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Many mHelath applications have been developed, and the Mobile App Rating Scale (MARS) is a common tool for assessing them. This study aims to provide mean values for MARS scores found in recent literature. We systematically searched for literature in which MARS was used and analyzed them. MARS values for 5,920 applications from 215 studies were compiled. The mean MARS Quality Score is 3.51. The highest average score was achieved in the Functionality category (3.98), followed by Aesthetics (3.52), Information (3.33), Engagement (3.18) and Subjective (2.72). To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to calculate average values for the five categories of the MARS and the MARS score based on such an extensive collection of data. The study shows that the overall quality of the applications is above the average value of 2.5.
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