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This study explores the use of digital technologies in assessing frailty and Quality of Life (QoL) in older adults within the Italian healthcare system. The “Prevention Days for Healthy Ageing” organized by the Reference Site “Roma – Tor Vergata” employed online tools, Sunfrail+ and SF-12, for assessing frailty and QoL in 136 older adults. Sunfrail+ generated an average of 2.71 positive alerts at baseline and 0.77 in the 2-level. Associations were found between positive alerts and SF-12 physical/mental indexes. Correlations existed between Sunfrail secondary tools (e.g., Time Up and Go) and QoL indexes. Sunfrail+ is a valuable tool for Family and Community Nurses and proposes future integration into a streamlined app for self-administration by seniors, promoting timely interventions.
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