 88.26 | 87.08 | 94.57 |
Specificity (%) | 97.78 | 98.11 | 95.16 | 96.99 | 90.04 |
Overall Accuracy (%) | 92.99 | 92.78 | 91.42 | 91.45 | 92.18 |
Kappa | 0.860 | 0.856 | 0.823 | 0.829 | 0.844 |
AUC | 0.973 | 0.970 | 0.920 | 0.945 | 0.964 |
Validation Phase | |||||
True positive | 782 | 783 | 763 | 779 | 681 |
True negative | 677 | 656 | 665 | 644 | 740 |
False positive | 12 | 11 | 31 | 15 | 113 |
False negative | 117 | 138 | 129 | 150 | 54 |
PPV (%) | 98.49 | 98.61 | 96.10 | 98.11 | 85.77 |
NPV (%) | 85.26 | 82.62 | 83.75 | 81.11 | 93.20 |
Sensitivity (%) | 86.99 | 85.02 | 85.54 | 83.85 | 92.65 |
Specificity (%) | 98.26 | 98.35 | 95.55 | 97.72 | 86.75 |
Overall Accuracy (%) | 91.88 | 90.62 | 89.92 | 89.61 | 89.48 |
Kappa | 0.838 | 0.812 | 0.799 | 0.792 | 0.790 |
AUC | 0.967 | 0.965 | 0.914 | 0.927 | 0.951 |
No. | Pairwise Comparison | Z Statistics Value | p-Value | Statistical Significance |
1 | HFPS-RSTree vs. RF | 3.577 | 0.0003 | Yes |
2 | HFPS-RSTree vs. C4.5-DT | 2.598 | 0.0094 | Yes |
3 | HFPS-RSTree vs. LMT | 4.274 | <0.0001 | Yes |
4 | HFPS-RSTree vs. SVM | −10.404 | <0.0001 | Yes |
5 | RF vs. C4.5-DT | −1.647 | 0.0996 | No |
6 | RF vs. LMT | 1.921 | 0.0548 | No |
7 | RF vs. SVM | −11.037 | <0.0001 | Yes |
8 | C4.5-DT vs. LMT | 6.870 | <0.0001 | Yes |
9 | C4.5-DT vs. SVM | −13.251 | <0.0001 | Yes |
10 | LMT vs. SVM | −10.846 | <0.0001 | Yes |
© 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
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Nhu, V.-H.; Thi Ngo, P.-T.; Pham, T.D.; Dou, J.; Song, X.; Hoang, N.-D.; Tran, D.A.; Cao, D.P.; Aydilek, İ.B.; Amiri, M.; et al. A New Hybrid Firefly–PSO Optimized Random Subspace Tree Intelligence for Torrential Rainfall-Induced Flash Flood Susceptible Mapping. Remote Sens. 2020, 12, 2688. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs12172688
Nhu V-H, Thi Ngo P-T, Pham TD, Dou J, Song X, Hoang N-D, Tran DA, Cao DP, Aydilek İB, Amiri M, et al. A New Hybrid Firefly–PSO Optimized Random Subspace Tree Intelligence for Torrential Rainfall-Induced Flash Flood Susceptible Mapping. Remote Sensing. 2020; 12(17):2688. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs12172688
Chicago/Turabian StyleNhu, Viet-Ha, Phuong-Thao Thi Ngo, Tien Dat Pham, Jie Dou, Xuan Song, Nhat-Duc Hoang, Dang An Tran, Duong Phan Cao, İbrahim Berkan Aydilek, Mahdis Amiri, and et al. 2020. "A New Hybrid Firefly–PSO Optimized Random Subspace Tree Intelligence for Torrential Rainfall-Induced Flash Flood Susceptible Mapping" Remote Sensing 12, no. 17: 2688. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs12172688
APA StyleNhu, V.-H., Thi Ngo, P.-T., Pham, T. D., Dou, J., Song, X., Hoang, N.-D., Tran, D. A., Cao, D. P., Aydilek, İ. B., Amiri, M., Costache, R., Hoa, P. V., & Tien Bui, D. (2020). A New Hybrid Firefly–PSO Optimized Random Subspace Tree Intelligence for Torrential Rainfall-Induced Flash Flood Susceptible Mapping. Remote Sensing, 12(17), 2688. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs12172688