Drones as a Tool for Monoculture Plantation Assessment in the Steepland Tropics
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Study Site
2.2. Data Collection and Analysis
2.2.1. Field Measurements
Canopy Height
2.2.2. Remote Sensing Measurements
LiDAR Collection
Image Collection
Point Cloud Generation
Digital Terrain and Canopy Height Models
2.2.3. Data Analysis
Canopy Height and Biomass
Vertical Canopy Profiles
3. Results
3.1. Canopy Height
3.2. Aboveground and Total Biomass
3.3. Vertical Canopy Profiles
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Ecosynth CHM | LiDAR CHM | |||||
Height | AGB | TB | Height | AGB | TB | |
Height Metric | Median | Median | Median | Median | Median | Median |
Type of Model | LME—Random Slopes | LME—Random Intercepts | LME—Random Intercepts | Linear | Linear | Linear |
AIC | 194.5 | 421.1 | 454.9 | 138.5 | 347.6 | 379.1 |
Ecosynth CHM | LiDAR CHM | |||||
Field Height | AGB | TB | Field Height | AGB | TB | |
Height Metric | Median | In italics | In italics | Median | In italics | In italics |
T. amazonia | 0.58 */1.29 | 0.64/8.24 * Median | 0.71/9.64 * 75 Percentile | 0.83/0.86 *** | 0.64/8.21 * Median | 0.65/10.6 * Median |
D. retusa | 0.16/0.84 | 0.07/9.19 Mean | 0.07/13.3 Mean | 0.69/0.49 * | 0.24/7.37 Maximum | 0.24/10.6 Maximum |
P. quinata | 0.03/0.95 | 0.06/4.14 25 Percentile | 0.06/5.47 25 Percentile | 0.04/0.94 | 0.16/4.03 Median | 0.15/5.33 Median |
T. rosea | 0.05/0.77 | 0.03/2.64 25 Percentile | 0.03/4.01 25 Percentile | 0.10/0.79 | 0.40/2.18 Maximum | 0.40/3.31 * Maximum |
A. excelsum | 0.09/1.16 | 0.03/8.65 25 Percentile | 0.03/11.4 25 Percentile | 0.45/0.89 * | 0.82/3.64 ** Maximum | 0.83/4.73 ** Maximum |
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Miller, E.; Dandois, J.P.; Detto, M.; Hall, J.S. Drones as a Tool for Monoculture Plantation Assessment in the Steepland Tropics. Forests 2017, 8, 168. https://doi.org/10.3390/f8050168
Miller E, Dandois JP, Detto M, Hall JS. Drones as a Tool for Monoculture Plantation Assessment in the Steepland Tropics. Forests. 2017; 8(5):168. https://doi.org/10.3390/f8050168
Chicago/Turabian StyleMiller, Ethan, Jonathan P. Dandois, Matteo Detto, and Jefferson S. Hall. 2017. "Drones as a Tool for Monoculture Plantation Assessment in the Steepland Tropics" Forests 8, no. 5: 168. https://doi.org/10.3390/f8050168
APA StyleMiller, E., Dandois, J. P., Detto, M., & Hall, J. S. (2017). Drones as a Tool for Monoculture Plantation Assessment in the Steepland Tropics. Forests, 8(5), 168. https://doi.org/10.3390/f8050168