Discussion on IoT Security Recommendations against the State-of-the-Art Solutions
:1. Introduction
2. Motivation and Related Work
3. Security Recommendations for Internet of Things
3.1. Existing Guidelines
- National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST),
- European Union Agency for Network and Information Security (ENISA),
- GSM Association (GSMA),
- Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF),
- Internet Research Task Force (IRTF),
- IoT Security Foundation (IoTSF),
- ioXt Alliance,
- International Standard Organization (ISO),
- Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE),
- International Telecommunication Union (ITU),
- Broadband Internet Technical Advisory Group (BITAG),
- Industrial Internet Consortium (IIC),
- Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP),
- Trusted Computing Group (TCG),
- Cloud Security Alliance (CSA),
- GlobalPlatform,
- Internet Society’s Online Trust Alliance (OTA).
3.2. Evaluation Criteria
- hardware security,
- trust and integrity management,
- data protection and software design,
- device configuration and software update,
- secure interfaces and communication,
- cybersecurity event monitoring and logging,
- cryptography and key management,
- device identification, authentication and strong default security.
4. Review of Existing Solutions
4.1. Arm TrustZone
4.2. Intel Software Guard Extensions (SGX) and Security Essentials
- Creating the enclave—an untrusted REE application creates an enclave environment in order to protect the software of the trusted provider, during this process the contents and creation parameters are logged as a measurement,
- Attestation—the enclave informs the software provider about its readiness to receive new software and the device presents the measurement from before,
- Provisioning—a secure channel between the device and provider is created and the data is sent,
- Sealing and unsealing—the enclave uses a cryptographic hardware key for encryption before storing the data in memory. Only an identical enclave will be able to decrypt and use the new program data in the future,
- Software update—in this step, a new version of a program may ask an older version to unseal the data. After the update process ends, a new seal is created, which renders the old software version (which could be compromised due to flaws patched in the new version) unable to access the new software version data.
4.3. Keystone
- Measures the SM image loaded,
- Generates a new attestation key based on the randomness source,
- Saves the data in a SM memory location isolated by PMP,
- Sends the cryptographically generated metadata via a public key scheme.
- It is programmable,
- It allows control over interrupts and exceptions above the OS level,
- PMP mechanism, which allows the enforcement of access policies.
4.4. OpenTitan
4.5. NXP EdgeLock SE050
4.6. Beyond Semiconductor GEON SoC Security Platform
4.7. Rambus RT Family
4.8. Summary
- ◯—difficult to satisfy this secure IoT requirement using a particular solution;
- ◖—can be done, but no explicit recommendation nor solution for use in an IoT device is presented, leaving the design decisions open and potentially unsafe;
- ●—strong recommendation or solution which satisfies the requirement.
5. Discussion
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
AC | Air Conditioning |
AES | Advanced Encryption Standard |
AHB | AMBA High-performance Bus |
AMBA | ARM Advanced Microcontroller Bus Architecture |
APB | AMBA Advanced Peripheral Bus |
API | Application Programming Interface |
AXI | AMBA Advanced eXtensible Interface |
CCTV | Closed-circuit Television |
CLI | Command Line Interface |
CMAC | Cipher-based Message Authentication Code |
CPU | Central Processing Unit |
DDoS | Distributed Denial of Service |
DMA | Direct Memory Access |
ECC | Elliptic-curve cryptography |
FW | Firmware |
GSM | Global System for Mobile Communications |
HMAC | keyed-Hash Message Authentication Code |
HW | Hardware |
HWRoT, RoT | (Hardware) Root of Trust |
I2C | Inter-Integrated Circuit communication bus |
IC | Integrated Circuit |
IoT | Internet of Things |
IP | Intellectual Property |
JCOPOS | Java Card OpenPlatform Operating System |
JTAG | Joint Test Action Group |
M-mode | RISC-V Machine Mode |
NIST | National Institute of Standards and Technology |
OS | Operating System |
REE | Rich Execution Environment |
RFID | Radio-frequency Identification |
ROM | Read-only Memory |
RSA | Rivest–Shamir–Adleman (public key cryptosystem) |
S-mode | RISC-V Supervisor Mode |
SGX | (Intel) Software Guard Extensions |
SHA-1 | Secure Hash Algorithm 1 |
SoC | System-on-Chip |
SW | Software |
TCB | Trusted Computing Base |
TEE | Trusted Execution Environment |
TLS | Transport Layer Security |
TPM | Trusted Platform Module |
U-mode | RISC-V User Mode |
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No. | Requirement | NIST | ENISA | IETF IRTF | GSMA | IoTSF | ioXt |
Cat. 1 | Hardware Security | ||||||
1.1 | Utilization of immutable Hardware Root of Trust (HWRoT—Trust Anchor)—trusted component that extends the chain of trust to other HW, FW, SW components | - | X | X[32] | X | X | - |
1.2 | HW provided security features (memory locking, storage for cryptographic keys, secure boot support, device authentication, communication confidentiality and integrity, …) | X | X | X[32] | X | X | - |
1.3 | Measures for tamper protection and detection | - | X | - | X | X | - |
1.4 | Use of proven/cryptographic quality Random Number Generator (hardware-based if feasible) | - | X | X[31,32] | X | - | - |
Cat. 2 | Trust and integrity management | ||||||
2.1 | Secure boot process based on HWRoT. Boot process initializes the main hardware components, verifies executed code (first-, second-stage bootloader, OS) and results in environment determined to be in an uncompromised state | - | X | - | X | X | X |
2.2 | Software (code, applications) must be signed cryptographically and verified upon installation or execution | - | X | - | X | X | X |
2.3 | The ability to restore last known secure state (e.g., firmware rollback, when code is verified as damaged or tampered) | - | X | - | X | X | - |
2.4 | Software installation control in operating systems (OS), to prevent unauthenticated software and files from being loaded onto it | - | X | - | - | - | - |
Cat. 3 | Data protection and software design | ||||||
3.1 | Encryption of data storage medium. Possibility of locking or erasing device contents remotely | X | X | X[32] | - | X | - |
3.2 | Ensuring that data is secure prior to use by the process (input data validation) | - | X | X[32] | - | X | - |
3.3 | Process privilege minimization - limited permission of allowed actions, applications must operate at the lowest privilege level possible | - | X | X[31] | X | X | - |
3.4 | Utilization of memory compartmentalization to prevent rogue or compromised applications from accessing memory areas that they are not authorized to use, process isolation | - | X | X[31] | X | X | - |
Cat. 4 | Device configuration and software update | ||||||
4.1 | The ability to change the device’s FW and SW configuration by authorized entities | X | - | X[32,33] | X | X | - |
4.2 | The ability to update device’s FW and SW through remote or local means by authorized entities | X | X | X[31,32] | X | X | X |
4.3 | Update file must be encrypted, signed and device verifies its integrity before application | X | X | X[31,32,33] | X | X | - |
4.4 | Automatic update capability (checking at frequent, but irregular intervals), enabled by default | X | X | X[31,33] | X | - | X |
4.5 | Backward compatibility of updates—update should not change network protocol interfaces nor modify user-configured preferences, security and/or privacy settings | - | X | X[31] | - | - | - |
Cat. 5 | Secure interfaces and communication | ||||||
Interface security | |||||||
5.1 | Ability to disable or logically restrict access (e.g., device/user authentication) to any local and network interfaces | X | X | - | - | X | X |
5.2 | Deployed device should never contain debugging, diagnostic or testing interfaces that could be abused by adversary (JTAG, CLI, Telnet, etc.) | - | X | X[32] | X | X | X |
Protocol security | |||||||
5.3 | Ensure that communication security is provided using state-of-the-art, standardized security protocols (e.g., TLS for encryption) | - | X | X[32] | X | X | - |
5.4 | Mutual authentication of the devices must be performed before trust can be established (prevent man in the top attack), even when given device leaves and re-joins network | - | X | X[31] | X | X | X |
5.5 | Make intentional connections. Prevent unauthorized connections to product or other devices it is connected to, at all levels of the protocols. IoT devices must provide notice and/or request a user confirmation when initially pairing, onboarding, and/or connecting with other devices, platforms or services. | - | X | X[32] | - | X | X |
Data security | |||||||
5.6 | Guarantee different security aspects of the transmitted data—confidentiality, integrity, authenticity | - | X | X[31,32] | X | - | - |
Cat. 6 | Cybersecurity event monitoring and logging | ||||||
6.1 | The ability to log cybersecurity events from device’s HW, FW and SW | X | X | X[32] | X | X | - |
6.2 | The ability to record sufficient details for each logged event to facilitate an authorized entity examining the log and determining issue origin | X | - | X[32] | X | X | - |
6.3 | The ability to restrict access to the logs so only authorized entities can view them and prevent all entities (authorized or unauthorized) from editing them | X | X | X[32] | - | X | - |
6.4 | Avoid security issues when designing error messages. An error message should give/display only the concise information the user needs—it must not expose sensitive information that can be exploited by an attacker, such as an error ID, the version of the web server, etc. | - | X | X[32] | - | X | - |
6.5 | Device’s behavior should be monitored and compared with model to detect anomalies (e.g., erratic reboots/resets, (dis)connections, different network fingerprint, repeated malformed messages sent, etc.) | - | - | - | X | - | - |
Cat. 7 | Cryptography and key management | ||||||
7.1 | Use of Standard Cryptographic Algorithms and Security Protocols, which implementations have been independently reviewed | X | X | X[31,32,33] | - | X | X |
7.2 | Security protocols should support algorithm agility (lightweight cryptography for resource constrained devices, ability to change algorithm or use it only with longer key in case it is compromised) | X | X | X[31,33] | - | X | - |
7.3 | Length of the key should provide strong security, make brute-force attack infeasible | - | X | X[31] | - | X | - |
7.4 | Every device must be instantiated with unique private key(s) | - | X | X[31] | X | X | - |
7.5 | Secure and scalable management of cryptographic keys (generation, storage, distribution) | - | X | X[31] | X | X | - |
Cat. 8 | Device identification, authentication, strong default security | ||||||
8.1 | Device must have a unique physical identifier only authorized entities can access | X | X | - | X | X | - |
8.2 | Device must be provisioned with unique logical identifier | X | X | X[32] | X | - | - |
8.3 | Prepare robust authentication and authorization schemes, so device can prove its identity | X | X | - | X | X | - |
8.4 | Establish strong, device-individual default passwords that has to be changed by the user during initial setup (weak, null or blank passwords are not allowed) | - | X | X[31,32] | X | X | X |
8.5 | Resistance to keyspace-searching, brute-force or other login abusive attacks by limiting number of invalid login attempts or introducing incrementing delays between them | - | X | X[31,32] | X | - | - |
8.6 | Availability of two-factor authentication | - | X | X[31] | X | X | - |
8.7 | Product security shall be appropriately enabled by default. Strong security controls should be something the consumer has to deliberately disable rather than deliberately enable. | - | X | X[31] | - | X | X |
No. | Requirement | Arm TrustZone | Intel SGX | Keystone | Open Titan | NXP SE050 | GEON SoC | Rambus RT |
Cat. 1 | Hardware Security | |||||||
1.1 | Immutable Hardware Root of Trust | ●* | ● | ◖ | ● | ● | ● | ● |
1.2 | HW provided security features | ● | ◖ | ◖ | ● | ● | ● | ● |
1.3 | Tamper protection and detection | ●* | ● | ◖ | ● | ● | ◖ | ◖ |
1.4 | Random Number Generator (hardware-based if feasible) | ●* | ● | ◖ | ● | ◖ | ● | ● |
Cat. 2 | Trust and integrity management | |||||||
2.1 | Secure boot process based on HWRoT. | ● | ● | ◖ | ◖/● | ◖ | ● | ● |
2.2 | Software (code, applications) signed cryptographically and verified upon installation or execution | ●* | ● | ◖ | ◖ | ◖ | ● | ◖ |
2.3 | Restore last known secure state (e.g., firmware rollback, when code is verified as damaged or tampered) | ●* | ◖ | ◖ | ● | ◯ | ● | ◯ |
2.4 | Software installation control in OS, to prevent unauthenticated software and files from being loaded onto it | ●* | ◖ | ◖ | ◖ | ◯ | ● | ◖ |
Cat. 3 | Data protection and software design | |||||||
3.1 | Encryption of data storage medium. | ◖ | ● | ◖ | ◖ | ◖ | ◖ | ◖ |
3.2 | Input data validation | ◖ | ● | ◖ | ◖ | ◖ | ◖ | ◯ |
3.3 | Process privilege minimization | ◖ | ◖ | ● | ◖ | ◯ | ◯ | ◯ |
3.4 | Memory compartmentalization, process isolation | ● | ● | ● | ◖ | ◯ | ◯ | ◯ |
Cat. 4 | Device configuration and software update | |||||||
4.1 | Changing the device’s FW and SW configuration by authorized entities | ●* | ● | ◖ | ● | ◖ | ● | ◖ |
4.2 | Updating device’s FW and SW through remote or local means by authorized entities | ◖ | ● | ◖ | ● | ◖ | ◖ | ◖ |
4.3 | Update file must be encrypted, signed and device verifies its integrity before application | ●* | ● | ◖ | ● | ◖ | ● | ● |
4.4 | Automatic update capability | ◖ | ◖ | ◖ | ◖ | ◖ | ◖ | ◖ |
4.5 | Backward compatibility of updates | ◖ | ◖ | ◖ | ◖ | ◖ | ◖ | ◖ |
Cat. 5 | Secure interGfaces and commGunication | |||||||
Interface security | ||||||||
5.1 | Ability to disable or logically restrict access to any local and network interfaces | ◖ | ◖ | ◖ | ◖ | ◯ | ◯ | ◯ |
5.2 | Deployment without debugging, diagnostic or testing interfaces that could be abused by adversary | ◖ | ◖ | ◖ | ◖ | ◖ | ● | ◖ |
Protocol security | ||||||||
5.3 | Communication security using state-ofthe-art, standardized security protocols (e.g., TLS for encryption) | ●* | ● | ◖ | ◖ | ● | ◖ | ● |
5.4 | Mutual authentication of the devices before trust can be established (prevent man in the middle attack) | ◖ | ◖ | ◖ | ◖ | ◖ | ◖ | ◖ |
5.5 | Prevent unauthorized connections to product or other devices it is connected to, at all levels of the protocols. | ◖ | ◖ | ◖ | ◖ | ◖ | ◖ | ◯ |
Data security | ||||||||
5.6 | Confidentiality, integrity and authenticity of the transmitted data | ●* | ◖ | ◖ | ◖ | ◖ | ◖ | ◖ |
Cat. 6 | Cybersecurity event monitoring and logging | |||||||
6.1 | Logging cybersecurity events from device’s HW, FW and SW | ◖ | ◖ | ◖ | ◯/◖ | ◯ | ◖ | ◖ |
6.2 | Recording sufficient details for each logged event | ◖ | ◖ | ◖ | ◯/◖ | ◯ | ◖ | ◖ |
6.3 | Restricting access to the logs to authorized entities only and prevent all entities from editing them | ◖ | ◖ | ◖ | ◯/◖ | ◖ | ◖ | ◖ |
6.4 | Avoid security issues when designing error messages. | ◖ | ◖ | ◖ | ◖ | ◖ | ◖ | ◖ |
6.5 | Device’s behavior should be monitored and compared with model to detect anomalies | ◖ | ◖ | ◖ | ◖ | ◖ | ◖ | ◖ |
Cat. 7 | Cryptography and key management | |||||||
7.1 | Use of Standard Cryptographic Algorithms and Security Protocols | ●* | ◖ | ◖ | ● | ● | ● | ● |
7.2 | Security protocols should support algorithm agility | ●* | ◖ | ◖ | ◖ | ● | ● | ● |
7.3 | Length of the key should provide strong security, make brute-force attack infeasible | ◖ | ◖ | ◖ | ● | ◖ | ◖ | ◖ |
7.4 | Every device must be instantiated with unique private key(s) | ●* | ◖ | ◖ | ● | ◖ | ◖ | ● |
7.5 | Secure and scalable management of cryptographic keys (generation, storage, distribution) | ●* | ◖ | ◖ | ● | ◖ | ● | ● |
Cat. 8 | Device identification, authentication, strong default security | |||||||
8.1 | Unique physical identifier only authorized entities can access | ●* | ◖ | ● | ● | ◖ | ◖ | ◖ |
8.2 | Device must be provisioned with unique logical identifier | ◖ | ◖ | ◖ | ● | ◖ | ◖ | ◖ |
8.3 | Robust authentication and authorization schemes | ◖ | ◖ | ◖ | ● | ◖ | ◖ | ◖ |
8.4 | Strong, device-individual default passwords that has to be changed by the user during initial setup | ◖ | ◖ | ◖ | ◖ | ◖ | ◖ | ◖ |
8.5 | Limiting number of invalid login attempts or introducing incrementing delays between them | ◖ | ◖ | ◖ | ◖ | ◖ | ◖ | ◖ |
8.6 | Availability of two-factor authentication | ◖ | ◖ | ◖ | ● | ◖ | ◖ | ◖ |
8.7 | Product security shall be appropriately enabled by default. | ◖ | ◖ | ◖ | ◖ | ◖ | ◖ | ◖ |
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Chmiel, M.; Korona, M.; Kozioł, F.; Szczypiorski, K.; Rawski, M. Discussion on IoT Security Recommendations against the State-of-the-Art Solutions. Electronics 2021, 10, 1814. https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics10151814
Chmiel M, Korona M, Kozioł F, Szczypiorski K, Rawski M. Discussion on IoT Security Recommendations against the State-of-the-Art Solutions. Electronics. 2021; 10(15):1814. https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics10151814
Chicago/Turabian StyleChmiel, Marta, Mateusz Korona, Fryderyk Kozioł, Krzysztof Szczypiorski, and Mariusz Rawski. 2021. "Discussion on IoT Security Recommendations against the State-of-the-Art Solutions" Electronics 10, no. 15: 1814. https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics10151814
APA StyleChmiel, M., Korona, M., Kozioł, F., Szczypiorski, K., & Rawski, M. (2021). Discussion on IoT Security Recommendations against the State-of-the-Art Solutions. Electronics, 10(15), 1814. https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics10151814