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The term frailty is often used to describe a particular state of health, related to the ageing process, often experienced by older people. The most common indicators of frailty are weakness, fatigue, weight loss, low physical activity, poor balance, low gait speed, visual impairment and cognitive impairment. The objective of this work is the creation of a serious games mobile application to conduct elderly frailty assessments in an accurate and objective way using mobile phone capabilities. The proposed app includes three games (memory card, endless runner, and clicker) and three questionnaires, aiming towards the prediction of signs of memory and reflection deterioration, as well as endurance and strength. The games, when combined with a set of qualified questionnaires, can provide an efficient tool to support adults in identifying frailty symptoms and in some cases prevent further deterioration. At the same time the app can support older adults in improving physical and mental fitness, while gathering useful information about frailty.
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