IOS Press Ebooks - Recurrence of Hypoglycemia in Hospitalized Adult Patients in Non-Critical Areas: An Opportunity to Improve Patient Care Using Electronic Health Records
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Recurrence of Hypoglycemia in Hospitalized Adult Patients in Non-Critical Areas: An Opportunity to Improve Patient Care Using Electronic Health Records
Lucía Llera, María Florencia Grande Ratti, Oscar Ignacio Jauregui, Carlos Martin Otero, Daniel R. Luna, Mariana Burgos, María Paula Russo
Electronic Health Records offer an opportunity to improve patient care (in terms of quality and/or safety) by making available patient health information stored in a single Clinical Data Repository.
We aimed to estimate the frequency of hypoglycemic recurrences in hospitalized adult patients in non-critical areas. We designed a cross sectional study with hospitalizations between 2017 and 2018, which included patients with at least one hypoglycemia health record (defined as a value <70 mg/dL, either by capillary glycemic monitoring or serum measurement). Recurrence was defined as those who presented a second event, with at least 2 hours of difference.
We included 1884 patients, and 573 presented recurrences, yielding a global prevalence of 30.41% (95%CI 28.34–32.54). Due to the high frequency, it is important to identify vulnerable populations, to implement preventive measures to assist clinicians for decision-making tasks, as a clinical decision support system.
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