A Harmonized Data Model for Noise Simulation in the EU
:1. Introduction
2. State-of-the-Art Review
2.1. An Inventory of the Existing Noise Assessment Methods
2.2. CNOSSOS-EU: Where Does It Stand?
2.3. Present Guidelines for Data Harmonization for Noise Simulations Using the CNOSSOS-EU
- Data schema design:
- –
- inputs and outputs for CNOSSOS-EU,
- –
- data specification tables and schema diagram,
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- an INSPIRE-compliant, open and extensible standard,
- –
- rules and guidance on how additional objects and attributes may be added to the schema,
- –
- a common data format which allows interfacing with data providers, other data owners, and cross-border project liaison.
- GIS and dataset specifications:
- –
- GIS and END requirements,
- –
- terminologies and technical specifications of the GIS data and software,
- –
- GIS layers, scale, and accuracy: data model, data dictionary, data validation, reference system, metadata, and GML specification.
2.4. Existing CityGML Noise ADE
3. Methodology
- Geluidsregister (https://www.rijkswaterstaat.nl/kaarten/geluidregister.aspx): the national noise register of the Netherlands,
- Dutch Information Model (IM) Geluid (https://github.com/Geonovum/IMG): the upcoming information and data exchange model for the noise data in the Netherlands,
- CityGML Noise ADE: A CityGML extension to model data accroding to the German regulations for noise assessment (explained in Section 2.4), and
- INSPIRE Directive (https://inspire.ec.europa.eu/): the spatial data infrastructure for the EU environmental policies and activities which may have an impact on the environment.
4. Our Data Model for Noise Simulations: The eNoise ADE
- existing classes, which are updated (Section 4.1) and
- new classes, which are introduced (Section 4.2).
4.1. Existing Classes Which Are Updated
- name of the ADE (enoise:adeName),
- version of the ADE (enoise:adeVersion),
- namespace of the ADE (enoise:adeNamespace),
- authority responsible for the ADE (enoise:adeAuthority),
- link to the XML schema of the ADE (enoise:adeXMLschema),
- link to the UML model of the ADE (enoise:adeUML),
- authority responsible for the dataset (enoise:dataAuthority),
- assessment methods or guidelines used for the noise from the roads (enoise:roadNoise), the railways (enoise:railwayNoise), and the industries (enoise:industrialNoise),
- name (enoise:noiseSoftwareName), version (enoise:noiseSoftwareVersion), and organization/company (enoise:noiseSoftwareAuthority) of the software used for noise simulation, and
- link to any additional documentation (enoise:documentation).
- reflection from the building (noise:buildingReflection) and reflection correction in dB (noise:buildingReflectionCorrection),
- noise levels observed during the day, in the evening, and at night (noise:LDenMax, noise:LDenMin, noise:LNightMax, noise:LNightMin, noise:LDenEq, noise:LNightEq),
- number of inhabitants in the building (noise:buildingHabitants),
- number of apartments in the building (noise:buildingAppartments), and
- a list of emission points (noise:buildingImmissionPoints).
- ID of the dwelling (gml:id),
- address of the dwelling (core:address),
- number of floors in the dwelling (enoise:numberOfFloors),
- number of inhabitants in the dwelling (enoise:numberOfInhabitants),
- floor area of the dwelling (enoise:floorArea),
- noise levels for each individual dwelling (enoise:LDenMax, enoise:LDenMin, enoise:LNightMax, enoise:LNightMin, enoise:LDenEq, enoise:LNightEq, enoise:L24Max, enoise:L24Min),
- octave band for each time period (day, evening, and night) (enoise:octaveBandDay, enoise:octaveBandEvening, enoise:octaveBandNight),
- number of receivers placed on the building (enoise:numberOfReceivers), and
- information about the receivers placed on the dwelling (enoise:receiver).
- octave band for each time period (day, evening, and night) (enoise:octaveBandDay, enoise:octaveBandEvening, enoise:octaveBandNight),
- calculated noise levels for the whole building for 24 h (enoise:buildingL24Max, enoise:buildingL24Min),
- most exposed façade (enoise:mostExposedFacade),
- quiet façade (enoise:quietFacade),
- base area of the building (enoise:baseArea),
- volume of the building (enoise:volume),
- absolute ground height of the building (enoise:groundHeight),
- number of receivers placed on the building (enoise:numberOfReceivers),
- information about the receivers placed on the building, i.e., ID of the façade on which the receiver is placed (enoise:receiverFacade), location of the receiver (enoise:receiverLocation), and height above the ground (enoise:receiverHeight),
- number of dwellings in the building (enoise:numberOfDwellings), and
- information about the dwellings (dwelling).
- average hourly traffic flow for the day, evening, and at night on the road segment (noise:mDay, noise:mEvening, noise:mNight),
- average hourly traffic flow for 16 h of the day on the road segment, i.e., day and evening summarized (noise:mDay16),
- heavy vehicle percentage in% for the day, evening, and at night on the road segment (noise:pDay, noise:pEvening, noise:pNight),
- heavy vehicle percentage in% for 16 h of the day on the road segment, i.e., day and evening summarised (noise:pDay16),
- average daily traffic flow on the road segment (noise:dtv),
- speed limit in km/h for the passenger cars for the day, evening, and at night on the road segment (noise:speedDayPkw, speedEveningPkw, speedNightPkw),
- speed limit in km/h for the heavy vehicles for the day, evening, and at night on the road segment (noise:speedDayLkw, speedEveningLkw, speedNightLkw),
- material of the surface of the road segment (noise:roadSurfaceMaterial),
- correction of noise emission of the according road segment surface material in dB (noise:roadSurfaceCorrection),
- width of a cross-section of the road segment in meters (noise:distanceCarriageway),
- width of the road segment in meters (noise:distanceD),
- attribute to indicate if the road segment is a bridge (noise:bridge) or a tunnel (noise:tunnel),
- slope correction for the road segment (noise:roadGradientPercent),
- lineage of the data (noise:lineage), and
- geometry of the road segment (noise:lodOBaseLine).
- height of the source (enoise:sourceHeight);
- removed the noise:distanceCarriageway attribute and renamed the noise:distanceD as enoise:roadWidth to reflect the width of the road segment in meters;
- age of the road surface (enoise:ageOfRoad),
- attribute to identify if the road segment is a crossing (enoise:crossing) or a roundabout (enoise:roundabout);
- speed of the vehicles during the day, in the evening and at night. We divided the vehicles into five categories as proposed by the CNOSSOS-EU: light motor vehicles, medium heavy motor vehicles, heavy vehicles, powered two wheelers (motorcycles and moped), and electric motor vehicles [8] and report on their speeds during the day (enoise:speedDay), in the evening (enoise:speedEvening), and at night (enoise:speedNight) CNOSSOS includes an open class for the new vehicles to be developed in the future; this class could cover electric or hybrid vehicles or any other futuristic vehicle [8]; we included only the prevalent electric motor vehicles category in our model; we did not include the speed related attributes of the current Noise ADE;
- average yearly traffic flow per vehicle category per time period, i.e., for the day, evening, and at night for the road segment (enoise:mDay, enoise:mEvening, enoise:mNight); the traffic flow attributes of the current Noise ADE did not take vehicle category into account;
- octave band for each time period (day, evening, and night) in which the emissions are recorded (enoise:octaveBandDay, enoise:octaveBandEvening, enoise:octaveBandNight); and
- noise emission from the road segment during the day (enoise:emissionDay), in the evening (enoise:emissionEvening), and at night (enoise:emissionNight).
- type of the surface material of the segment of the rail track (noise:railwaySurfaceMaterial) and its correction in dB (noise:railwaySurfaceCorrection),
- attribute to indicate if the rail segment is a bridge (noise:bridge) or a crossing (noise:tunnel),
- curve radius of the rail segment in meters (noise:curveRadius),
- additional correction of noise emission if required (noise:additionalCorrectionSegment), and
- geometry of the rail segment (noise:lodOBaseLine).
- indicator for the railhead roughness (enoise:railRoughness), such as well maintained and very smooth, normally maintained, and so on, and its value (usually in microns) (enoise:railRoughnessValue); the values of the attribute enoise:railRoughness are defined in an enumeration (enoise:railRoughnessValues);
- indicator for the rail pad stiffness (enoise:railpadStiffness), such as soft, hard, medium and its value (enoise:railpadStiffnessValue); the values of the attribute enoise:railpadStiffness are defined in an enumeration (enoise:railpadStiffnessValues);
- type of the base of the rail segment (track) (enoise:trackBase), e.g., ballast, slab track, etc.; the values of this attribute are defined in an enumeration (enoise:trackBaseValues);
- type (enoise:curveType) of the curve of a railway segment, i.e., straight, low curve, medium curve, and high curve; the values of this attribute are taken from an enumeration (enoise:CurveTypeValues);
- noise reduction measures in the rail track (enoise:noiseMeasure), such as dampers, barriers, and so on; the values of this attribute are defined in an enumeration (enoise:noiseMeasureValues);
- disconnections (switches or joints) on the rail segment (enoise:railJoints);
- length of the switch of a rail segment (enoise:switchLength);
- track decay rate in dB/m (enoise:trackDecayRate); a high decay rate usually indicate low noise and can be obtained for instance by the use of stiff pads between the rail track and the sleepers;
- attribute to identify if the railway segment is in a tunnel (enoise:tunnel);
- octave band for each time period (day, evening, and night) in which the emissions are recorded (enoise:octaveBandDay, enoise:octaveBandEvening, enoise:octaveBandNight);
- average yearly traffic flow over the railway segment during the day, evening, and at night (enoise:mDay, enoise:mEvening, enoise:mNight); and
- noise emission from the railway segment during the day (enoise:emissionDay), in the evening (enoise:emissionEvening), and at night (enoise:emissionNight).
- type of train (noise:trainType)
- noise emission correction (in dB) as per the type of the train (noise:trainTypeCorrection)
- portion (in %) of wagons with wheel disc brake for the day, evening, and at night (noise:brakePortionDay, noise:brakePortionEvening, noise:brakePortionNight)
- total length of each train for the day, evening, and at night in meters (noise:lengthDay, lengthEvening, lengthNight)
- speed of the train during the day (noise:speedDay), in the evening (noise:speedEvening), and at night (noise:speedNight)
- additional correction of noise emission if required (noise:additionalCorrectionTrain)
- type of train (enoise:trainType); we introduced an enumeration TrainTypeValues for the different types of trains (such as high speed trains, trams, etc.);
- type of brakes in the train (enoise:brakeType); we introduced an enumeration enoise:BrakeTypeValues for the different types of brakes in a train; and
- attribute to indicate the presence of noise reduction measures, such as (enoise:dampers) and screens (enoise:screens).
4.2. New Classes in the Model
- type of the industrial noise source, i.e., point/line/surface (enoise:type),
- geometry of the noise source (enoise:geometry),
- height of the source from the ground (enoise:heightAboveGround),
- operating hours (day, evening, night on a yearly averaged basis) (enoise:operatingHoursDay, enoise:operatingHoursEvening, enoise:operatingHoursNight),
- emitted noise level by the source (enoise:emissionDay, enoise:emissionEvening, enoise:emissionNight), and
- octave band for each time period (day, evening, and night) in which the emissions are recorded (enoise:octaveBandDay, enoise:octaveBandEvening, enoise:octaveBandNight).
- type of the noise barrier (enoise:barrierType); we made an enumeration BarrierTypeValues to store the types of the noise barriers;
- height of the barrier in relation to the ground (enoise:barrierHeight);
- length of the barrier (enoise:barrierLength);
- reflection factor of the barrier on its left and right sides in the octave band (enoise:refFactorL, enoise:refFactorR);
- attribute enoise:floating to check the position of the barrier (value 0 = noise barrier on a slope and 1 = noise barrier on a viaduct); and
- geometry of the barrier as curves/lines (enoise:lod0TopLine representing the top of the noise barriers and enoise:lod0BaseLine representing the base of the noise barriers) and surfaces (enoise:lod1MultiSurface).
5. Datasets Used and Implementation
5.1. Datasets Used
- Noise sources, i.e., data about the roads and road segments, noise barriers, and the reference points placed alongside the roads in an area in the Netherlands. The reference points are always 50 m away from the road, 4 m high, and 100 m apart [40]. This data was taken from the geluidregister (https://www.rijkswaterstaat.nl/kaarten/geluidregister.aspx), the national noise register of the Netherlands.
- Other built-environment data, i.e., data about the buildings, terrain, and ground types with noise reflection/absorption factors for an area in the Netherlands. This data was created as a part of the ongoing project “Automated reconstruction of 3D input data for noise studies” (https://3d.bk.tudelft.nl/opendata/noise3d/en.html) in collaboration with Rijkswaterstaat, RIVM, Kadaster, and the 3D geoinformation research group, TU Delft.
5.2. Implementation
5.2.1. Buildings
5.2.2. Roads and Reference Points
5.2.3. Noise Barriers
5.2.4. Terrain
5.2.5. Ground Type
5.2.6. Simulation Output
6. Conclusions
- stores the input/output data for noise simulation;
- has a UML and an XSD (XML schema);
- is open, extensible, and INSPIRE compliant; further additions can be made to the model by following the rules for extending the CityGML schema;
- is GML-compliant and combines geometry and semantics of noise relevant city objects in one data model;
- has metadata for noise in ADE datasets; and
- can be used for validating the noise of ADE datasets.
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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# | EU MS | Road Noise | Rail Noise | Industrial Noise | Aircraft Noise |
1 | Austria | RVS 04.02.11 [42] | ONR 305011 [43] | ÖNORM ISO 9613-2 [44] | ÖAL Guideline No 24-1 [45] |
2 | Belgium | NMPB-Routes-2008 (Wallonia), RMV [46] (Flanders) | RMR (Wallonia & Flanders) | ISO 9613-2 (Wallonia & Flanders) | Integrated Noise Model (INM) version 7.0b [47] |
3 | Bulgaria | NMPB-Routes-96 [48] | RMR | ISO 9613-2 | ECAC.CEAC Doc 29—2nd Edition |
4 | Croatia | NMPB-Routes-96 | RMR | ISO9613-2 | ECAC.CEAC Doc 29—3rd Edition [49] |
5 | Cyprus | – | – | – | – |
6 | Czech Republic | NMPB-Routes-96 | RMR | ISO 9613-2 | – |
7 | Denmark | Nord2000 [50] | Nord2000 | DanishEPA 5/1993 [51] | DANSIM [52] |
8 | Estonia | NMPB-Routes-96 | RMR | ISO 9613-2 | – |
9 | Finland | CNOSSOS-EU | CNOSSOS-EU | CNOSSOS-EU | ECAC.CEAC Doc 29—3rd Edition |
10 | France | NMPB-Routes-2008 | NMPB-Routes-2008 | ISO 9613-2 | ECAC.CEAC Doc 29—3rd Edition |
11 | Greece | NMPB-Routes-96 | RMR | – | ECAC.CEAC Doc 29—2nd Edition |
12 | Germany | VBUS (Vorläufige Berechnungsmethode für den Umgebungslärm an Straßen) [53] | VBUSch (Vorläufige Berechnungsmethode für den Umgebungslärm an Schienenwegen) [54] | VBUI (Vorläufige Berechnungsmethode für den Umgebungslärm durch Industrie und Gewerbe) [55] | VBUF (Vorläufige Berechnungsmethode für den Umgebungslärm an Flugplätzen) [56] |
13 | Hungary | UT2.1-302 [57] | MSZ-07-2904:1990 [58] | Hungarian national computation method according to KvVM Decree 25/2004 (XII. 20.) on the Required Form and Content of Strategic Noise Maps Used for the Evaluation and Management of Environmental Noise and MSZ 15036:2002 [59] | Hungarian national computation method according to joint KHVM-KTM Decree 18/1997. (X. 11.) on Detailed Technical Rules of Designation, Management and Termination of Noise-Protective Zones in the Vicinity of Airports |
14 | Ireland | UK CRTN 1988 | RMR | – | ECAC.CEAC Doc 29—3rd Edition and Integrated Noise Model (INM) Version 7.0d |
15 | Italy | NMPB-Routes-96 | RMR | – | ECAC.CEAC Doc 29—3rd Edition and Integrated Noise Model (INM) Version 7.0d |
16 | Latvia | NMPB-Routes-96 | RMR | ISO 9613-2 | ECAC.CEAC Doc 29—3rd Edition |
17 | Lithuania | NMPB-Routes-96 | RMR | ISO 9613-2 | ECAC.CEAC Doc 29—3rd Edition |
18 | Luxembourg | NMPB-Routes-96 | RMR | Courrier d’information de la Commission concernant la cartographie stratégique du bruit des sites d’activité’ industrielle au sein de l’agglomération de la Ville de Luxembourg et environs [60] | ECAC.CEAC Doc 29—3rd Edition |
19 | Malta | NMPB-Routes-96 | – | ISO 9613-2 | ECAC.CEAC Doc 29—3rd Edition |
20 | Netherlands | RMV | RMR | Handleiding meten en rekenen Industrielawaai (HMRI) [61] | ECAC.CEAC Doc 29—3rd Edition |
21 | Poland | NMPB-Routes-96 | RMR | ISO 9613-2 | ECAC.CEAC Doc 29—3rd Edition |
22 | Portugal | NMPB-Routes-96 | RMR | ISO 9613-2 | ECAC.CEAC Doc 29—3rd Edition, Integrated Noise Model (INM) Version 7.0d, and AIR 1845 [62] |
23 | Romania | – | – | – | – |
24 | Slovakia | NMPB-Routes-96 | Shall03 [63] | ISO 9613-2 | ECAC.CEAC Doc 29—3rd Edition |
25 | Slovenia | NMPB-Routes-96 | RMR | ISO 9613-2 | ECAC.CEAC Doc 29—3rd Edition |
26 | Spain | NMPB- Routes-96 | RMR | ISO 9613-2 | ECAC.CEAC Doc 29—2nd Edition |
27 | Sweden | Nordic Pred. Method for Road Traffic Noise (RTN) [64] | Nordic Pred. Method for Train Noise (NMT) [65] | Environmental Noise from Industrial Plants. General Prediction Method [66] | ECAC.CEAC Doc 29—3rd Edition and Integrated Noise Model (INM) Version 7.0d |
28 | UK | CRTN (Calculation of Road Traffic Noise) [67] | CRN (Calculation of Railway Noise) [68] | – | Integrated Noise Model (INM) Version 7.0d |
# | Criteria | Existing CityGML Noise ADE | Our Extended Noise ADE Implementation |
1 | Scale | German | EU |
2 | Method | VBUS | CNOSSOS |
3 | UML & XML Schema | Available | Available |
4 | INSPIRE compliant | No | Yes |
5 | Metadata for noise | No | Present |
6 | Model road noise | Yes (only in German context) | Yes |
7 | Model railway noise | Yes (only in German context) | Yes |
8 | Model industrial noise | No | Yes |
9 | Model Noise barriers | Partially as lines | Yes (3D surfaces and lines) |
10 | Model the effect of ground type | No | Yes |
11 | Model reference points | No | Yes |
© 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
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Kumar, K.; Ledoux, H.; Schmidt, R.; Verheij, T.; Stoter, J. A Harmonized Data Model for Noise Simulation in the EU. ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2020, 9, 121. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijgi9020121
Kumar K, Ledoux H, Schmidt R, Verheij T, Stoter J. A Harmonized Data Model for Noise Simulation in the EU. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. 2020; 9(2):121. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijgi9020121
Chicago/Turabian StyleKumar, Kavisha, Hugo Ledoux, Richard Schmidt, Theo Verheij, and Jantien Stoter. 2020. "A Harmonized Data Model for Noise Simulation in the EU" ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 9, no. 2: 121. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijgi9020121
APA StyleKumar, K., Ledoux, H., Schmidt, R., Verheij, T., & Stoter, J. (2020). A Harmonized Data Model for Noise Simulation in the EU. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 9(2), 121. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijgi9020121