In this section, a provably entropy-stable shock-capturing scheme based on the LG solution points is proposed. Firstly, entropy-stable DGSEM based on LG and LGL solution points is briefly introduced. Furthermore, the main method divides the computational cells into troubled and smooth cells. An entropy-stable scheme based on the subcell limiting technique is developed. For the limiting technique, troubled cell indicators are used to detect troubled cells and then a low-order scheme is adopted to solve troubled cells. The troubled cell is divided into several subcells based on the Gaussian quadrature weights .
3.1. ESDGSEM Schemes
The high-order entropy-stable DGSEM based on the LGL solution points is introduced in [
20], and the entropy-stable DGSEM scheme based on LG solution points is introduced in [
21]. The DGSEM scheme is a high-order DG method in split form, which has better stability than the traditional DG method [
10]. Assuming that the computational domain is
and divided into
C cells, the
kth cell is
. The solutions in each cell are represented by an
Nth-order polynomial space with basis functions
, which are Lagrange functions on
solution points. The solutions are approximated by
The weak and strong forms of the conservation equations can be obtained by selecting the same trial and test functions
. Here we focus on the strong form of conservation equations. Within the
k-th cell,
j-th LGL solution points are expressed as
. The cells in physical space are mapped to the standard cell
of [−1, 1].
represents the coordinates of the solution points in the standard cell and the corresponding quadrature weights are
. We choose the Lagrangian function as the interpolation basis function. The basis function is of the following form
The continuous integration is approximated by the discrete inner product
To introduce DGSEM based on LGL solution points, we briefly recall the generalized SBP strategy.
Theorem 1. satisfies the generalized SBP propertywhere D is the differential matrix, M is the weight, and is the boundary interpolation matrix, which can be used to extract the solution point values related to the left and right endpoints [21]. Theorem 1 can be applied to approximate first-order derivatives for both LGL and LG solution points. Its main function is to simulate the properties of SBP for first-order derivatives, and when combined with the DG method, the high-order scheme can provide higher accuracy and better stability. More importantly, the generalized SBP operator based on the quadrature rule can be applied to non-equidistant LGL and LG solution points, making the accuracy at the boundary and internal compatible, and provide a useful tool for LGL and LG solution points to establish a high-order DG scheme.
We define the left and right state variables at the boundary as
. Furthermore, by discretizing the continuous and conservative integral terms with the generalized SBP operators, the high-order DGSEM scheme based on LGL solution points (DGSEM-LGL) [
11] can be obtained
J is the Jacobian matrix of the mapping of local cells.
contains the interpolation matrix of the interior and boundary of the form
B is the boundary matrix, and
is the weight matrix composed of diagonal Gaussian quadrature weights. Here, “∘” represents the Hadamard product, and
is the interface numerical flux matrix containing the left and right end of the cells
Equation (
11) is the rewritten DGSEM scheme using the generalized SBP operators, which is conducive to comparison with the entropy-stable discrete scheme. We observe that the DGSEM scheme can satisfy the energy-conservation or entropy-stability condition if the conserved flux differential is rewritten appropriately. To introduce the high-order entropy-stable scheme, two important definitions of entropy-conservative and entropy-stable numerical flux are given below.
Definition 1. A consistent, symmetric two-point numerical flux is entropy-conservative for a given entropy function [21] ifwhere and are entropy variables and entropy potential at the left and right states, respectively. Definition 2. A consistent, symmetric two-point numerical flux is entropy-stable for a given entropy function [21] if Equation (
13) shows that the entropy-conservative flux is always in dynamic equilibrium with the entropy variables and entropy potential, which causes the whole flow field to maintain strict entropy conservation. In Equation (
14), the entropy-stable flux is not strictly controlled such that entropy must be in a dynamic conservation, but the entropy can be in a non-increasing state in the whole flow field.
The construction of high-order entropy-stable schemes based on high-order DGSEM schemes relies on entropy conservative and entropy-stable fluxes and generalized by SBP operators that can accurately approximate the first derivative of any function. The most important aspect is that the high-order flux derivatives can be discretized approximately by entropy flux and generalized by SBP operators through the flux difference. Since the cells in the high-order DG method are not continuous with each other, the total entropy is always in a state of entropy increase at the interface. To suppress the non-physical oscillation, an appropriate entropy dissipation term should be added to the entropy conservative scheme to ensure that the high-order scheme is entropy-stable. Therefore, considering the cell boundary conditions, entropy-stable discrete schemes based on LGL and LG solution points are established.
The high-order entropy-stable scheme based on LGL solution points (ESDGSEM-LGL) [
11] is expressed as
is the numerical flux of the two-point entropy conservative displayed in
Appendix A. The solution obtained by the ESDGSEM-LGL scheme has a physical meaning, in contrast to the DGSEM-LGL scheme.
The precision of the high-order scheme based on the LG solution points is also higher. Therefore, it is necessary to establish the high-order entropy-stable scheme on the LG solution points [
11]. Instead of approximating the variables at the boundary directly by interpolation of the original variables, establishing the high-order entropy-stable scheme at the LG solution points requires converting the original variables into entropy variables and using boundary interpolation and L2 projection to re-estimate the variables at the boundary.
This process is defined as “entropy projected” [
11]. Here,
contains the conservative variable values on the cell interface and inside, and
are the entropy variables values at the solution points.
The high-order entropy-stable discrete scheme for LG solution points (ESDGSEM-LG) [
11] is expressed as
which is different from the high-order entropy-stable scheme established at the LGL solution points. Here,
are the Lagrange basis function and boundary interpolation matrix of the LG solution points, respectively.
satisfies the SBP property and can be expressed as
The generalized SBP operators can not only effect on the internal integration term but also the boundary integration term. The flux at the internal solution points can be obtained directly by approximation, but the approximation of the flux at the boundary must combine the interpolation and boundary correction matrices. For the above two methods of point selection, if the numerical flux is an entropy-stable flux, the entropy-stable discrete scheme is obtained. The Lax–Friedrichs flux (LLF), HLL flux, and penalty matrix can increase the entropy dissipation of the discrete scheme and meet the entropy-stable flux condition.
3.2. Entropy-Stable Scheme Based on the Subcell Limiting Technique
In this subsection, the ESDGSEM based on LG solution points is combined with the subcell limiting technique [
36]. Firstly, the highest modal decay indicator based on the “extended” template (MDHE indicator) proposed by Zhu [
38] is applied to detect troubled cells.
is the modal coefficient. The threshold value
is used to determine whether the cell is a troubled cell by Equations (20) and (21). Here, different
a values are used in the numerical tests. If
, the cell is a troubled cell; otherwise, it is a smooth cell.
ESDGSEM based on subcell limiting is in fact a hybrid scheme. Discrete conservation laws and entropy stability will be proven for the hybrid scheme in
Section 3.2.1 and
Section 3.2.2, respectively. Before the proof, we shows the connection between the ESDGSEM and subcell low-order schemes.
We give the discrete form of the low-order of the subcell at the LG solution points as
Each subcell has a single finite volume. Constant distribution is considered the solution point values and can be explained as averages of the subcells. Here, is the interface flux of the two neighbouring cells.
We give a high-order scheme at LG solution points as
The hybrid scheme switches to a low-order scheme when there is a troubled cell and to a high-order scheme if the cell is a smoothed cell. To more intuitively describe how the hybrid scheme works, we combine the high- and low-order discrete schemes together as
R is the residual in the discrete scheme, and
is the switching coefficient, which can take a value of only 0 or 1. The selection of
depends on the shock detector. If troubled cells are detected,
; otherwise,
. Equation (
24) can be expanded as
By rewriting this hybrid scheme, we can realize the connection between a high-order scheme and a low-order scheme. If the neighbouring cells are all smooth cells or troubled cells, there is no scheme switching, and each single scheme satisfies discrete conservation laws. However, if the neighbouring cells of smooth cells are troubled cells, the conservation laws and entropy stability of the hybrid scheme need to be carefully discussed. We consider only the case where the troubled cells and smooth cells are adjacent.
3.2.1. Conservation of the Hybrid Scheme
Assume that the left side is a smooth cell defined in the domain, and the right side is a troubled cell defined in the domain.
The high-order scheme for the
domain is as follow
satisfies the SBP properties
. Then, it can be easily proven that the discrete conservation law is
. Equation (
27) can be satisfied for each solution point in the interval of
, thus we can obtain
Then, the high- and low-order scheme have the same form of discrete conservation law. Therefore, we sum the discrete conservations of the intervals
to obtain the discrete conservation of the hybrid scheme as
Equation (
29) shows that the hybrid scheme satisfies the conservation condition if and only if
, indicating that when the same numerical flux is selected for the high- and low-order schemes, the hybrid scheme satisfies the conservation laws. Therefore, the same numerical flux will be chosen at the interface in the numerical tests below.
3.2.2. Entropy Stability of the Hybrid Scheme
The conservation proof of the hybrid scheme is mainly given in the previous section, but it cannot guarantee that the scheme can satisfy the entropy condition. We know that the total entropy of a cell is obtained from the sum of the product of the entropy variable and solution points. Therefore, we analyse the evolution of the total entropy of each cell in the shock-capture scheme over time to verify whether the hybrid scheme meets the entropy condition.
For troubled cells, a low-order scheme is adopted. If the low-order scheme meets the entropy condition in the
interval, then
The entropy of each cell is obtained by
Then, we can obtain
. It can be seen from Equation (
32) that if the numerical flux of the troubled cells is an entropy-stable numerical flux, then the low-order discrete scheme satisfies the entropy condition.
For smooth cells, we consider the total entropy of each smooth cell, so we multiply both sides of Equation (
23) by the entropy variable. We now have
The above equations indicate that the total entropy at the smooth cells is only to the numerical fluxes at the interface of the cell and has no relationship with the fluxes inside the cell. If the numerical fluxes are entropy-stable, then this scheme satisfies the entropy condition.
We sum the total entropy of the
intervals to obtain the total entropy estimation of the hybrid scheme in the
are the interfacial numerical fluxes of the adjacent troubled and smooth cells, which are the same numerical fluxes, and Equation (
34) can be simplified as
The hybrid scheme based on subcell limiting not only requires the scheme to be conservative but also needs to satisfy the entropy-stable condition. Therefore, we must carefully choose the interfacial numerical flux to satisfy the above two conditions simultaneously. If the numerical flux is capable of entropy dissipation at each cell interface, then
Therefore, if the numerical flux is selected to be an entropy-stable numerical flux, the change in the total entropy of the hybrid scheme over time is only related to the interface flux, and the total entropy of the cells gradually decreases with advance calculation, which already indicates that the hybrid scheme satisfies the entropy condition. In conclusion, when appropriate numerical fluxes are selected, the ESDGSEM based on the subcell restriction can satisfy discrete conservation laws and the second law of thermodynamics. Of course, the above theoretical proof is carried out only at the one-dimensional level; the two-dimensional proof process is similar to the one-dimensional proof, which provides the possibility of generalization to two-dimensional spaces.